
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Baby Steps

Gwyneth is discovering the fun of playgrounds...steps, slides, more steps. Actually, going down the slides freak her out, so we'll just stick to climbing steps for now...



  1. So fun! Many of my favorite pics are from playgrounds. They are so colorful, and the kids are just relaxed, or determined to conquer, and their personalities shine. But my favorite is when I captured my two year old with a mouthful of sand. We had tried everything to stop her, but that finally cured her. Here's to many years of playground memories!

  2. Looks as though there will be many more playgrounds in her future. What beautiful pics, but then again they always are.
    Elaine from MT

  3. Look at her! She is such a big girl exploring her world!

  4. What an amazing miracle she is! I'm not sure anyone could possibly look at her and know her story and not know how faithful and powerful our God is. You are so blessed!

  5. She is so wonderfully Cute! She looks like she's very smart and checking everything out!

  6. discovery for children is the best thing to watch ever.


  7. She's so cute and looks so determined.

  8. She looks like she is having a fantastic fun time!

  9. What wonderful pics! While scrolling through them, I kept having flashbacks to those pics from the NICU when Gwyneth was dwarfed by her tiny stuffed pug. What an on-going miracle your life is, Nate! When I see Tricia looking so radiant (even though I am very aware that she faces challenges each day!), and obviously enjoying your "miracle baby" so very much, I am just in awe of what God has done for all three of you! Thank you for continuing to share your life with so many of us who "know" you only through this blog!

  10. Ah she is so cute. I bet she loves exploring all these cool sites at the playground.

  11. Awesome pictures. She looks so strong and healthy and happy!

  12. What a beautiful baby! I just love coming to your blog :-)


  13. Wow. Where did the baby go? She really looks like a big girl now. You can be so proud!

  14. The face on the first picture is so funny. To see the world through the eyes of a child, how awesome is that. :)

  15. Hm...that playground equipment looks very familiar. Maybe Tricia and I can meet down there with the kids one afternoon...tell her to call me!

  16. Good times!! Funny how the slide creeps out a lot of kids! And the good think about baby feet...they are good at gripping!!

  17. Her facial expressions are priceless! She's getting so big now. Cutie pie :)


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