
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Duly Noted

Two years ago today I began this retrospect, it was a fairly good decision.

As you can see for yourself, I had a ton of followers and commenters in those early days........



  1. Seems like a couple of life times ago.

  2. You still have a ton of followers maybe just not as many commenters! People are still inspired by and interested in your story. Thanks for letting us share in your lives.

  3. I began to follow your blog when my daughter gave birth to a 2 lb preemie. I needed encouragement and found your faith and trust in God encouraging during a very scary time for us. I have enjoyed watching your little miracle grow while we have watched our little miracle grow. God is good. Thank you for continuing to share your faith and your little miracle.

  4. Wow, has it been that long! I still follow just don't comment as much. Seems like I say the same things over and over so haven't been saying much lately on any blogs....think others are doing the same as my blog readers haven't had much to say lately. I love watching your little one grow...she is such a cutie!

  5. I love to be able to come and read and not have to hold my breath. I love that your life is so normal now:) Whatever normal is, right? You know what I mean and I love you guys.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  6. .I still read just not been on as much or posting on my blogs as much this summer. Out living live to the fullest! I am glad your and your family are out and about as well.
    One thing many of us out here are still praying for your family though we don't comment as often, we are out here cheering you on.

  7. Thank for for allowing a peek into your life. You have been encouraging, strong, sincere, honest, caring, loving and most of all human.

    Your family continues to be such a source of inspiration for many. My son (preemie born at 23w6d) passed before Gwyneth was born... and with that experience I understood so many of your ups and downs and rooted for you every step of the way!

    Congratulations on a continued road of good health for Gwyneth, Tricia and yourself!

  8. So glad you did! It's been a blessing to me. Happy Blogavirsary!

  9. Thanks for allowing us to share in the amazing journey your family has been on!

  10. When you think of everything that was happening 2 years ago and how God has worked in you, through you and your girls - what a blessing. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of your prayer warriors on behalf of your family.
    Funny - you don't blog as often cuz things are as they should be - you at work, your family in their own home, Gweneth blossoming into a sweet little toddler, Trisha with 2 lungs and a 2nd chance at life,
    God is good, All the time.
    All the time, God is good.

    Keep up the blog, I love watching God at work in your little one and Trisha being a mom.

  11. I still follow your blog and love everything I read!! Happy 2 years of blogging:)

  12. I rarely comment, but I read your blog faithfully.

    You, Tricia and Gwyneth are such a wonderful inspiration, and I think your faith and your love is so touching.


  13. Thanks for sharing your story! I have followed from the close to beginning and feel as if I know you and your family.

  14. *gasp!* We have the same bloggerversary! Except mine was started 6 years earlier on Diaryland and it had nothing to do with a transplant.

    Happy Anniversary!

  15. Happy Blogiversary! I've been reading a bit over a year! Still read faithfully, just don't comment as much! I just love watching Gwyneth grow and am encouraged and inspired by your family!

  16. I don't comment as much, but I'm still following! Love to the 3 of you ~

  17. Happy blogiversary! (or something like that). Funny how people stop following or commenting once everything is "all good". I read every single post, but I'm a VERY bad commenter. It's either the introverted part of me or the lazy part of me. Just know that I care about your family and LOVE watching your beautiful little girl grow!

  18. Amazing! God has really worked through your family. Thanks for letting us share in your journey.

  19. Appreciate your honesty of what life has been like for you.

    I am a fellow CFer.... Thank you for raising awareness. I hope you continue on the blogging journey... you have a wonderful talent for writing.

  20. Most days I feel like I am talking to myself too! But look at you now!!!

  21. I started reading your blog just before Christmas 07, I found it vis an friend here in the UK who has CF. Read it daily but rarely comment.
    I wanted to let you know that as a result of reading these blogs I know of four people who have definitely signed up to the organ register in the UK and I suspect several other people I am acquainted with have but haven't chosen to tell. Imagine if all your readers over these two years have all managed to spread the word in the same way and as a result have had the same response? As I believe you say over there...Awesome!
    Alison, Surrey, England

  22. I started reading your blog right from near the beginning a while before Gwyneth was born. I was (and still am) praying for you guys and I love following your lives even now. I rarely comment on blogs of people I don't know (incase it seems a bit creepy LOL) but I have felt compelled to leave you a few notes over the time...especially when you post those gorgeous pics of your family :)

    Have a great weekend!

  23. I follow your blog regularly, I just don't comment so much. I remember you having literally hundreds of comments and feeling as though mine would be swallowed up- even though it isn't "swallowed" anymore, I still tend to forget to comment except on rare occasions. I love your blog, and getting to know your family- keep it coming :)

  24. Wow 2 Years, that is wonderful. I have been a faithful follower and I was a lurker for a long time... and then I had to start leaving comments.. Thank you for sharing your family with us thru Blogland..

  25. I still follow - just don't comment much!
    I have enjoyed following your journey.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy Blogversary!!

