
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Shore - Cape May

I only took a few hundred pics this past week while on my mini-vacation, so I figured it would be best to split this up into a few posts...

We decided to take the scenic (long) route on the way home and drive down the Jersey/Delaware/Maryland coast line. I was especially looking forward to stopping in Cape May, NJ for a few hours, because I've heard nothing but great things about it. We spent a few hours there, walking the beaches and neighborhoods, checking out the shops in downtown and grabbing some lunch...

This is the beach in front of the really old, huge houses you'll see below...I'm guessing these are private lockers for the homeowners in this neighborhood...

Some very huge, very old homes (I think these two have been turned into bed and breakfast places)...

From Cape May we took the ferry to DE...this is the only pic I managed...the wind was blowing hard and the boat was rocking, and my stomach was not enjoying it...

Although it was short, we had a great time, especially with our family. I'm still detoxing from all of the awesome (unhealthy) food we ate. BTW, we also saw the movie UP while we were there...we both really loved it, and Tricia cried at least a few times...



  1. Great pics Nate... I LOVE interesting pictures. I wish you would submit some of them to Serious.Life Magazine. The readers would love them.

    Brent (Abby's dad)

  2. @Brent

    Let me know which ones you'd like to use and I'll send them to you.

  3. Great pictures and I love the new header for the page...great!!
    And i have to say..your wife has is just beautiful...long hair, short hair, no hair...She is always gorgeous..and always beaming!

  4. I loved going to Cape May as a kid. Just a great beach town all around. Tell Tricia she wasn't the only one crying at Up... I think I was about 10mins in and already needing kleenex.

  5. I was in Cape May for about 24 hours and loved it. We were there for my brother's graduation from the Coast Guard boot camp. Such a pretty place you would never know that people are being tortued down the road :) Great pictures, btw!

  6. Fun photos all (this post and a the couple previous)- and great new header! I just started learning more about how to make my camera work for me so I am really impressed with how nicely you got the catch lights in G's bea-u-tiful eyes on that first shot in this post - all that personality shines through.

  7. I really love your perspective.

  8. Hi Nate and Trish,
    Interesting pics. I really like the ones of the older historical homes. Looks like a great place to vacation. ~Darlene

  9. Sorry you had such a rough time on our lovely Ferry!! It really is a nice trip!

  10. Oh My Gosh. when you said really big old houses I NEVER imagined that big!! Gorgeous... My fav photo I think was of the flip flops - very cool.

  11. I love driving through there and looking at those houses! Great pics, thanks for sharing them.

  12. Love all your photos! As a Northern Jersey-ite - we like to "go down the shore".

    Love the new blog header too!

  13. Nice pictures. I feel like I got a little sneak peek of Cape May. My son will be there in a few months for Coast Guard boot camp. I hope he has time to take some pics. If not, I know I will when I go to his graduation. thanks for sharing. Those houses are awesome!

  14. Tell Tricia that I cried at least a few times during UP too. Give us Mom's a break! :-) I'm glad you had a nice vacation.
    Karen, Isaac's Mom

  15. Great pictures! Looks like your baby is turning into a toddler or should I say looking pretty grown up. The beach boxes can be rented. My friend's family shares one and it is great to not have to lug chairs to the beach.

  16. Looks like you guys had fun.
    Thanks for sharing pics.

    We saw UP too and loved it!

    BTW - love the new photo in your header!!!!

  17. Great pictures. I am glad I am not the only one who takes a few hundred pictures on the weekends. You know who doesnt get paid for it.

  18. Sounds like a great should have stopped by the house for some ice tea on the way home...I live in Newark, DE :) Lola

  19. Lovely photos, you have a good eye! My husband is a photographer for Dallas Morning News newspaper, I enjoy reading your blog. Gweneth has gorgeous eyes and a beautiful rosebud mouth! Precious baby! Mary Rhodes(Garland, Texas)

  20. UP was a great movie, I cried a few times also! What a sweet movie. Disney gets better and better at making movies for children that keep adults interested as well!

  21. Nate, you take such great photo's at such interesting angles! They are terrific!

  22. Love the new banner!

    Wherever you submit your photos - you should be getting some monetary compensation!

    You have 2 beautiful girls!


  23. First of all, I've recently gotten into reading your blog from a friends suggestion and I love it. I am amazed by the struggle your family made it through, and the smiles that you still carry. Your pictures are great, I especially like the one with the sandals and of course the one where your daughter is wearing a hat (so adorable!). I look forward to reading more and more!


  24. I also cried a few times during UP. What a great movie. Glad you were able to enjoy all that beauty! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  25. Look at dem toofers!

  26. I love your pictures! We were in Ocean City, NJ at the same time :) You're pictures and descriptions are way better than mine & I've been going there ever since I was a kid - same a Tricia! I think I will link to your site on my next post!

  27. Wow, that is a super picturesque place! Love the angles. Fun times, and sweet hat on Gwyneth!

  28. Just stopping by to say what a blessing your lives have been to all of us who have followed ALL that you've been through.

    Is it possible for a child to be too cute? Gwyneth is off the chart in cuteness!!!!!

    Love to All.

  29. I dreamed I met your sweet Gwenyth last night... and she was every bit as cute as all of these photos.

    I know...
    I don't even know you guys. I get so wrapped up in my bloggy-buddies I even dream about the blogosphere.


  30. I believe President owned a vacation home in Cape May.

  31. Lovely photos of Cape May. Brings back many a childhood memory! So what is Gwyneth's fave boardwalk food? I am guessing cotton candy!
    By the way, when will you finish posting your house tour? Did you ever do a video after all the painting was done? Would love to see the final product!

  32. her hair is changing colors so fast!

  33. I just love the first pic of Gwyneth. She is getting so big. I watched your father's day video the other day and it's mind boggling that she was ever that small. I've been following your blog since a week before she was born and it's still hard to believe. What a blessing. :-)

  34. Whoa! Those houses are huge! And all I can think is - oh, the cleaning that must involve!

  35. My heart just skipped a beat. I found your blog by accident and guess what? That beautiful green and white home in Cape parents owned a condo in there when I was in college. Such great memories! My mom recently passed away and seeing that picture on your blog is like getting a visit from her. Do you think you could email it to me? By the way, Happy Anniversary. Your story is an inspiration.


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