
Monday, June 22, 2009

New Look

Tell me what you think of the new blog header and slight changes in the color scheme.

In comparison, here are the past two blog headers I've used...



  1. I like how you change it as Gwenyth grows.

  2. I like the emphasis on your family picture, and less on the CF title. The only color scheme difference I notice is your type is blue. Am I missing anything?

  3. Nate.. the light blue is hard to read on the orange... not enough contrast... If you'll go a little lighter when it's on the orange background, it will stand out better... sorry, that's my professional designer side talking...

    Looks good overall...

    Brent (Abby's Dad)

  4. Love the new look!

  5. I like that everyone is upright now--the positions in each have so well reflected the stage of your lives. And also, that for now the CF has had its prominence diminished, although still very present. Beautiful representation of NOW!

  6. Love the new look! The new family pic is adorable!

  7. sweet pic! sweet header! I need to carve out some time to update things myself!! Glad to see Trisha looking so well, and G.. good grief... like a weed that 1 grows!

  8. I really like your blog header. Very cute!

  9. Looks Great!!! Ya'll are so precious!!! Glad everyone is doing so well...your girls look great!
    Hope you had a wonderful Father's Day!!!!

  10. Love it! What a great family pic!

  11. I really like it!
    The middle one brings back so many memories of even checking in on your blog while on vacation.
    I am so happy for you and your family. The "New Look" is truly a miracle.

    Enjoy the summer.

  12. I like it!! I like them all. :o)

  13. Looks great!

    The only thing I would change is this: and Gwyneth is on her way out of the NICU and into our hearts.

    Boy is she LONG gome from the NICU!

    Sometimes I look at the pictures and think is this the same girl from January of 2008.

  14. Love it!!!! Great pic of you three. Looks like one very happy family.

  15. looks good except for the hairy dude on the left

  16. It looks great :) I love the new picture!!

  17. Fresh! Colors are wonderful for summer. Love the new header as it has your family in it too. Shows the changes in your life compared to the previous versions. Love it.

  18. That is a neat header! At first I thought the picture was grainy, then I realized it had words on it! Premature birth and cystic fibrosis, right?

  19. I love the new picture! It's a little grainy, though. Not as clear as the past ones have been.

  20. Sorry, I can't read the words on the picture of the new header! I like the picture and the fact that the focus is now on your family and less on the title but can't read any words across the picture other than the title!

  21. Looks great! Love how you put the words on the header picture! That is very unique! :)

  22. I think it looks great!

  23. I really like the new picture and header.
    It shows in this picture where Gwyneth gets her coloring from.
    Everyone is looking healthy and happy. What more can one ask.?

  24. Love it! I enjoy the changes as Gwenyth grows.

    Long time reader here, just not a very good poster. :)

  25. oh and from my end the colors nad writting are perfectly clear. new header & pic looking refreshed for summer.

  26. like the new header stuff and love all the pics from your trip!
    and thanks a lot for making me cry when watching the father's day video. :)

  27. LOVE that pic and love that the picture is bigger and the words are smaller.

  28. LOVE it! I especially love the soft green and of course, the photo. :)

  29. I really like the changes! Crisp and new, like summer! LOL

  30. Love the new header pic. What an awesome family pic!!
    Take care

  31. Love the new header and the new pic. Reflects how far God has brought you guys! Praise God for all his blessings. =)

  32. What a great family pic! :)

    The new look looks good!

  33. Love the new look! Great color scheme and family photo too! Praying for you guys often!

  34. Looks beautiful! What a great looking family.

  35. I LOVE your new header! Such a great family pic!

  36. Just noticed the words...I though at first it was bad pixels then I looked close...very cool! Like the new look!

  37. Looks fabulous, as always. Gwyneth has grown up so much.

  38. Love the new photo! Took me a few to figure out what was going on with the photo. I knew you would never put a photo up that wasn't about perfect :)

  39. My computer does not pick up the faint words in the header ver well-it just makes the picture look grainy.....

  40. LOVE IT! Change is always good....

  41. I love it.... How beautiful... God is so Good.

  42. looks great! I was going to say "but the picture looks grainy" and then I looked closer and saw the "cystic fibrosis" background! Very cool!

  43. I love the new header.. The picture is wonderful. Great job!!!

  44. I'd make the words a little darker/stronger. Hard to read them and makes the photo look pixelated... Great photo though!!

  45. I love the new header! The updated picture was definitely needed!

  46. Wow, looks great!! :D

  47. I had to really stare at it to see the background text, it is so faint. I think it says "cystic fibrosis", but can't see it well enough to be sure.

  48. LOVE IT! Great family picture.

  49. I really love it!! What a great photo of the 3 of you!!

  50. I love it...the faint watermark thin you have going on is cool. And I think it's nice when people keep their headers updated.

  51. I love it!!

    I was just thinking the other day that G was too tiny in your old header - she's so big now!!

  52. I like the new header! Wonderful picture

  53. Love, love, love the picture... however, from a purely functional standpoint, when I open the page to read a new post, its almost instantly necessary to scroll, as the picture takes up most of what would be the first 'page'... (maybe that's just my personal pet peeve... who knows...)

