
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Tricia!

5 years ago, we took the big jump, and I don't think we've hit solid ground yet...what an adventure these five years have been. I have no doubt we've experienced more in five years than many couples experience in a lifetime, and I wouldn't trade a single minute.

Whether at home, with friends and family, or by your hospital bed, I've been able to spend more time with you than most husbands get to spend with their wives in 50 years...every moment has been incredibly special in it's own unique way because of you.

Despite the rough ride, your beauty, grace and joy for life has only only increased. You are an amazing woman who loves God and people unconditionally. You have given hope and laughter to so many, but nobody has been blessed to know you more than I.

I'm praying today that God gives us many more years of great adventures together!

PS. I Love You!

("This Is Home" by Switchfoot)



  1. Happy Anniversary!!!!! Wow, did I really get to comment first??? :)
    May the Lord give you many more wonderful years together...thank you for sharing your love for eachother and for Him with us.
    Daniel and Jaynee
    Timothy, Elijah, Rebekah, Benjamin, Abigail, Isaiah, Josiah, Noah, Susannah, Nehemiah, Eliseo, and little Samuel

  2. Beautful, thanks for sharing your lives with us. :)

  3. Absolutely beautiful. Congrats Tricia and Nate! Here's to many, many more years to come. God bless!

  4. Time sure flies when your having fun! Happy anniversary you 2...have a wonderful day :)

  5. Happy Anniversary Ya'll!!! What a terrific video for an awesome family. Thanks for sharing all the ups and not so ups with us. It blesses me to see your love and growth. Have a best blessed day and I am praying you enjoy many more anniversaries!

  6. Loved it Nate! Thanks for sharing. Happy Anniversary to you both

  7. Sitting here in a pool of tears, I have never known a more loving couple, simply incredible, all you guys have gone thru and always smiling, you are the perfect example of love for your sweet little girl, may you alway be blessed. Thank You for allowing us to share in your lives. Happy Anniversary. Robbin from Chicago

  8. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful tribute! Thanks so much for sharing this video!! I loved it & I too pray that you have many, many, MANY more anniversaries to celebrate!!!!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  9. Congratulations on a wonderful 5 years of marriage and to many more yet to come!

  10. You guys are such an inspirational couple. Your love for each other is so every every Gwyneth's happy face! Thank you for letting us be a part of your life! Congratulations!

  11. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!

  12. What a beautiful and heartfelt tribute. Trish and Nate you are an amazing couple. I would like to wish you many more wonderful years togather.

    Happy 5 th Anniversary!


  13. Beautiful!!

    Happy Anniversary to both of you!

  14. Happy Anniversary - your an inspiring family and
    I wish you a wonderful day

  15. Happy Anniversary! Nate, you've once again out done yourself! Congratulations on a beautiful life. Many more years and adventures to come.
    Tricia Nugen

  16. Wow. Thanks for the tears this morning! Absolutely beautiful!

    Happy Anniversary!

  17. Happy Anniversary to you and Tricia!!!!
    I know you will have a wonderful day!

  18. Happy Anniversary. I am so happy for you two.

  19. Congratulations Tricia and Nate!! We are also praying that God gives you many many more years of great adventures together. God Bless!

  20. Nate,
    That is beautiful! Again, excellent song choice.
    Happy Anniversary, Tricia and Nate.

  21. Happy 5th Anniversary! That is a beautiful documentation of your last 5 years. Knowing the story behind many of those pictures makes it even more special and heartfelt. The challenges you two have faced in the last 5 years is more than most ever experience in a lifetime. God bless!

  22. Congrats and God bless. Beautiful video!

  23. My name is Kent Robson and I just found your site. I recently developed a site called eSentialz for the purpose of writing the inspiring stories of people who are overcoming incredible challenges and following God's purpose in their lives. The first story I wrote was about Becky Stubbs, a young married woman who has CF. (Check it out at Go to the Archive on the right called eSentialz and click on eSentialz #1: Breathe. I would be interested in writing your story if you are interested. Probably the best way to communicate with me would be through my facebook page (Kent Robson) or at I look forward to hearing from you. You have an incredible story to tell.

  24. May God bless you with many, many more happy, healthy, love-filled years together! The videos are beautiful and are such a wonderful keepsake for Gwyneth. 2 miracle girls in one family - awesome!!

