
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Eat More Applebee's

Today and tomorrow (Wed. and Thu.), the local Applebee's (at the Outer Banks Mall in Nags Head) is helping to make a difference in the lives of thousands of CF patients! Print off the flyer below and present it to your waitress, or mention that you are "Dining to Donate to Cystic Fibrosis", and Applebee's will donate 15% of your bill to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!!!

BTW, did you know that Applebee's Real Heroes winner this year is a CF friend of mine named Emily Schaller? Check it out!



  1. The manager told me it would be 20%!

  2. It is so wonderful to see business in your community being a part of such a great cause. I hope that many people in the area head there today for a meal!

  3. OK Rick, I am taking Jane, Terry Jr. Molly and my Mom to dinner, I'll be sure to mention the 20% deal and thanks for sharing so we could participate.

    Have a great day.


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