
Monday, October 12, 2009


It hits me often...the understanding of how blessed Tricia and Gwyneth and I are. To have both of my girls alive, even with their lingering medical needs, is simply unexplainable.

I have spent many hours talking with and reading the stories of people who have lost their premature children and their CF/TX loved ones. I try to empathize with their loss and pain, but I know that I can't fully understand where they find themselves.

According to medical science, I should be one of those people, in both categories.

I shouldn't be sharing pictures and stories of the three of us together.

I shouldn't be asking for you to think of my wife and daughter's needs.

I shouldn't be thinking of falling asleep in my wife's arms tonight and waking up to my daughter's laughter tomorrow morning.

According to medical science, we beat the odds...we're lucky.

According to God, I am blessed.

I can't explain to you why we are where we are and not where we were told we should be. And, although I don't fully understand why, I can share with you the blessings that have come out of our journey.

I don't take it for granted. This is why I can't complain, publicly, about our current situation. I have my moments, and my days...I've had my desperate conversations with God and family and friends. But, no matter how hard I try, I can't get passed the fact that I am blessed.



  1. "I will praise Thee;
    for I am fearfully
    and wonderfully made:
    marvellous are Thy works;
    and that my soul knoweth right well."
    Psalm 139:14

    I pray that your family continues to be blessed.

  2. How fitting, today is Canadian Thanksgiving!! You have a wonderful beautiful family.

  3. Blessed you inspiring that you choose to acknowledge and embrace it on a daily basis and continually use your situation to glorify the Lord. Thanks for allowing us to participate in your daily lives!

  4. I was just thinking of you guys the other day and thinking how tiny Gwyneth was when she was born and the fact that it's just a miracle. God had and still does have his hands on your families life. I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant so to think that Tricia only carried Gwyneth for a few weeks more than that is freaky! Praise God that the girls are as healthy as they are. You are truely blessed!

  5. Nate I agree you are blessed. In so many ways so am I and my family...Just differently I guess. But like you nothing is taken for granted not a thing.
    I believe you have a higher calling to help others as does your Tricia and your doing that. Your Families story is like one stone thrown in a pond and the ripples have been sent around the word as have prayers.
    Yes your Girls beat the odds but those odds were prayed for by many and miracles do happen due to prayer.
    According to God your blessed. Even if you can't explain it we know God grace is sufficent.
    I wish you all many more blessings.

  6. You are truly blessed, for all the reasons you wrote in this post. are also a wonderful blessing to others. You give hope and laughter to those who read your blog, and your positive attitude is a light for all. I know you only from this blog, but I can only imagine how much of a blessing you are to those who are able to know you "in real life".

  7. Beautifully said. I love to read about people who count their blessings rather than their trials (and you've certainly had plenty of trials). I've been following your family's journey since shortly before Tricia's transplant, and I've been so touched by your lives. Thank you for showing Christ in your lives and for your passion and work for causes important to you (CF, transplant, premature birth). You guys rock!

  8. how wonderful...this is something i must try and emulate. thank you...jcn

  9. You are incredibly blessed! You have a beautiful family. =)

  10. You are incredibily blessed because Christ's love for us is so amazing! I am truly blessed because you opened your lives with us. You have an amazing family!

  11. I have no doubt that you and your amazing girls were chosen for this path. You have an amazing ability to share what you have gone through. Even on what I am sure must have been some of your hardest days you praised Him. I am amazed daily by the strength you and your girls posess. It would be so easy to just sit and say poor us but you don't. You have taken this opportunity to share with us...yup...I have no doubt that you were chosen.

    You are blessed. And to many of us you are a blessing!!

  12. Beautiful stated. You are truly blessed. I adore reading the updates that you share with us. Your journey has certainly been a gentle reminder all of us to hug our friends and family more often, pray a little harder and completely trust in the Lord. Thanks for keeping our eyes/ears open. We continue to pray...

  13. Yes, you said it well. You ARE definitely blessed beyond measure. The lives of your girls were both saved, how lucky and fortunate you are! What a blessing, you must wake up each day, just rejuventated with life!

