
Sunday, November 1, 2009


I LOVE TRUNKorTREAT! I usually have my theme picked out months (if not an entire year) in advance. This was our second ToT as a family of three, and since I chose last year's theme (See Here), Tricia chose this year's. We had lot's of fun putting together our costumes (thanks to Erika for help with Tricia's, and to my mom for creating my coat). This was most definitely the warmest Halloween ever, with temps close to 70 at 6pm...compared to last year when it was pretty chilly.

We estimate that nearly 3000 people came through in two hours, enjoying the trunks, huge moon bounces, tons of free food, and some awesome carnival games. Here are a few photos of some of our friends...

This is my mom...she actually dresses like this most days, so you can't really consider it a "costume"...

My dad, the sad buccaneer...

Gwyneth had a lot of fun watching people and trying to sneak candy.

I'm not ashamed to say that this is not the first time I've worn makeup...

Tricia made a great Pan!

We were tired, and I was hot and sweaty by the end of the night, but it was totally worth it!



  1. Looks like fun was had by all! You guys look awesome! Great theme choice!

  2. Great pics and great theme! Wow have you slimmed down since last year! Congrats!

  3. VERY CUTE! I love the family theme. We were the SUPER SIX STRICKLANDS! Fun-fun!

  4. You wear makeup very well. Great costumes all around.

  5. great photos! looks like a blast! so glad you had fun!!!

  6. my daughter says you look better with make up on.... What does she know??? She is just 14 LOL, though we have been following your blog since the beginning almost.....

  7. LOL loved the photos! You guys are soo creative and G~, well..she made the cutest Tink ever! Thankful for your outreach to souls! That's what it's all about!

  8. Dang, you look sooooo different as Hook! Good job.

  9. Awesome! Looks like you all had a great time! Great job on the costumes.

  10. Gwyn is possibly the cutest Tinker Bell ever!!!

    Great costumes!!!

  11. promise me you'll keep the pirate mustache/beard.

  12. AWESOME! You all rocked your costumes. Looks like a great time.

  13. LOVE it! My children love all things Peter Pan, and my daughter was thrilled when the Tinkerbell movie came out - strangely it makes me very emotional - weird, I!

  14. Wow 3000 people that is great! Had some great costumes too. Thanks for sharing. Tracy Edwards/Chesapeake, VA

  15. Too funny. Looks like you all had a blast. We're doing Judgement House at our church again this year. Our 5th year to be exact. We've done 3 nights and had around 80 people saved. We still have 2 more nights to go!

  16. Oh, I LOVE your costumes! Perfect!!

  17. Love the costumes! So glad you all had fun:)

  18. Trunk or Treat sounds so fun! Love the costumes and the costume ideas!

  19. Your costumes were so GREAT!!! And what a way to carry the theme....looks like a very fun filled night. Make-up looks good on you....just in case you were wondering :-)

  20. It sure is fun having a chance to catch up and see what I have been missing on your blog.

    The other night when I watched Nights in Rodanthe (again) for my MIL it was her first time... I thought of you and those gorgeous photos you took of 'the house'.

    My sons girlfriend follows you too... she found you at my blog. So we had a remember this... no wait remember this??? Kinda of talk... it is amazing to read about and feel a part of your lives even though we really are not.

    Thanks for being willing to share.


  21. looks like lots of fun!!! Gwyneth is so cute!!!

  22. Wow. Your father wore the exact same costume as my 3 year old son. How funny they made it in an adult and toddler version!

  23. What an awesome ministry...3000 people!!! That is great. I know that trick or treating is a fun thing, but it is scary out there. I do wish my church had something similar.


    PS I know you mentioned this, and I honestly did look, but I couldn't find it...where or how do you get your stamp on the pictures?

  24. I always love seeing the Trunk or Treat pics. Looks like you all had lots of fun. :)

  25. u know that [url=]Beautifull.[/url]

    just some help one more and i get pics unlocked


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