
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Go Tropical!

Eat at Tropical Smoothie tonight (only at MP 10 in Nags Head and MP 1 in Southern Shores)...they'll donate 15% of every penny they make between 5 and 9pm to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!

(and, contrary to what the flyer says, you DON'T need to bring the flyer with you!)



  1. Mmmmmm!!!! I miss tropical smoothie. That sounds sooo good! Hope its a successful event!

  2. If we lived closer we'd be there! Understand you may have some "tropical" weather this weekend -- we're driving down from NY for our niece's wedding in Charlotte Saturday -- praying it's not too weather eventful!!

  3. Oh how I wish I lived close by you guys! You have so many yummy places to eat! Good Luck!

  4. I love the way your community supports CF! Nags Head is such a great place. Have a wonderful day!

    Love to all.

  5. Neat!!! I love how you guys always have CF fundraisers going on in the OBX. We have a bunch of the same businesses here, so I need to start contacting them! :)

  6. Hi Nate I have been following u and Trisha and Gwyneth since right before Gwyneth was born. My husband just called from work and asked me to start a prayer request for a girl that is going in today for a double lung transplant. This is the first place i thought of with such wonderful people who comment on ur page. Her name is Desiree, she is 21.She is on her way to ohio for the transplant as i type. Thank you so much and You Trisha and Gwyneth are always in my prayers!

  7. Your mom and I hit the SS store this evening.

  8. Nathan,
    I have followed your blog for quite some time now and I love it and am so pleased with how well Tricia has done. My cousin has 4-year-old twin boys that have CF, he is going to bicycle from St.Louis, MO to Bethesda, MD in 8 days to raise money for CFF. Do you know of any ways to get publicity for this event? His website is, and I would love if you would promote it on your site. Thanks for any help and feel free to contact me.
    Shannon Fortel-Keller

  9. Hi Nate!
    I've never commented before but I've been reading your blog for a few months now. I'm studying Respiratory Therapy in Canada and so I love reading about your side of the story. I thought you should know about a CF fundraiser that goes on this time of year north of the border. I'm sure you may have heard of it before but its called Shinerama and goes on at University campuses across the country during their orientation weeks. Students hit the streets and shine shoes, wash cars, etc. to raise money for CF research. I thought you should know since you have such a huge readership, you could let your Canada readers know to keep their eyes pealed for the students on the streets this September! Thanks for writing, your family is a great inspiration!


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