  26. Happy two years!! I've truly enjoyed reading your blog and following your family's story!

  27. BTW, the ironic tone of your "followers and commenters in those early days" comment was duly recognized by me. :)

  28. Happy Blogoversary. I'm so happy you started blogging.

    Actually, your blogging is what eventually moved me to start blogging.

  29. As many others had admitted, I am a faithful reader and terrible commenter. Thank you for continuing to share your journey open and honestly, for opening your heart and family to the world, touching and inspiring lives. Please keep it up - I love to continue to read about your beautiful girls.

    Oh, and I think of yall each year when we're in OBX on vacation :)

    God Bless you!

  30. I cannot tell you enough what this blog has meant to me and consider myself blessed to be a member of the cf husband family of bloggers who continue to follow you and your girls. Checking in weekly! (yes I still check weekly)reminds me of the faithfulness of God and HIS goodness and the miracles HE still continues to show us, you are all and will always be in my prayers and I enjoy sharing your story of HIS hand upon your life.
    Thanks Nate for your honesty, and your inviting us all in to your life!!
    much love!

  31. :) Though not commenting often, still reading and lifting your in prayer. You and Tricia have so much life to enjoy right now outside of the hospital, I for one, don't want to keep you bound to the computer reading my comments! Know you are loved and prayed for!

  32. We're all still out here!!!!

    We were with you "then" and we're still with you in thoughts and prayers as both your girls are enjoying good health! Blessings are such an incredible thing! Thank you for sharing with us and letting us be touched by your lifes. Can you believe this is the last weekend of the summer? It sure has gone by fast!

    Love to all.

  33. this faithful follower thanks you!

  34. Thanks so much for sharing your story! Your blog is the second that I followed and I came to it after hearing about you from Baby Isaac's story (babyleino). I think you are hilarious (at least in the blog world, are you really that funny in real life?) and love hearing your perspective and seeing pictures of your family healthy and happy. Your baby girl has an amazing smile!

  35. I've followed your blog for about a year now and I haven't commented because I did not know what to say. Your walk and faith in CHRIST is encouraging to me. You remind me of what the main thing really is about. GOD is using you and I pray GOD's continued blessing upon you and your family.
    IN him,
    Laura from Fl

  36. Your blog is one of the first blogs I ever started following, about a year and a half ago. Your family's story/journy has been an inspiration to me and my faith. Thank you!!!

  37. I have never commented but once, but I follow your blog daily since before your sweet White Rose was born. I find myself looking forward each day to checking in and seeing the wonderful things you have going on in your life, your sweet baby girl is thriving, your beautiful wife is positively glowing, you have a new home... God is good! Congratulations on your blogiversary, and keep up the good work, you are such a blessing and an encouragement to so many.

  38. What a journey it has been! Thanks for the privilege of sharing your amazing experiences, in a small way. It's great to see how God works miracles every day. Hallelujah.

  39. Happy anniversary! I, like many others, still follow your story on a regular basis. It is wonderful to hear that your family is doing so much "normal" stuff. Now that your life has settled down, things seem quieter, but be assured that your story and testamony to God continue to have an impact on all those who "meet" you. Thank you for sharing so much of your life.

  40. Yes - still following...and so thankful that things are going so much more smoothly now, than day by day, minute by minute! It's a true success story!

  41. I like your blog very much. It`s both serious and funny, and your pics and videos are so nice. I`m living up north in Norway and 1`m waiting for a lungtransplant because of CF. It`s very interesting to follow Tricia.

    Greatings from Ã…shild

  42. Shawna - Round Rock, TexasSeptember 7, 2009 at 1:24 PM

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us! It is so nice to be reminded of the miracles and happiness that God grants us each day. :o)

  43. VERY good idea. I don't comment much, but still check in almost every day. Thank you for sharing your lives with us!

  44. Thank you for continuing to share your beautiful family with us.
    Every now and then I'll go back to the beginning of your "love story" and it still puts a smile on my face.


  45. Your blog is one of the first blogs that I followed religiously.. been around since right before your sweet G was born.
    while I still enjoy checking in on you and your family, it's almost good to see that you haven't posted in a while. That means that things are back to "normal" (but of course normal is relative!) Thanks for the continual posts and encouragment.

  46. Hey, I still click on your blog. every day , hopeing for a picture of your precious mircles, (both of them) I do not comment every day but I still follow,

  47. we are all still here, and your family is still in our prayers.
    always praying in fl

  48. It surely was at least a fairly good idea I would say! If it helped you and your family to share some of the tough things and the beauty of your faith, then it was at least a darn good idea. When you consider all the other lives your blogging and your family's story touched in positive ways, you know it goes way past good. Hopefully the negative you have encountered from time to time has been more than countered by the positive. I am not sure, from your comments, that you are actually really concerned about the comment count - I am sensing just the opposite. I love just witnessing a little bit of the blessed, and hopefully normal, life you three share. You all matter a lot to us.

