
Friday, June 12, 2009

Gone Baby Gone

Tricia and Gwyneth drove up to NJ yesterday to hang with family...I'm heading that way on Sunday, and we're all going to be taking a mini vacation to the "Jersey Shore" with her family for a few days. Ocean City, if you must know. I'm not crazy about the beaches in NJ, but I'm committed to having a good time because I know how much Tricia loves it, and she's especially excited to take Gwyneth for the first time. And, I'm pretty sure I'll get some great photos that I couldn't get on the beaches down here in NC.

But, until then, I'm missing my girls a whole least, I have some sweet pics to look at...



  1. We spend alot of time in Ocean City....have fun in the sun!

  2. Hope Tricia and Gwyneth have a safe trip!!!! I bet you're counting the hours until you are all together again!

  3. I'm telling you, I've got some SERIOUS eyebrow envy. Tricia's brows are always well groomed. Geesh, HOW DOES SHE DO IT!?!

    I know this isn't the first time I've commented on this Nate. Seriously, get her to do a post on proper eyebrow maintenance so that us folk with caterpillar brows can be in the know.

    I'm only kidding...sorta.

  4. We enjoy sea isle city at the jersey shore.

  5. The weather here in Jersey has been cold and WET!!! I hope next week is better for you. It is warmer today!

  6. Have fun in OC!!! I love the Jersey shore but prefer LBI :)

  7. I grew up going to Ocean City, NJ! You seriously need to try Mack & Manco's Pizza. It is YUMMY! Let me know how you like it. Also Laura's Fudge. Have a great time & be safe!! Also I am not sure if Campbell's is still open or not, but they did/have good food!! :)

  8. Have a great time when you are together again. Home is where the hearts are:)

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  9. Love the Violent Femmes reference. :)

  10. Nate, hoping you and the fam have a great week. As a Jersey girl, but also someone who has been going to the Outerbanks for over 25 years I think you need to learn to appreciate our lovely shore :)

    It is way way different...but much like big hair, weird jughandles, and 80's Bon Jovi you just need to embrace the pure Jersey-ness of it. I suggest massive amounts of skee ball and zeppoles if necessary. I think Gwyneth will love it!

    Have fun & I wish you a week over way better weather then the past one...for all of us in NJ.

  11. Just watch out for the floating medical waste.

  12. Hi! Have a great time. I live in NJ and don't like the beaches We love Myrtle Beach but that's only because we've never been to your area. Ocean City was voted best beach in NJ so at least it has that going for it. Oh and the pizza is good too :) Enjoy! Love the new pictures.

  13. You take such wonderful photos! It will mean so much to Gwyneth when she gets older - to have her life so beautifully archived.

  14. I love Gwyneth's face in the last picture! LOL
    I hope they're having an awesome time!

  15. Yay, Ocean City!! You're right that the beaches aren't necessarily the beautiful, expansive ones, but the family traditions and absolutely UNCHANGING family fun on the boardwalk makes it amazing. I'm from Minnesota and we would drive all the way out there for vacations all growing up...and I just got to bring my husband and three kids there for the first time last summer. So fun to see my cautious boys, and my fearless daughter, fall in love with the ocean waves as much as I have. Minnesota lakes just don't cut it!!

    Thanks for the continuing update pictures. It's just wonderful to see the three of you living a relatively "normal" life after all you've been through....enjoying the daily joys of parenting and marriage. I am sure there are few people on this earth who recognize the miracle of each day together more than the three of you.

  16. In our first year of marriage and living in the Baltimore area, my husband and I drove along the shore from the Philly area back to Baltimore. Ocean City, NJ was one of our favorite stops! It seemed the most family oriented of the NJ beach towns. Plus there was that great caramel corn.

  17. Wow, what a story. i just happened upon your blog through a blog award site I also happened upon.

    You are truly an inspiration. God bless your beautiful little family.


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