
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wedding Day

This is the second of three weddings we're attending this summer...congrats to Chris and Cathy!



  1. Her pigtails are adorable!!!! :)

  2. Beautiful pictures! Looks like a great time was had by all!

  3. The pigtails are fabulous! And that cake is amazing! What a beautiful wedding.

  4. I agree with those above-- those pigtails are just too cute!

  5. Great pictures. Have followed your blog for a very long time, can't remember how I even came across your site but I had to comment for the first time. I was on Mckmama's site and you were cracking me up. Too funny, thanks for the laughs.

  6. Uggh, I can't stand when people bring their babies to someone's wedding. Nothing like a screaming or fussy baby to ruin someone's special day. How inconsiderate and rude!

  7. Leah is profoundly jealous of all G's hair. She told me so on the way home.

  8. The pictures are totally awesome ( as always) The pigtails are so adorable. It looks like you all had a wonderful time!!

  9. @Anonymous

    I agree, which is why the couple graciously provided child care during the ceremony so that we could bring Gwyneth, and then allowed the kids in for the family time.

    It's too bad you couldn't recognize that before you tried to write something derogatory...backfire!

    "The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly."

  10. Way to go Nate! I saw your post earlier and loved the pigtails. A few short hours later I get a picture mail sent to me from my childcare provider... she had put my baby in pigtails for water play! I love little girls in pigtails. She had no idea about Gwens either. :-)

  11. Cool shots! Were you their photographer?

  12. totally gorgeous! Love, love, LOVE the pigtails :)

  13. So cute! LOVE those pony tails!

  14. @Penny

    No...a friend of mine was their photographer...although, he did give me his camera at one point and I shot a bunch of pics of me with random people...

  15. Great pics. I have a question having nothing to do with the post though. Not sure if you'll get a chance to write back, but I'll check the comments later just in case. I'm trying to take a short weekend trip to the OBX this weekend but the forcast for pretty much every day for the next ten says 30-50% chance of T-storms. Do you mostly get those beach style afternoon storms or many all day storms?

    Thanks for pretending to be a meteorologist for a few minutes!

  16. LOVE the pigtails! Love your two beautiful girls. get my 2 cents in about the wedding..when my daughter got married in November we had 22 children at the wedding and it was a glorious affair! The children were angels and a wedding is a celebration of family and friends. Anyone who doesn't recognize that is really missing out. But some folks look at a wedding as a show. Too bad for them. Gwyneth is an angel and she's welcome at any party I ever have:)

  17. @Anonymous

    The weather here is unpredictable and has no pattern, except that it always comes from the west. The saying around here goes, "if you don't like the weather, wait about 5 minutes."

  18. Those pony holders are so cute. Gymboree by chance? Looks like she enjoyed herself!


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