  49. It's funny (interesting, not haha) but I now read your Dad's blog as much as I read yours. His insight into church life, human behavior, politics, christianity, has helped me deal with some issues in my own church family. And I found his blog through yours so you have been instrumental in blessing my life.

    Your honesty and down to earth aproach with your own blog is so refreshing. When I tire of reading other's blogs, I always come back here to see how Gwenyth and her mother are doing. Your photos give us an inspiring window into your world.

  50. Hi, I read your blog faithfully and enjoy it very much..but I will have to say that the updates are becoming few and few lately. I know that you are living your life to the fullest, but everyone that reads and come to check in and see that you haven't blogged in days, maybe even weeks..its hard to follow. Not trying to be mean at all, just saying! ;)

  51. It does seem like much longer, we are still checking in with your family...and praying for many years of "normalcy", health, and happiness! Even when you are writing about everyday things...your optimism is infectious...and uplifting. Here's to many more years of blogging!

  52. You still have your firm followers sticking up with you and they will always be there beside you in every tough time.

  53. I am so happy you started this blog and that I found you guys! Its been a pleasure to read about your life. So much has happened in the last 2 years. Such rough times, some really funny times too, great milestones and you are such an inspiration! I am so happy that life is settling down some and that everyone is well and happy. Except you of course, i hear on facebook you aren't feeling good today, get well soon and good luck getting those icky tonsils out

  54. So glad you did. Love your dad's comment. How true--a couple of very precious lives at that!

  55. I have never commented on your blog before, but I have been reading it faithfully for almost two years now. It is wonderful to see your family so happy and so much stronger! I read your Dad's blog as well and although we are of different faiths I feel quite welcome in both places! Your girls are beautiful and I continue to pray for you all!

  56. Thinking of you all on the Eastern coast and hoping the storms are not too bad for your area.


  57. I'm thinking you were saying that tongue and cheek, since most of the early days were mainly followed by your family and close friends. Just saying, since after reading some of your comments here, it sounds like people took you seriously, or thinking you were complaining about not getting enough comments?...

    Anyway, I have been following your blog for a while now, and it has been such an encouragement to me. :)

  58. Love the pics! You are a beautiful family. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  59. "Hi, I read your blog faithfully and enjoy it very much..but I will have to say that the updates are becoming few and few lately. I know that you are living your life to the fullest, but everyone that reads and come to check in and see that you haven't blogged in days, maybe even weeks..its hard to follow. Not trying to be mean at all, just saying! ;)"

    I'm sorry, but apparently your computer isn't working correctly because I've never gone "weeks" without posting. Isn't it wonderful that our lives are so "good" right now that I don't have time to keep you entertained? Thanks for the encouragement!

  60. Wow, was that really necessary? Maybe a note upfront would be helpful, 'please comment 100% positively or expect a personal response!'. I enjoy your blog and think you post absolutely the perfect amount...

  61. Wow, was that really necessary? Maybe a note upfront would be helpful, 'please comment 100% positively or expect a personal response!'. I enjoy your blog and think you post absolutely the perfect amount...

    I'm sorry, but what are you talking about?

  62. I am talking about your 'I'm sorry, but apparently your computer isn't working' response to the poster above, which I thought sounded a little sharp. The guy (or gal) was saying he enjoyed your blog, after all... But maybe I am completely wrong, it's notoriously hard to judge tone on the internet.

  63. All right then! It seems a pity to come down hard on any comments not 100% positive. But fair enough, it's a blog not a democracy. (Imagine a blog drafted by committee... pretty unreadable I'd guess).

  64. "All right then! It seems a pity to come down hard on any comments not 100% positive. But fair enough, it's a blog not a democracy. (Imagine a blog drafted by committee... pretty unreadable I'd guess)."

    This conversation has confused me...what you're saying is, it's fair for commenters to point out when my blog doesn't meet their standards, but not equally as fair for me to point out when commenters don't meet my standards?

    I'm also confused that you think I respond in a "hard", "pitiful" way to all comments that are less than 100% positive...I used a bit of sarcastic humor [similar to the original commenter's ;) ], to say, in a less that abrupt and cold way, "I don't care that you might think I don't blog enough because I'm not here for your entertainment."

  65. Come on, let's not have selective misquotation - I didn't say your responses were 'hard' and 'pitiful'.

    In my opinion, you seem to respond rather sharply to anyone who has anything less than completely positive to say. (Incidentally, I don't get any 'sarcastic humor' from the original commenter's post; they seem to be going to lengths not to come across as mean; but as I said before, this is all very subjective).

    But anyway, I get the distinct impression you don't care for my opinion, and why should you, indeed? It's your blog. I'll head over now and put $9 in a CF pot, to show no hard feelings.


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

This blog receives many spam and troll comments. Please, do not respond to the spam or troll comments in any way. I am constantly monitoring and deleting comments, and I reserve the right to delete any and all comments related to spam and trolls, including responses.