    The Irwins in PA : )

  25. Happy Anniversary. 5 years is a wonderful accomplishment. You two are so sweet together and I'm praying you'll have many many more years together.

  26. @Kent Robson

    Thanks for linking to the story.

    BTW, MWS did not write the song "Breathe" as you was written by Marie Barnett.

  27. Oh Nate!
    This absolutely brought tears to my eyes! You are both such wonderful people whom God has blessed richly! May He continue to bless you, your marriage, and your family for many, many more years.

    Happy Anniversary Nate and Tricia!!!

  28. Happy Anniversary!! Enjoy your day!!

  29. Absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for sharing... Happy Anniversary!!

  30. Thank you for reminding me to cherish each moment. CONGRATULATIONS!

    The new video is breath taking and tear jerking.

  32. Happy Anniversary Nate & Tricia!

    May the Lord continue to bless you richly.


  33. The video is Beautiful! Have a very Happy Anniversary and a blessed year ahead!

  34. My two favorite pictures: the ultrasound image and the bald beauties. Your slide show reminded me how important it is to get pictures of my whole family all together. My husband, son and I have very few with the three of us. You three have some wonderful amazing memories and I'm sure God isn't done.

    Happy Anniversary!

    Thanks for the reminder to enjoy every moment with the ones we love!


  35. p.s. Nate you have had some CRAZY hair over the past five years!

  36. So beautiful! Happy Anniversary and many, many more to come!!

  37. Wow, you can really see how far Tricia has come. It's easy for us who are not in it every day to forget how much of a toll CF takes on a person. She looks so much healthier now after the transplant, and radiant as always.

    Happy Anniversary and may there be many more to come.

  38. Happy Anniversary!!! Beautiful!! Here's to many, many, many more!!!

  39. Happy anniversary to an incredible couple!

    I'm joining you in prayer that God gives you many, many more terrific years together.

  40. Happy Anniversary! I always love your videos! Thanks for sharing. I just have to say...the photo of the 3 of you on the couch...a total framer!!! Love it!!

  41. Happy 5th Anniversary to the two of you! You have certainly had a very FULL 5 years and have documented it so beautifully with the video. Thanks so much for sharing with us.

    Nate, I hope that you and Tricia have many more long and beautiful years ahead of you. Best wishes always.

    Love, Kathy B from GA.

  42. You guys are so sweet! What a beautiful family!
    Happy 5 years!!!

  43. What a tear jerker! Loved this video and post. You two are a beautiful couple, and you three are a great lookin' family! Here's to many more 5 Year Celebrations!

  44. Happy anniversary! You guys are beautiful. Is it strange to think that the last 5 years makes total strangers laugh and cry with you???
    Thank you for sharing it with us...

  45. That was awesome, Nate! Happy anniversary! Have a great date.

  46. Happy Anniversary Nate & Tricia!

    5 years! You have been through so much in such a short marriage. My prayer is for many, many more!

    Blessings to all 3 of you.

  47. Happy Anniversary! Great video. It's so nice to see all those photos marking the special moments in your lives. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a magicial day today :-)

  48. What a wonderful video Nate!! I'm so thankful for our previous neighbors Danny and Suzy Plyler for turning us to your story. You all are such an inspiration. Happy 5th Anniversary :)

  49. That was beautiful! I wish you a very Happy 5th Anniversary with MANY more to come!!

  50. What an amazing way to capture your life journey so far in your 5 years of marriage! I am sure that you look back on all those pictures and can remember all the roads the Father took you down. You 2 are truly a testimony of God's grace and faithfulness -- and of HIS love!
    So happy anniversary and may the Lord give you many more wonderful, happy years together.
    God's richest blessings be HEAPED on all THREE of your lives!

  51. You two are such a cute couple! I've been following your blog since Gwenyth was born and was asked to pray for her. The love you two have is very visable in all your pictures! Its really something to envy!! God Bless you!

  52. Happy Anniversary to you both. I pray that God blesses you with many more happy years together! Thanks for sharing your lives with us :)

  53. Beautiful video! We are rejoicing with you on your anniversary! May your marriage continue to reflect God's love and power in your lives. Your family is truly a living testimony for Him. We also continue to marvel at the fun and love the two of you share in any and every situation. May you share many more happy years together!!
    Happy 5th Anniversary!!!!

