
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Surgery Today

Gwyneth had a second eye surgery and ear tubes placed today (in the same OR). Her First Eye Muscle Surgery in March made an immediate difference, but her right eye slowly reverted again over the next several months. The success rate for this surgery is 80%, which means Gwyneth fell into the 20% the first time around...we're hoping this one will be successful.

The ear tubes should make a huge difference in her hearing. Although she's had only one ear infection, she has had fluid in her ears for a long time, which has hindered her ability to hear clearly. The surgeon today told us that she had a lot of fluid during surgery, which he had to clean out before placing the tubes. The tubes should relieve the vacuum pressure that builds up behind her ear drums because her eustachian tubes that run from her middle ear to the back of her throat are so small that they do not easily drain on their own. As she grows bigger, the tubes should eventually fall out on their own and the ear drums will heal...hopefully by that time, her ears will be able to drain on their own.

We had to be at the hospital (CHKD) this morning at 7am, but since we drove yesterday from a few days in New Jersey with Tricia's family, we decided to grab a hotel room near the hospital last night instead of driving all the way home and then back again super early this morning. Gwyneth was in surgery at 9:45, and we were called into the post-op recovery room around 11:15. Because she is older and more aware this time around, she was much more cranky and agitated coming out of surgery this time than last. She spent the first hour squirming and crying before we finally made it to her car seat where she is much happier. She slept most of the trip home and then for a few hours this afternoon. She was feeling much better this evening, probably with the anisthesia and morphine out of her system, and she is currently falling to sleep in Tricia's lap, sucking down some pedialyte and listening to the Angels beat the Yankees.

We're hoping to see a big change in her ability to see and hear in the next few days...we'll keep you posted!



  1. What a big girl! She has been through so much at such a young age! Her strength is inspiring! I certainly hope that these surgeries help tremendously in both areas! I also hope she is able to rest well tonight!

  2. Glad to hear it went pun intended! Ear tubes are the greatest thing. 3 of my 5 have had them and they have always made a tremendous difference. I hope she falls in the 80% this go around with her eye surgery!

  3. I hope everything goes well and that Gwyneth heals well and fast :)

  4. Hoping for a good recovery for Gwenyth ... and of course for the Angels to beat the socks off the Yankees and go to the World Series!

  5. I'm glad it went well! I hope she has a quick recovery!

  6. I hope her recovery goes smoothly and quickly- she is such a strong girl, and such a fighter...just like her mama! Sending you the best of wishes, and lots of prayers for a speedy recovery and a great outcome!

  7. So glad to hear that it went well, we'll pray that the surgeries will alleviate what they're supposed to!

  8. If the tubes do for her hearing what the glasses did for her vision she'll be in fast-forward from hear on out. I'm so happy for her!

  9. so happy! my son had tubes at 13 months and we haven't had a problem since, and he's almost 4! will she still get to wear those SUPER CUTE glasses, even after the surgery? praying for a speedy recovery!

  10. Hey Nate-I just wanted to let you know that our youngest had tubes at 9 months and she went from no mobility to on hands and knees rocking the same day. She was taking steps two weeks later. It made a huge difference in her mobility.

    My best friend's second son was born with his eyes crossed. He had the muscle surgery before he was one and had to have it again at the age of 2. This time around it worked and his eyes are now straight.

    Glad to hear that it went rather well today. Unfortunately since she is older the recovery was harder. So sorry for that.

  11. How convenient to get both things done at the same time! And that everything went so well. I hear great things about tubes and little ones' development. I'll keep praying for you all! Hope recovery is quick and painless for her (and you and Tricia)!

  12. So glad it went well! We went through strabismus surgery 4x w/ my daughter and the other 2 kids have both had tubes, so I've been there & done that, but not all in one day! I'll be praying for a quick recovery!

  13. Praying for her speedy recovery! You will be amazed at what she can hear now. Both my kiddos have tubes...older son is on his 3rd set. He's almost 6, so we're hoping that once these fall out, they'll be the last!

  14. Oh, bless that child and those who love on her! I hope today is great for her.

  15. I used to work at EVMS, right next to CHKD :) Great place! Glad the surgery went well, and I pray it really help your little girl.

  16. Tricia & Nate,
    Praying for you all today! Our middle child had no ear infections but needed tubes. The doctors said his ears were really full and it was like hearing underwater. As we walked in the house after the surgery he heard birds in the yard and told us. Later I called his name and he turned his head to look at me. I immediately realized he had never done either of these before. He had previously failed hearing tests but has never since!He was 2. Praying for the same results for Gwyneth!

  17. Glad to hear the surgeries went well, hope Gwyneth is feeling better soon.

    Not so glad that the Angels beat the Yankees, but oh well. Tomorrow will be a fun game :) At least the Phils made it to the world series... ;)

  18. Thanks so much for the update and sharing your family life with us. Tracy Edwards/Chesapeake, VA

  19. Having 3 out of 5 kids have tubes they have made a world of difference to each child, in hearing and their speech.
    Praying for fast healing..

  20. Hello Nate,

    I'm commenting today to tell you about a cystic trying to win $5,000 for the CFF. Problem is, it's an online voting contest and she's slipping further and further from 1st place.

    This morning Emily was in 4th place and over 700 votes from winning. The contest ends on Halloween. You can only vote for one person, once a day. I was hoping you could post this on your blog to spark some CF supporters to vote.

    If not, that's cool. But here's the link if you want to take a look:

  21. What a lucky baby to be so well taken care of! I hope these tubes help her a lot.

  22. Praying for a great recovery!! My now 7yo is 1 year post-op on her eye surgery and we're about ready to schedule surgery for our 2yo. She has strabismus as well. Hope all goes well!!

  23. hi nate, glad to hear Gwenyth is doing better. I think I have only commented a couple of times, but read daily! I have 3 little boys, 5,3 and 1. My 3 year old has had tubes 2 x and is fixing to go back for a 3rd set. He has some pretty bad trouble with his little ears. My 1 year old is on his 1st set. They were both tremendously screaming their little heart out when they came out of the anesthesia. It does make a great difference and my boys haven't been nearly as sick either!! Hope your little one's tubes do the trick too. Thank you for your daily inspiration to me!!!! Praying for a speedy recovery!!!

  24. So glad everything went well!! I have been following your story for quite a while now. I had my third son in May and he needs eye muscle surgery too. I know that you feel very confident in your doctor/surgeon. I was wondering if you could pass along his name. My email is

    Thanks, christine

  25. I have been following you for a while. I was pregnant with my second child around the same time. I am so glad to see you and your family overcome so much. I feel like I know you personally. I found out that my daughter (15 months) will have to have eye surgery next month. Having read about Gwyneth's eye surgeries have made me feel less stressed over this. Who did her eye surgeries? Thanks for sharing, I will contine to pray for you and your family.....

  26. @Samantha

    Yes, Gwyneth will continue wearing her glasses. She actually has two separate eye issues...the surgery is to correct the muscles that are causing her eyes to cross and dip (which mostly causes "double" vision), and the glasses are to correct her near-sightedness, which is most likely a result of the retinopathy of prematurity that she dealt with while still in the hospital.

  27. @Anonymous

    Here is information about Gwyneth's surgeon:

  28. So happy the surgery went well and is now behind you. Thinking of little Gwyneth today.

  29. congrats and really i am happy to hear about it that you guys decided that you do the eye surgery really don't worry you will see the best future of the life...


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