
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Celebrity Scoop!

No, I'm not talking about the latest news on Brangelina or the most recent gossip about MJ...I'm talking about a "Celebrity Scoop" at my favorite place for frozen treat's, Rita's!

Tricia and I have been invited to scoop some Water Ice and serve up some Frozen Custard in a fun and creative way to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! Next Friday, August 28, from 7 to 10pm at the Rita's in Southern Shores, we'll be in Rita's uniforms for you! Rita's will donate 15% of their sales during those three hours to the CFF!

So, come on out, meet some "celebrities" (haha...), enjoy some frozen happiness, and help us make CF stand for Cure Found!



  1. Wish we could be there, but we live too far away..... We love Ritas!

  2. All I know is I wish there were a Rita's near my house. You talk about their frozen goodies all the time and it makes me want some too. I cannot drive that far right now to pick up a yummy treat in your neck of the woods though. Have fun!

  3. Have fun! I'm not in the area-this Minnesota girl had to google water ice. I've never heard that before. Is it like an Icee/Slurpie but thicker and eaten with a spoon?

  4. Wish I could be there...but I am way out in Canada...wishing you great success...


  5. Nate- I've been following your blog since New Years day, but I don't think I have commented before. Our family will be in Corolla from the 29th to the 5th of Sept. Just curious if you guys will be doing another Rita's "celebrity scoop" that week.
    We wish you the best!
    Jen : )

  6. Nate, for those of us in other parts of the world- what is "water ice"?

  7. Hi! I haven't commented in a really long time but I'm a follower of the blog. I just got caught up on what's going on with you guys and just wanted to leave a comment to Trisha; you are such a lady. Every picture of you just has warmth and oozes mommy-hood. I'm sure you get that from perfect strangers like me all the time but seriously, you have a glow. Our daughters are really close in age, so it's been a privaledge to watch you experience all the milestones as we are going through them too. We wish you the best!

  8. What a wonderful thing they are doing! I hope you have a great time and raise some rockin' money to help find a cure!


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