    The Edwards family

  54. Happy 5th to you! You two are the BEST of the BEST!

    Va Beach

  55. Happy Anniversary---love the photo of you 3 being couch potatoes;)

  56. Happy Anniversary! We all know Tricia and Gwynth are beautiful but a favorite part of the video was keeping track of Nate's ever changing hair. You've had more looks in 5 years than some people have in a life time. Of course, you look fabulous!!

  57. Happy Anniversary!! It's been an absolute pleasure following your story for the last year and a half since I first discovered your blog. I don't comment often, but I do read often. And I am so blessed by the courage and faith in the Lord you both have. You guys are amazing!! Wonderful pictures - brought tears to my eyes to see the faithfulness of God in your lives.

  58. that was awesome! perfect song choice and all! happy anniversary!!!

  59. Wow, what a journey.

    Thanks for sharing, happy anniversary wishes to you both.


  60. Goose bumps all over! Such a beautiful story in pictures, such beautiful people!

    Love and peace

  61. INCREDIBLE! Happy 5th! We love you guys. I love the one of the 3 of you indian style on the couch. Don't think I've seen that one! :)

  62. Tricia & Nathan, Happy 5th Anniversary and the best is yet to come. I was viewing the latest video and thought what an incredible inspiring movie this would be. Oh my goodness, so much in 5 years. My favorite picture is the 3 of you sitting on the sofa. But all pictures are super! Love to you all, Judith

  63. Happy Anniversary you two! Here's to 50!!

  64. Happy Anniversary! Your pictures have such a way to reach out and make us all feel like we really know you. God is truly amazing for what he has done for your family!!


  65. Wow, fighting back tears after those newborn pics of Gwyneth and the memories that go with them. Praise God for all He's done!
    I love the one of you three sitting on the couch.

  66. congratulations on five wonderful years. don't ever stop taking pictures of yourselves. what a treasure your family will have many many years into the future. and i think my favorite picture is the last one. absolutely precious!

  67. Happy anniversary to both of you, and may you celebrate many more happy and healthy ones! I have been reading your blog for over 18 months.... you truly have been through a lifetime of highs and lows. Wishing you all the best!!!

  68. Wow! What a beautiful video and the pictures were incredible. I've been following you all almost from the beginning (just after Gwenyth was born) and I feel like I know you. Congratulations, and I pray you have many many more anniversaries ahead.

  69. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I celebrated our 5th anniversary on the 26th!

  70. Beautiful! I've only being "sharing your life" with you for about a year (by reading your blog) but even in just that short time, I've been blessed by watching your family grow & change & run after Jesus day in & day out. Thank you for letting all of us be a part of your lives.

    Happy Anniversary!!

  71. congrats. that is absolutely gorgeous, as always.

  72. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the look back. How blessed your family truly is. May you have many more years together. God bless you!

  73. That was just beautiful! You guys are truly blessed! Tracy Edwards/Chesapeake, VA/Hickory

  74. Happy Belated Anniversary!

    Nate, you've had by far my hair do's than Tricia over the years. It's hilarious!

    Here's to many more....anniversaries, not hairstyles.

  75. I love that song!!
    My friends just got married on Fathers Day and that was their first dance song.
    Love it!!

  76. Happy Anniversary! Such a beautiful slide show! Wishing your family the best always...

  77. That was beautiful! Happy Anniversary, and may God continue to bless your marriage, especially as you watch your beautiful little girl discover the world around her.

  78. I know i'm late with this, but have no internet at home just now.

    Happy anniversary Tricia and Nate! Hope there are many more to come...

    Love Laura Anne

  79. Happy Anniversary, love you guys. You amaze me Nate, you have been through so much and have kept your faith in Our Lord and Savior.

    The Burkes are loving you in Kentucky

  80. Today I've been having one of those really self pitying days and very unthankful...I decided to do some blogging catching up and started with this....I was reminded about celebrating life....Happy anniversary

  81. You guys are too cute! A late happy anniversary to you! Hubby and I celebrated our five-year anniversary in June, too.

  82. How awesome. You are so very blessed. I don't think you could have picked a better song for the video. I pray for the days, weeks, and years ahead for your family. May God continue to bless you and keep you in his strong arms.


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