
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Shutes and Ladders

This was too cute not to show...she loves this, and, when she's wearing the right clothes (the ones that are best for sliding), she'll slide all by herself all the way down. Make sure you catch her laugh at the very end...



  1. Too cute!!! She looks so grown up.

  2. Very Cute! I think I got a bigger laugh out of something else though. Wonder how many child "experts" are going to tell you how bad you are for teaching your child to go head first down the slide. :) Knowing that I taught my children to do it the "right" way and they still go down it head first. Just made me laugh.

  3. Super Cute!!! What a lucky girl to have parents like you.

  4. Too Cute!!! Thanks for sharing it with us! She is getting so big and at such a wonderful just gets better and better....but I know you know this! Hope ya'll are having a great weekend!

  5. awesome.. before you know it, she will want to go by herself..

    glad all well

    Thank for sharing

  6. How funny! My kids love going down the slide head first :) We went to a park that had one of those old metal slides that is really high (the ones I grew up with) and my son wanted to go down it. We let him and he went down so fast that he slide off the end...luckily he had gone feet first that time. I thought he might be hurt but he thought it was hilarious :) BTW...her hair is getting so long!

  7. How adorable is that! "Chutes & Ladders" was one of my favorite board games as a kid; I'm sure Gwyneth will love it when she gets older!

  8. I think your chuckle at the end was even better than hers! Ha! Love it!

  9. Through her laughter she breathes joy into the world. Celebrate her everyday!...oh... you already do!

  10. Absolutely precious! Love that big laugh at the end and love her ponytail.

  11. She is adorable! It's so amazing and fun to see her develope!

  12. cute...I love the "ha" at the end! I can't believe how big she is getting - such a token of God's great goodness! x

  13. love it! that's exactly how my 19 month old son first learned to slide. face first!

  14. SOOOOO CUTE!!!! :)
    Hugs from Liz in Aus :)

  15. how cute. She looks great. It is wonderful to see her getting bigger and developing new skills. Baby laughs are the best.
    have a great week, thanks for continuing to share your blessing with "us".

  16. AWWWW! I totally love her laugh "Ha!"

  17. Fantastic, and Wow I can't believe how big MIss Gwyneth is getting!!!
    I think its time for another picture with the Pug!!!
    I love her little laugh at the end. What fun!

  18. This is great (how many times is a rows does she want to do this?) I love her laugh at the top when she sees Mom and I love the little laugh at the end - kind of a punctuation mark.

  19. Very cute! =)

    Thanks for sharing Nate!

  20. She is so cute!!! I love the little laugh. Thanks for sharing her with us.

  21. I love that little laugh at the end, how adorable!

    You all look so wonderful too! Glad to see a great family enjoying time together!

  22. that was awesome! It's incredible to watch her do that all by herself, such a gift to watch from her birth to now!!
    Happy Sunday.

  23. the best! she has gotten so mobile since April! God is good. Always.

  24. That laugh at the end was SO cute.

    Great job on the climbing and sliding G!!

  25. Adorable!!!!! Love the little laugh at the end! :)

  26. That made my day !!!!!!!!!

  27. Precious, precious!

    Our God is so good! Destiny

  28. How cute!!! Look at her go! She is so precious!

  29. That is great! Look at how well she is doing everything! She looks like a lil' toddler with her hair like that! She is so sweet and so determined!
    Thanks for sharing Nate!

  30. That giggle cracks me up! So sweet!

  31. Oh my word! She just gets cuter and cuter!
    What a little blessing!

  32. So cute. I just love overall's on little kids, they are just adorable.

    She took that slide on like it was a piece of cake and I love that you allow her to go down head first. That's living!!!!

  33. That is so sweet! The laugh at the end is great! I can't believe how very far she has come. It is wonderful.

  34. Totally A D O R A B L E!!!!!!!!

    You are such an amazing family and I thank each of you for sharing your lives with us.

    Happy Monday!

    Love to All.

  35. LOVE LOVE LOVE the little giggle at the end! She is getting so big!

    I have nominated you for an award. Come over to my blog to pick it up. : )

  36. Very cute...thanks for her "laugh" at the end!

  37. What a super cute video- thanks for sharing!

  38. sooo behind on reading blogs...and sooo glad I didn't miss this video!! Seeing her grow and learn and experience new things is so much fun to watch. Thanks for continuing to share her with all of us in Blogdom!! She is just changing so much!
    Have a great week!


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