
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kisses, Touchdowns, Peek-a-boo and More!

Gwyneth has been learning so much recently. Here is a video that highlights a few of the new things she's doing. In fact, today was the first day she gave me a kiss! What a blessing!!!



  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, baby kisses. I love them. My babies are six and two and I miss those sweet kisses.

  2. She is so and Tricia are wonderful parents.

  3. Wow, it is so fun watching her grow. Thanks for sharing these great milestones.

  4. That was absolutely precious!!! It definitely made me smile.


  5. Aww, this a great video! She seems to be growing up real fast lately!! Thanks for sharing this with us.

    Loving the TOUCHDOWN!!

  6. Truly beautiful! Thank you for sharing these precious moments with us.

    bye bye Gwyneth!

  7. Too great for words, miracle girl!!!

  8. Oh my word... those little kisses are absolutely precious!!! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Raising a true SOUTHERN GIRL! TOUCHDOWN!! I was raised a southern girl, too. could sing the Bama Fight Song by the age of three! Love that football! so sweet, thank you for sharing her with all of us, through your blog! ;)

  10. Oh, what a cutie! Baby kisses are so precious. <3

  11. She has come so far! She is truly a miracle baby! I love getting kisses and loves from my boys! She is one amazing little girl! And cute, too! :0)

  12. She's come SO FAR! Rejoicing in the kissing, peak-a-boo, and touchdown milestones with you!

    Your friends,
    The Murray Quads

  13. Thank you for sharing with all of us that have followed you through this amazing journey! What a fun, sweet video.

  14. Ok, so I've been following your blog for a while but have never posted. I LOVED this video so much, I just HAD to comment :-) God has given you such an amazing little girl! My 2 year old Eli loved watching the video too - he was smitten!!

  15. That's so sweet! I love getting to see her grow and develop.

    And, Nate, you are just the BEST dad! You are so hands-on and you can just see how she loves you!

  16. What a blessing! Thanks for sharing!

  17. so adorable! I love it! Thanks for sharing the milestones! Reminds me to get my video camera out and capture more of my 3 yr old.

  18. So cute! Baby kisses are the best!

  19. That is so amazing and what a blessing ! When I first started reading your blog, she was only days old and to see her today is truly a work of God. Thanks for sharing.

  20. wow! that was amazing! i couldn't stop thinking about when she was born and how far she's come! God is just awesome!!!! it was reminding me of a post you did at one time asking what types of things people would like you and tricia to experience one day as parents (or something like it. i've got mommy brain!) how cool that you're experiencing so many new, fun, adorable things with sweet gwyneth now?! love love love it!
    Praise the Lord!!! =)

  21. thank you for sharing. I said today anyone who doesn't believe in miracles, should be following the many blessings each day brings especially for you three.

  22. Being in a Redskins family she will not likely be doing the "touchdown" signal very often this year.

    Teach her the "choke" sign for Sunday afternoons.

  23. Nathan, I rarely get to check other blogs anymore and am so glad I took the moment this evening. What AN amazing blessing this little peanut is to you!! Her growth is astounding since the last time I checked in! God bless you all, thrilled that things are going so well for you..

  24. She's going to make a lot of "guy friends" with the football concepts! Too cute! =)

  25. Hey Nate! I haven't commented since both the girls were in the hospital, but I still keep up.

    This video is amazing! We have a little girl who is 21 months old. Its so much fun to watch them grow and learn. :o) Thanks for sharing!

    btw, Gweneths faces are hilarous! She's full of it!

  26. Awww! It's so great when they start doing stuff! I'm tryng to getAbi to clap just now - she will wave and do big open mouth kisses!...but only when she feels like it - she IS a woman...hehe!

  27. She has come so far! Thanks for sharing Nathan!! She has Tricia's smile but I can definitely see you in her as well!
    Bye bye Pretty Gwyneth!!!

  28. WhaT a way to start the day - having my breakfast and watched the video - smiled all the way through it!

  29. Now, THAT is my most favorite yet! Ellie's too. She's going to watch it again now. Love, love, love it. Those sweet kisses are what it's all about.

  30. You just made my morning! I have tears running down my face because it's so touching to see how far she has come since I first started reading your story. God is amazing in so many ways. She's beautiful. And I'm so glad that you're able to have the experience of getting kisses from your little princess. It's the best thing EVER, isn't it?!


  31. soooo precious and heart warming! thanks for sharing nate! hugs to all xoxo Liz from the land down under! ;)

  32. OHHHHHHHH, she is just precious, I always read your blog, Kisses are so sweet and I love the "touchdown"
    You and Tricia are awesome parents !!

  33. That was the sweetest thing ever!!! The song along with it just made it even more special. You're such a great Dad, Nate! Enjoy those two precious girls of yours! God Bless you always!


