
Monday, June 22, 2009

The Shore - Wonderland

I only took a few hundred pics this past week while on my mini-vacation, so I figured it would be best to split this up into a few posts...

Anything you see in "quotations" is a Yankee/Jersey word/phrase that this southern boy normally wouldn't use.

Gillian's Wonderland Pier is one of Tricia's favorite places on the's the very first thing on the north end, near our beach house. It reminded me of the old Dowdy's Amusement Park that used to be here on the OBX. Lot's of old-school amusement games and rides...we went once with Gwyneth during the day...

I promise she's having fun...

And once at night by ourselves...

I don't ride these types of rides...Tricia's in there somewhere...

There she is...



  1. I think that looks like a wonderful place! And I'm so glad that you and Tricia took some time there just the two of you, every couple with small children needs that!

  2. You all look like you are having the time of your life!

  3. Awesome! Looks like a great time. And now I want to go there! Have a fabulous week. =)

  4. Oh that looks like soooo much fun! Glad you guys got away together!

  5. Oh! And happy belated Father's Day!

  6. Looks like you had a fun time! Great pictures!

  7. I laughed out loud at the picture of you on the carousel. HA! As a jersey girl myself, I love Ocean City. I used to go all the time when I was childless. We haven't been there with our kids yet though. We got to seaside park. That's our "shore".

  8. So much fun. Love that place. Hope you partook in some Kohr's Bros. ice cream and Mac & Manco pizza while you were on the boardwalk. The best!

  9. I want to see pictures of her first Mack and Manco!!!

  10. Love the one of gwyneth (you know which one) Genius in a photo! And the one of Tricia on the ride, excellent shot- how many did you take to get this one?

  11. Ohhhh, gosh, that looks like fun! It's so great that Gwyneth can grow up with the traditions of both her parents. All those rides and all that food and an ocean besides!

  12. Looks like yah'll had great time. Ha I still get called "Yankee" by my husbands family everytime we go to Georgia. A cousin and I will forever be the "Yankee's" in the family since we are not Southern born LOL.
    I love the new header.

  13. It must be so wonderful for Tricia to get to introduce Gwyneth to the familiar places from her growing-up years. Isn't that what all of us motherly-hearted young girl daydream about in our premarriage, premotherhood years? She looks so happy, beautiful, radiant!

  14. Tricia,

    You are so stinkin' gorgeous!

    *wink and smile* - Jodi

  15. i love that place -- less for the rides and more for the memories.

    Great pictures!

  16. How fun. Looks like everyone had a great time togather.~Darlene

  17. Great pics! We lived near the Jersey Shore for 3 years and I miss it. Loved the "scared" appearing picture of Gwyneth - it reminded me of pictures of my daughter at a ride in Houston when she was little. She had the same look on her face, which turned BEET red, and tears would stream from her eyes. When the ride ended, she implored us to allow her to ride it "again, again!!!" LOL! Kids are so funny!


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