
Friday, October 23, 2009

Eva friend Eva (you may remember her?) is not doing well. After receiving a double lung transplant just a few years ago, she is in chronic rejection. Her lung capacity is below 20%, and although she has been re-listed for another transplant, she may not have much time to spare. I'd love nothing more than to fly up to Canada with Tricia and make a visit and give her a hug, but I can't, so I'm sitting here praying for our friend and hoping that she gets at least one more chance to live life.

Eva is a one-of-a-kind person, and an absolutely incredibly advocate for CF/TX education and research...somebody who I look up to in that regard. I hope that Tricia and I can one day meet Eva in person, but for now, I'd appreciate it very much if you could swing by Eva's Blog with me and leave her a note of encouragement.

Thank you.



  1. Hey Nate, this may be a really dumb question...but here goes.

    If a person rejects the organ the receive, will they reject ALL organs? Or is it just that particular organ from that particular donor, if that makes sense.


    Rebekah Larson

  2. @Joshs_Rebekah

    The body will only reject the donated organs with the foreign DNA, although rejection of one organ can often have a direct negative impact on other organs.

  3. Hi I'm not new to reading your blog, but I'm hopeful I can find time to comment more.

    Sending thoughts and prayers to your friend.

  4. Thanks for sending my girl more prayers Nate. I got to make it too Vancouver for the film and tried to give her a hug worth all the Internet friends praying for her.

  5. Nate, Thank you so much for the prayers. They are needed now more than ever and I can feel the love all the way up here in chilly Canada!!

    I think I can help answer Rebekah's question as I had a lot of similar questions when I found out I was being relisted for transplant.

    There are a lot of different theories about rejection, some of them connected to the state of the lungs when they were transplanted, some to strains of pseudamonas you can get post transplant, some to being exposed to strains of fungas or virus', and sometimes they just don't know why it happens. It can also be that even though you and your donor were a blood type mach the smaller markers in your DNA wern't a good match, something that they can't test for in lung transplants because of the short window of time between retreiving the lungs and the transplant. In live donor kidney transplants they can test for all the smaller markers so that there is a much higher chance that the kidney's wont reject with the closest possible match.

    Unfortunately rejection can happen at any point post transplant even years down the road.

    Thanks again Nate. Please give Tricia and Gwyneth Rose big hugs for me. Your family is always in my thoughts and prayers as well.

  6. Praying for her and will visit her blog, too.

  7. I will pray for Eva each morning and every night.
    Now that I know a bit of her story I am sure I will never forget her, actually I know I will never forget Eva. Hugs and prayers each day & night for Eva for always.


  8. nate, thanks for spreading the word about this. i've been reading eva's blog for awhile now, but i hadn't checked in in a few months. i'm praying along with you guys.

    baltimore, md

  9. Nate, i have let Eva know on her blog that i'm praying. Thanks for letting us know.
    Praying in Missouri

  10. She is an advocate. We saw a news broadcast where she advocated for CF and organ transplants. awesome.

  11. I've left her some love, and I'm working on a card for that will go out tomorrow AM ~ thanks for reminding me about her ~~

  12. Joining with you and many others in prayer for Eva.

  13. She is just beautiful. And in my prayers.

  14. Eva is a beautiful young lady...thanks for sending me to her blog to leave her a hug.

  15. Thanks for sharing this, Nate. We'll pray for her.

  16. Thanks for posting this, been out of the loop while on holiday so hadn't heard, though I was aware that Eva's body was beginning to reject her new lungs. Praying so much for Eva, I so want to see the whole of her documentary.

  17. Sent a note, and thanks for the opportunity. Hugs to all, and am hoping that sweet baby is having a good day!

  18. Hey Nate...will be praying for Eva. I checked out her blog and I was curious as to the 65 Roses. What is the significance of the 65 roses...I know that Tricia has it on her blog too.
    I met your dad last month at the YA reunion...great guy! ;-)
    Lesley England

  19. What a beautiful young woman! Just simply stunning. I am praying that she gets a chance at new lungs. Thank you for mentioning her on your blog so that I can pray for her.

  20. Nate,

    I'm a new reader of your blog. I just wanted to say thank you for all you do for the CF community in posting here.

    You, Tricia and Eva are among those in the CF community who never cease to amaze and inspire.

    Please keep up the great posts! I look forward to becoming a regular reader here.

    Boomer Esiason Foundation

  21. @Lesley

    The link below should answer your question.

  22. Since my son just joined the US Coast Guard, I keep up on some of the news floating around about the Coast Guard. Here is a feel-good story of a girl with CF and her wish to become a rescue swimmer.

  23. Here's a touching story of another woman who is battling CF. She's waiting for a lung transplant so that she can spend more time with her baby girl.

  24. Thanks for posting this. I use to follow her blog but had fallen out of the habit of checking in on her. This news makes me very, very sad.

  25. Oh no. I've been reading her blog since you linked it way back when. I'm very sorry to hear this and will be thinking of her.

  26. Eva is not well and her life is ending.....She's posted a video saying good bye today. Please say a prayer for her.



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