
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Glasses (Part 2)!

Heading to bed, but I thought I'd show you a pic of Gwyneth with her newest pair of glasses (never a bad idea to have two pair).



  1. aaahhhh!!!! So cute it hurts! Could she be any cuter

  2. Wow! Gwyneth looks so grown-up in those! What a cutie.

  3. oh my goodness- she is TOO adorable for words!!!

  4. Look at that big girl! She looks amazing. And super cute, too.

  5. All three of my children wear glasses, the youngest started wearing them at 5 months old. You are correct! It is always good to have more than one pair! And you will go thru a lot of them too with how fast kids grow and change. Gwyneth is super-cute!

  6. Love them!!! she's such a cute pie :)

  7. Haha! Gotta open those eyes to see through those glasses!

  8. I bet you are seeing a major difference in how she reacts to her world now that she's got her glasses, her second eye surgery, and the tubes for her ears. Modern medicine can be such a blessing!

    The glasses are great - and how smart to have 2 pairs!

  9. Wow, I bet she can see great like that if she'd only open her eyes. She's cute and she knows it, doesn't she? Adorable!


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