
Friday, September 11, 2009


I want to pause and say "thank you" to all of the men and women in my town, county, state and country who choose to serve to protect our freedom and insure our safety. I have many friends who serve as public safety personnel here locally and across the country, and more than a few friends who dedicate their lives in our armed services.

My parents and elders taught me to always be thankful , respectful and supportive of these men and women, knowing the sacrifices they make and the character and skill it takes to do their jobs well. My life is blessed, in large part, because of those who, mostly unseen, protect my family and I every day.

This week is a busy one for me, but I will spend some extra time today remembering and being thankful, praying for these dedicated men and women who are always ready to serve when the call comes in.



  1. I am also very thankful for the men and women who are in service. Not only military, but our law enforcement and firefighters as well. I too am reflecting upon the events that took place 8 years ago today.

  2. Thank you so much for posting this! I read several blogs and yours (other than mine) is the only one that has mentioned 09.11 so far today. Thank you for your thoughtfulness of our service people.

  3. Thanks for the tribute and reminder, Nate. I'd just written a blog post about my dog (can you imagine?) when I read your post. Then decided to write a 9.11 post myself.

    Thank you, and thanks to all who protect and serve us.

  4. Amen, again, I say, Amen.


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