
Monday, October 5, 2009

Cell Phone Photos

Here are a few photos over the past several days, via my cell phone...

Chocolate Pudding is a favorite...

Taking a walk around the neighborhood...

The aftermath of an unsupervised Gwyneth book session...this is her reading chair that she randomly climbs into to "read"...
Dollar taco night at The South Beach Grille...

My steak fajitas...mmmmmm...
The view from my hot date last night...
Pug yawn...



  1. SWEET photos, Nate! Love the one with Gwyn suspended in air by the straps of her overalls. SUPER GWYNETH!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I love the one of you holding onto Gwyneth's overalls. So cute!


  3. I love how Gwyneth's hair is starting to curl up. So cute.
    And as usual, Tricia is beautiful :)

  4. Love these pictures Nate. Your girls are amazingly beautiful, and Tricia looks awesomely healthy!!! Our God is so GOOD.:)

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  5. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures! Gwyneth is looking so grown up and beautiful.

    Love to all

  6. Love the overalls photo too! I have a daughter a few months younger than Gwyneth. In February, I broke my elbow in 4 places and was out of action for some time. I found overalls (we call them dungarees here) very useful for picking her up with one hand LOL (luckily she's not very big!)

    Estelle from the UK

  7. Lovely photos!
    Has Gwyneth gotten her G-tube out yet or does she still not eat complete meals yet? Love how her hair is curling up as it grows!

  8. Even with your cell phone you still take great pictures!! Love them all!


  9. Must say those pictures are precious!

  10. fun pictures - thanks for sharing your everyday life! God is good, All the time. All the time, God is good!

  11. So cute! How do you get anything done with that sweet little girl around. I would spend all day just watching her. (I have two darling girls of my own and somedays that is the case with me!) My favorite photo is the stroller one with her arms on the tray. She looks like a 2 yr old! BTW - Your camera takes pretty good pictures.

  12. PS How is your recovery?

  13. That baby just keeps getting cuter and cuter- still such an amazing blessing and gift :)

  14. I love the baby floating in the air picture! It took me a minute to figure that one out.

    Thank you to the person who gave their lungs to Tricia. It makes me happy seeing that mommy smile!


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