
Monday, July 13, 2009

Evenings on the Beach

The weather was great last, dry breezes coming off the ocean...perfect for evening walks on the beach...



  1. wow, look at those pearly whites!

  2. Love Love Love these pictures! So much happiness and love in this family. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for sharing these Nate! Some of my favorites you've posted by far! :)

  4. Nate, These have to be some of my all time favorites! Great expressions and emotions captured. Totally admire those mad photo skills!

    Blessings to All!
    The Murray Quads

  5. I'm amazed how much Gwenyth has grown even since the picture in your header...

    I also like how your shooting/editing your pictures lately. I'm not a photo expert (at all), but they look lighter. And the colors are rich.

    I especially love the closed mouth picture and the last one!

  6. Such great pictures! I love your photos and the way you and your family take the time to enjoy each other! Such happiness!

  7. Wow, I had days of catching up to do - way back to your report after all your appointments at Duke - love hearing about the updates and the good reports - your post about reality, which is sobering but loving each moment is such a blessing - and all these darling pictures. Love them all for all the love and joy that radiates from them. And I love G's sweet little voice on the video! Man, that just gets me.

  8. Can I say that your daughter has the BEST faces ever???? Seriously! She rocks! You guys have taught her well :-)

  9. wow!! those are beautiful pictures! what a great looking family :o)

  10. Love the ones of G upside down! She has such an adorable personality. This must be such a fun age!

  11. Fantastic photos! I love how animated Gwyneth is. She makes THE cutest faces! And Tricia looks gorgeous!

  12. Wow! Gwyneth is growing up so fast! It seems like only yesterday she could fit in the palm of your hand. Amazing!

  13. Look at that smiling baby! Those smiling pictures are just my forever favorites. Thank you for sharing your evening walk.

  14. Love the pic's, thanks for sharing...

  15. I love seeing all these new pictures! You all look like you are having so much fun. Glad to see that you are enjoying your summer. Gwyneth must be having a growth spurt because she is getting so big!

  16. I love Gwyneth's Conan O'Brien hair :)

  17. Gwyneth is looking so much more like a toddler, even though I can tell through your pictures she is still tiny!! Thanks for posting the pictures!

  18. Darling as always.

    Still loving the freckles...

    and all of those faces you pulled together. Love it.


  19. These are the cutest pictures ever. Tricia looks great. I love how she is doing her hair. Gwyneth's hair was too funny. It brought a big smile to my face. Ok Nate, I won't leave you out. Your hair was nice also. Hee Hee. So happy to see you guys having good times.

  20. I love the faces. Your family was made for the camera!!

  21. Gorgeous! What's the temp over there?


  22. She's such a cutie! I love seeing picture of her.
    On a side note, I had a dream that I was watching a movie and I realized halfway through that it was about your family and your story. I woke up very confused 'cuz it seemed so real!

  23. SO CUTE!!! Gwyneth is becoming so photogenic! (spelling?) I envy you with your frequent walks on the beach! =)

  24. Sweet! love the pics.~Darlene

  25. These may be my favorite pictures of the 3 of you by far!! I love the ones of the 3 of you making adorable!! You have a beautiful family :)


  26. The sky behind you is cool looking!

  27. She looks like such a toddler in these! I can't get over it! Anyway - I think my fav of this group is when you are all making the same face. Adorable!

  28. G makes the best faces! Totally adorable! And she's looking for grown up lately!

  29. I love your photos! We were on vacation on the OBX last week! The weather certainly was perfect!

  30. beautiful pics. so happy and peaceful and full of joy. and tricia looks so GOOD.

  31. Good no great series, I love the ones of Trish and Gwenyth, how adorable, all of them are great though, good family times captured forever in your camera - good job Dad!

  32. WOW baby girl is getting so big!! Also please pass to Tricia that I am loving her hair! Looks great :)

    Wonderful pictures once again! Thanks for sharing!

  33. I vote that you use one of these pictures for the CF HUSBAND logo....they are all SO great!!!

  34. So adorable!!! Does Gwyneth already have one of her molars?! My daughter is one day younger than Gwyneth and a 35 weeker and is still working on her 1 year molars!!!

  35. Great photos! I love the one of you with G on your shoulders from the back! Awesome! She is getting so big too. Hope you're enjoying your summer.
    Kolby, Jutin,
    Tage(26weeker 1-09-08), and Huntlie

  36. your little girl is getting a big girl face. she's looking more like a kid :)

  37. These are my favorite set of pictures yet! Tricia looks as beautiful as ever and Gwenyth is such an animated little ham!

  38. What a happy baby! You all look GREAT!

  39. What a beautiful, fun family!!


  40. Thanks for sharing the greatest pics! G is so darn cute and Tricia is beautiful. Love to see those smiling faces!

  41. Best pics ever!!!! She's really getting big!

  42. these are great, but more than anything make me want to cut my hair like Trisha's. it's super duper cute.

  43. these are beautiful, as is your family!

  44. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
    The ones of Gyn and mum are particularly touching! Blessed are all these happy times together.

    p.s. can we say baby girl got hair!!!

  45. I don't know which one is my fav...great shots!

    Glad to see you all enjoying the summer and each other.

  46. These are my favorite pictures that you have ever posted! I LOVE her faces...what a doll!

  47. Shawna - Round Rock, TexasJuly 15, 2009 at 1:54 AM

    Such a happy family! You always capture such amazing pictures of your family...but then again how could you not? You are quite a beautiful bunch! :o)

  48. Love seeing these pics! She's getting so big and is just adorable! You can really feel her personality!

  49. These just made me smile. You have some wonderful shots here. No favorites, for I love them all!!

  50. These pictures are the best ones so far! Gwenyth's personality is showing itself. The one of the two of you kissing her cheeks is great....but the rest are too! I'm so happy to see that you are getting some time to just enjoy each other in (relatively) good health. If only we could pause life in these precious times.

  51. love, love, love these photos! You all look so happy. What a beautiful family.


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