    I spend have spent a lot of time lately working on the functionality of a website for a charitable organization that I am involved with, and maybe I'm just too picky at this point... but you asked... :)

  54. I like the new one...shows the progression of your family life!

  55. What a great picture!

    Love the new pic & colors.

  56. I like it, though the blue text might make it harder to read longer paragraphs.

  57. i love the image but i think you should erase the texture from the skin - it detracts from the girls especially!

  58. i like the new color scheme, love the picture, but would prefer it not be grainy. in case you wanted constructive criticism amongst your praise! :)

  59. I got tears in my eyes when I saw it. I think it's perfect!

  60. I can't read the background text; it just looks blurry to me.

  61. I love the new header. It's a perfect picture of a wonderful family.

  62. I like the new picture - it's great! But, it just looks grainy on my computer. Then I read other comments and saw that it's supposed to be words... they aren't showing up well at all for me though.

    Not sure about the blue on the orange, but probably a personal preference :)

  63. Looks great! I like the big family picture. And not that my opinion matters, but I like Tricia with short hair.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. fabulous as always! reflects you all as you are presently! :-)

  67. Love the new look! Also love the shadowed cystic fibrosis across the picture, clever!!!

  68. okay, i noticed the text in the background of the header does not = grainyness. I still would prefer it not look grainy. :)

  69. I love it! Gwyneth is growing so fast :) As always, Tricia looks beautiful and you look handsome.

  70. I love it! It's good to see something new every once in a while! =)

  71. beautiful. it depicts your life evolving

  72. Love it! A very healthy looking Lawrenson family.

  73. Love Love Love the new heading!!!

  74. Looks Great!! I was just saying yesterday how you needed to update your blog header:)
    Amy A.

  75. Love them all! Great family pic.~Darlene

  76. The new one is definitely my favorite! :-)

  77. Just LOVE the new page. You all look so perfectly happy!

  78. Oh, I love this blog header...nice BIG picture of all of you! So beautiful!

  79. I love the new one! Beautiful picture.


  80. ok after looking at the comments i went back and looked and after i picked up my laptop and tilted it around i could see that it was words. from a photographer point of view i would pull back show a tad more background emphasize the words there on the black and and maybe even the clothes and erase it from the faces - tricia particularly. adorable picture though.

  81. Love the new picture! You do such a great job capturing special moments!

  82. I love the new shows how well everyone is doing now.

  83. Love the new look! Everybody looks great, too!

  84. Great new header, and such a testamony to what God can do. I must say though, my faviorte picture EVER of Tricia is the one with her and the flower.

  85. I'm posting anon. because I want to be honest without looking bad since everyone likes it.

    At first glance it definitely looks grainy. You have to click on it to see the words. My first thought was that it was taken with your mac photo booth....
    I like the title bigger also.

    I love your blog though, and will keep reading regardless of the header. :)

  86. oh yeah, don't like the blue either, forgot to mention that.

    generally, over all, you are talented..... just not diggin this one

  87. Your headers are all great. They show a BEAUTIFUL progression in your family life. I like that. Gwyneth is getting so big. (I know she's still small) but compared to her at birth she is more beautiful than ever.

    Tricia is gorgeous. Hopefully she is doing well.

    Nate you always look so nice and happy what can I say. You guys make a Wonderful Family Photo.


  88. Love the new look!

  89. Love it!!! Can't believe I've been reading your blog since you had the first header. We need tips as to how to change those headers.

  90. It was time for a new picture and it looks Great !!!!!

  91. It was time for a new picture and it looks GREAT !!!!

  92. Excellent! You guys are such a beautiful little famil :)


  93. I really like the new header!! Great job!

  94. I love the picture but why is it so low resolution/quality? The others are all fine but this one looks like it has lines across it in a sort of mesh or something. It needs to be clearer I think. Looks good though!

  95. I like it very much

  96. I love it. Smaller title is much better

  97. LOVE the new topper!!!!! Precious picture of a precious family.

  98. I LOVE the new banner. What a wonderful family you have.

  99. I like the new header with the cute family picture. Change is always good every now and then. I also like how it says organ donation and cystic fibrosis all over it. Sneaky but cool!


  100. The picture is really great, but I kind of liked the old style better, that you used with the two prior headers. I wonder if there is a way to combine that with the brown banner?

  101. I love the new look- Tricia's smile is so great!

  102. Looks great...I love, love, love the new picture. You are such a Beautiful family!!

  103. oh Wow! have been super busy and just stopped by to check in on you all and LOVE the new blog header, looks amazing.
    Thanks for showing the pics of Cape May, my son did his training for the Coast Guard there and it was fun to see where he was!
    love to all,

  104. i have to agree with the people who hace commented on how cf is no longer the biggest focus. its on you amazing family. nate i have to tell how much i love coming to your blog and see that its been a few days or so with no update because i know it means you have just been with your girls enjoying life. its great! im sure you enjoy it.


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