  14. Yes, you said it well. You ARE definitely blessed beyond measure. The lives of your girls were both saved, how lucky and fortunate you are! What a blessing, you must wake up each day, just rejuventated with life!

  15. I am sending y'all extra hugs and prayers because it sounds like you may be struggling a bit more that usual right now.

    Though you are truly blessed and it is wonderful that you appreciate it so very much, it is still ok to be overwhelmed and feel sorry for yourselves sometimes too, you have been through so much, it would be overwhelming for anyone.

    Again, extra prayers and hugs!

  16. You and your girls have blessed me Nate, more than I can say. I truly have watched His miracle continue to unfold in your lives and I pray the blessings continue always. Praying for your unspoken needs, I am sure they are very important. God bless the three of you.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  17. Great thoughts, Nate. Thank you.

  18. I think I know why you are where you are ... God is using you and your story in a MIGHTY way to bring glory to HIM. How else could you be where you are without HIM. And you never cease to give HIM all of the glory and all of the praise. Whether He works through you or the doctors or Gwyneth or Tricia, HE works. You will never how much of a blessing and an inspiration you are to others until you reach the other side of eternity. I am reminded of the song "Thank you" that Ray Boltz sang ... I am sure you have heard it. God bless.

  19. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    Jeremiah 29:11

    Hold fast, no matter what is going on in your current situation....hold onto your faith.

    I have had to say this to myself over and over again recently too.

    Blessed also in NC,

  20. One of the reasons, I truly believe, you are blessed in these situations, is so that God can use you to bless others through this blog, and through Tricia's blog.
    I have been reading your blog at work every day since before Gwyneth was born, and you are still on my daily prayer list, both for praise and continued blessings.
    Thanks for keeping us updated. Gwyneth's glasses are too cute!!

  21. And isn't that a wonderful thing!? Well said, as usual. Thank you.

  22. Thanks for the reminder. I too am blessed beyond belief, that my family is all together. My son was born at 29 weeks and is struggling with Algebra. He is now 14. It hit me how blessed we really are to be struggling with Algebra, because I could be without him.


  23. So glad that God has blessed the three of you like this. Though small in comparison, your blessing has been a blessing to all who have followed your journey. It is also a reminder to me to enjoy --and not take for granted-- the rich blessing of my husband and little boys, even when other things in life get tough.

  24. Praise God no matter what!
    We often ask of God, but selsom take time to tell Him "Thanks".
    Your blog honors Him and we are blessed to share it also!
    Keep us humble but sharing!

  25. Sweet post. You guys have brought hope to a lot of people, and you NEVER come across as though you deserve to be the blessed ones, or as though your faith remains based the fact that you are blessed.

    He gives and takes away. You have gratefully acknowledged his gifts, and you have humbly chosen faith in your losses.

    Blessed be the name of the Lord!

  26. And praise God for His blessings that we just don't even deserve!!

  27. Blessed indeed! Amen!

  28. Hmmm... Yes you are blessed but I sense also that there are some needs here that need to be shared. Not complaining and sharing are two different things.

  29. you have no idea how much i needed to hear that. being a mommy to a cf son, it is easy to forget the blessing part and lately with my husband and i both dealing with one hit after another in our own health and then our son on top of it all, it is easy for satan to bear down on us and we forget the blessing our life is. thank you for sharing.

  30. Just read your update on Facebook and had to come read the post. How amazing is that? And what a huge, HUGE praise to realize how the blessings continue to flow. God has already used you all in a mighty way; I can only imagine what the future holds!

  31. Having faith is truely a wonderful thing!!! God bless you and your family.

  32. You are blessed and we are blessed by "knowing" you all. You always inspire me to be thankful for what I have, to give back to those in need, to check that little box on the back of my license and so many other countless things. :-)

  33. Beautiful post about a beautiful family. You have such a positive attitude- it is refreshing and encouraging at the same time.

  34. You are truly blessed and have very strong faith that God will choose the best path for you no matter what happens.
    Gwyneth is an absolute doll!

    Love the Oreo pics!

  35. Thank you for being willing to be a vessel for others to receive a blessing through your blog. Thank you for allowing so many of us to be a part of the blessing of your family.


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