  34. What a sweet baby! And as cooperative as ours! I can't believe you actually got her to do her new things on camera.

  35. Oh thank you for sharing your loves and kisses and fun and sweetness and joy. A blessing for the start of the day.

  36. What a tremendous blessing to see how far she has come!!!!!

  37. Thanks for sharing -- she is such a cutie! Her dad's not bad either! :-)

  38. Kisses are so wonderful! The BEST feeling is when they start showing empathy - when Mom or Dad is sad or hurt and they run up and pat your back or kiss your owie. It's awesome to see a caring soul growing right within your arms :)

  39. Thinking of you while Bill is making his way!! Stay safe!!

  40. Such an adorable video! Thanks for sharing!

  41. Touchdown was AWESOME! What a great video. :)

  42. I love it! I love how as soon as she kisses you, she looks right back at the computer. A smart, smart girl!

  43. She is soooo adorable. How amazing to see how far she's come! Thank you for sharing her accomplishments with us. She's as captivating as ever!

  44. That has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen. But it seems she was more interested in looking at herself!

    Go Gwyneth! You are doing great!

  45. Oh my word, she is so cute! That video is adorable! I love to see how big she is getting and all the new things she is learning. : )

  46. Oh my gosh I just want to squeeze that little darling. She is so interested in seeing herself. Quite the ham...and smart too!

  47. Awww, that is too sweet! :)

  48. I am very pleased to see that your daughter has been educated on the football of it all. It is my sincere hope that she will grow up to be a Penn State fan. :)

  49. Love the new video! Thanks for sharing it with us. Gwyneth is so smart and has learned the "touchdown" sign just in time for the upcoming season. Have fun with that. By the way, what is that song that is playing in this video? I really like it.

  50. Oh my goodness! That made me grin from ear to ear! She is precious! Aren't slobbery baby kisses the best?

  51. Absolutely precious!!

    Aww, sweet...

    Thank for sharing!

  52. Soooo great to watch! Loved that video....
    My husband and I taught our oldest how to do the touch down and Gator Chomp (Univ. of Florida) when he was about 8 months old!
    Thanks you for sharing!

  53. My parents taught me "Babies of the world UNITE" and on "unite" one fist goes up! Cute cute!

  54. Absolutely PERFECT!! She is precious and I love all the ways she is showing her personality and sweetness to the world. Thinking of your family often!


  55. God is so good! It is such a blessing to see how He is growing Gwyneth. Thanks for letting us peek at these miracle moments!!

  56. I have been missing in action for a couple months now not being able to access my friends/blogs from a computer. I just got my first laptop for home and finally had internet, router, and more hooked up.

    I have to say, I havent see Gweneth's adorable little face for over 2 months and this video just made me sob and sob. I cannot believe how much she has grown since I have been gone.

    What a wonderful video to catch me up on her progress.

    Hope you all are doing well, and I plan on being back more ofter, once again.


  57. That was just so sweet. You are a great dad:)

  58. "Hey Dad, can we do the tricks later? There's a funny little girl I'm trying to watch right now."

  59. I loved that. She is so fun to watch!

  60. How very precious little Gwyneth is!! I love watching children learn new things and being able to do them when asked. I have to agree that baby kisses are the best in the world there is.

    And...I love that she can do touchdown!!! So cute!

  61. That is a pricless video.
    Such happiness, sure did make me smile,
    I thank you for sharing.

  62. What a beautiful video, she is amazing!!! Can you let me know what the music was please? It's really nice :o) x

  63. "Touchdown" can also be "Praise the Lord" if you use the same tone and cadence in your voice. Since she is a music minister's kid it could come in quite handy. Having three PK's myself, let me tell you the church members eat it up. It is a delight to watch her grow up.

  64. i just have to say that its really awesome that you are teaching her about touch downs in a black and gold room! go STEELERS! cause ya know, as Washington fans, there won't be that many touch downs. just sayin. :) love football competition!!!

  65. How gorgeous are you little one! Great video:)

  66. This video just made my day! I have been following for some time now and I can't believe the progress Gwyneth has made! My son was born and went to be with the angels shortly after; and he was also 1lb. 6oz. just like Gwen! This is great to see and she's so darn cute!

  67. Too Cute!!! How fun and what a blessing to see her developing and growing. Our God is surely awesome and His timing is perfect in all things - even down to Gwyneth's developmental milestones.

    Continued blessings & strength to you all!

    Amy Stephens

    ***from my new home in North Carolina***

  68. She is such a blessing. Thank you for sharing.

  69. Now that just made me smile. She is absolutely beautiful and getting so grown up! She looks like a young lady now.

  70. I came back to your blog today after being off for about a year. I am soooooo happy to see that the family is doing well and that Gweneth is strong and healthy. I started reading your blog just a few weeks before she was born. At the time, I was morning the loss of my twins but seeing her progress gave me hope for other babies that have a hard time coming into this world. Thank you and may God continue to bless your family.

  71. Great video! Thanks for sharing!

  72. that was awesome!! you can tell the therapy is really working. i used to work in physical, speech, and occupational therapy with kids. i know she was trying so hard to speak. she's doing great!! keep up the awesome with gwennie!!

  73. She is too cute and learning so much so fast! You are going to absolutely love looking back at these videos in a few years!


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