
Friday, September 11, 2009

ENT Appt.

Gwyneth has an important ENT appointment today at 10am. We've had her ears tested twice in the past 6 months, and both times she's shown moderate hearing loss. We're pretty certain it is due to fluid behind the ear-drum, but she hasn't had any infections. Today's appointment should answer all of our questions and give us a plan to fix the problem. We're hoping that it is as simple as that and not something more severe/permanent, but we're ready to tackle anything!

Thanks for your continued encouragement and support for our family as we help our little preemie grow big and strong!



  1. Good Morning,

    Thanks for telling us about the appointment - so we can pray for your precious little sweetie; like we always do.

    Love to all.

  2. Guys,

    Our younger daughter, Cait, who Tricia babysat many moons ago, had the same problem. Tubes in the ears took care of it wonderfully. The procedure only took a couple of minutes in the OR and she had relief the next day. The tubes fell out when she outgrew them.

    My niece's son just had this procedure because of complications from cleft palette and he is doing really well, too.

    We will pray for the office consult and for your decision making in this.


  3. Praying for you all. Both our sons had the same problem....but had infections on top of it. Our little guy had "significant conductive loss" but all their issues were resolved with ear tubes.

    Good luck to you!!

  4. Praying for you! My little guy didn't have ear infections, but had lots of fluid in his ears. When he turned two a couple of months ago, he had tubes put in... it's made a world of difference. He went from being completely silent to babbling and mimicking all of our words.

    Best wishes to you,

  5. Prayers for a positive appointment with the ENT...

  6. Whatever the report, praying for easily finding the right treatment to help Gwyneth!!

  7. Tubes rock!! (If they are called for!!)

  8. Praying there will be a simple "fix" to Gwyneth's ear problems -- she's such a cutie!! I had a comment on my site from your mother-in-law as we are both grandmothers to precious premies and both of our granddaughters are doing wonderfully -- I so appreciated her contact! I don't often comment but I follow along and appreciate your testimony of God's love and grace in your lives.

  9. Keeping you in our prayers. Lily was also dx'd with moderate to severe bilateral hearing loss (through a sedated Baer test, later confirmed by the "booth" test). They told us she didn't have fluid behind her ears. We were informed that she had permanent nerve damage. After a year of dealing with hearing aids that never fit quite right (the sweet audiologist told us Lily was the most difficult fit she'd ever encountered), Lily finally had her tonsils and adenoids taken out in preparation for being decannulated (trach). Amazingly, as the weeks ticked by, Lily seemed like she was hearing better. She would notice voices talking in the next room. One time, when the nurse and I were talking in low voices, Lily even signed one of the words I had used, leading us to believe she actually HEARD us talking! We were right. Another booth test, about a month after decannulation (and 2 months after the T&A) confirmed that Lily's hearing was normal!

    Whatever Gwyneth's need is, I will be thinking of your family today.

  10. Will be praying that Gwyneth has a postive outcome on her appt. Both my kids have had tubes in their ears and it made a world of difference.
    Elaine in MT

  11. My youngest had recurrent ear infections that were not cleard with anitbiotics. Dec 31st of last year, at 9 months, she had tubes in. Prior to the tubes, she was not crawling or much less getting on her hands and knees. A few hours after the tube placement she was on all fours rocking and within a week or two was crawling. The surgery itself was not bad, she was in and out in less than 10 minutes.

    Anyway, I pray for a great apt today and that Gwyneth can hear better soon.

  12. Praying for the appointment, the results, the plan and wisdom for all involved. Love being a part of her little life - what a precious gift from God!

  13. I will be praying for you and Gwen today! I had a LOT of trouble with my ears and hearing when I was young. Worst case scenario was I got a simple surgery and now I have almost 90% hearing. I hope all goes well with her little ears!

  14. My youngest had tubes put in last march. What a difference. She went from saying nothing to full on talking. She had 80% lose in one ear and 60% in the other. She has another hearing teat next month but at the last on she had almost recovered all of it. We are so happy. Likje with most things, it is very scary to see our kids go through anything but this is one procedure that I can not be thankful enough she went through.

    Also if you have tonsil issues she most likely will too. My husband had a problem and all 3 of our girls had theirs out already.

  15. Hope the appointment went well today!

  16. Looking forward to hearing the results. Good or not so good, all the Glory be to our God that you and your family have come this far!

  17. Please email me if it ends up being something permanent. My daughter is profoundly deaf and we have been so blessed during her journey. UNC takes such good care of us, and would take such wonderful care of you all too.


    Lord bless,

  18. How did she make out??


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