
Thursday, June 25, 2009


I may be MIA the next few days...I'm busy wrapping up some things in preparation for our wedding anniversary celebration on Saturday. Can you guess what I have planned? Yes, dinner at some nice place is probably in the works, but not even Tricia can figure out the surprise stuff, so good luck!

Look for a sappy sentimental post on Saturday morning, and another post later this weekend with all of the details and some pics.


PS. 44 points to anyone who recognized that was the first time I've crossed out a word like I just did on my blog.


  1. I really hope that you guys have a good time, no matter what it is that you have planned! :) Congratulations.

  2. Oh....I did, I did! McK rubbing off? Have a wonderful weekend with your beautiful wife. My guess is private cruise?? I would love something like that!

  3. Not even going to try and guess. God Bless you two on your 1st 5 years and may He bless the next 5 and the 5 after that and on and on. Congratulations! I'm sure whatever you have planned will bless Tricia.

  4. AHH Much love to you two!! Enjoy yourselves.

    Are you taking her back to where you exchanged vows and do it all over again???

    Or heading to Vegas to get married by Elvis in the back of a convertible Buick???

  5. I noticed! A skill that I too have learned from MckMama.

    Happy Anniversary, and Congratulations!

  6. hmm, I would say something involving wood, to be traditional

  7. Have a great time, I'm sure it will be very special and I can't wait to see the pictures.

  8. Well send my hubby an email with all your good ideas, because our anniversary is the same day, and we have NO plans. Have fun!!

  9. Ya...I noticed the scribble Nate! I'm a teacher and tell my students to use erasers or white-out! No messy work!
    Have a wonderful anniversary celebration!

  10. Please help lift up Pablo's family in prayer. This courageous 6 yr old is losing his very brave battle. His lungs are giving out. My heart is breaking for this family..

  11. renewing of vows? suprise renewal of vows that is!

  12. I wish you two a very Happy Anniversary!!!! Have a wonderful time no matter what you do!!!! I too think you may be renewing the vows!!! I was gonna ask, can you tell me how to do the scribble thing? I have been trying to figure it out for the longest, but no luck yet!! Again, Happy Anniversary!!!!!!

  13. Mr. Nate, do I get points if i ask how you did it.. I thought you put < > with an s in the middle before and after the word.. but I did something wrong and it put lines thru my entire post.. hmmm..


    Congratulations on your anniversary..

  14. MckMama would be so proud!

  15. "Congratulations" and Happy 5 th anniversary Trish and Nate! I will guess renewal of your wedding vows at the exact same place you proposed to Trish. ~Darlene

    P.s. noticed the scratch out on the post.
