
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Last CF Event of the Year!

This is our last Cystic Fibrosis fund-raiser of 2009, and from what I can tell, we've pretty much saved the best for last. The Pearl is one of Tricia's favorite OBX's located on the beach, with some awesome views of the dunes and ocean. The food is as good as it gets, the music will be top-notch, and the items up for silent auction have been saved especially for this event.

This might also be your last time to hang out with Tricia and Gwyneth and I before my girls go into semi-hibernation from the cold-weather germs. Seats are very limited, and if you or anyone you know is interested in purchasing a ticket, call the phone number above or send me an Email ASAP!




  1. I know what you mean about hibernation. I have a 10 week old with a low white blood cell count and we are already in for the winter!

  2. May you and your family stay safe and germ free.


  3. You did mean 2009, right? Here's hoping for a germ-free winter!

  4. Hello Nathan,

    I haven't commented before but this is a wonderful and very informative site.

    I wonder if you could comment on this article about a double-lung recipient who later died of cancer because his donor, a smoker, already had lung cancer.

    I think you mentioned that future recipients could choose, or not, to accept more "risky" organs.

    If you have the time, it would be helpful if you could comment on this because I think it is dissuading some people from being donors and/or recipients (I am a donor).


  5. Sorry, the full website address to the article is

  6. @anonymous

    Thanks for sharing that article. A sad story. I'm really not able to comment, however, as it seems that the process and procedures for transplants are very different between countries. To be honest, if I were a TX patient or an organ donor in Cambridge, I'd also be doubting the process now.


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