
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Off To Ocean City

I'm heading to Ocean City, NJ this afternoon for a mini-vacation with Tricia's family...I plan on not being anywhere near my computer until Wednesday evening/Thursday morning. I'll take lots of fun pics, and I'm sure will have some interesting stories to tell.



  1. Have fun! I love Ocean City NJ! We were there, but for a funeral earlier this year!

    Can't wait to see the pics!

  2. So many childhood memories from the shore. I celebrated a lot of birthdays at OC New Jersey... Make sure you get some homemade ice cream on the boardwalk down by the "in door" kids rides. My favorite would have to be "muddy sneakers"... Have a blast!!!!!!!!!!! What a great place to be... If you want to find a church while there, the OC Tabernacle is great. We attend every time we go, and they have well know speakers in a lot. We have been there when Tony Compallo was there and the "Why Wait" guy... I forget his name??? lol... If Tricia likes jewelry, Cloud Nine has the most unique things for a great price!! Have a ball!!!!!

  3. Have a wonderful time and a safe trip!

  4. WE went to O.C. with Sonny & Megan and kids for the day a fews wks. ago, we all loved it, cant wait to go back again. Enjoy !!

  5. Good for you for taking a break. Wishing safe travels and a wonderful time!! Can't wait to see pictures.

  6. Have a great trip! Hope you enjoy some good family time.

  7. Hope you have fun! Also wanted to let you know that I've given you a blog award, I received one and had to pass it on. You don't have to post it just letting you know it's there and that I enjoy reading your blog :)

  8. Have a fun trip! I've only commented a few times, but have watched the blog since before Gwyneth's arrival. It is a joy to see her grow! I'm wondering what happened with your sleep study you had? I just had one so I'm curious your experience.

  9. This is where my parents live and where most of my family have vacationed most of our lives. Being a "dry town" it's a great family atmosphere

  10. You deserve a vacation! :) Have fun!

  11. WOW! It's ben quite awhie since I've checked to see how things are going. Everyone looks great!

    I am so happy for all of you. Have a great trip you all deserve it!!!

  12. Can you post some of the funnel cake stuff that Megan was telling me about?

    Hope you guys have a lovely time.

  13. OC NJ is where I vacationed growing up. Mack & Manco pizza is a must! Enjoy your time 'down the shore', us the locals say!

  14. I hope you had a great trip! Can't wait for the post and fun pictures!


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