
Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Believe it or not, these four are all cousins (well, two are twin siblings)...and, they're all less than 18 months apart and live within 10 minutes of each other...and, in just another week or two, they'll all be crawling. Needless to say, it is going to be a lot of fun watching them grow up together!



  1. Oh how adorable... Miss Gwyneth looks pretty in pink.. Won't it be great fun with all of them. Life is Great!

  2. Fun and wonderful times are ahead for all of you watching these four cuties. In a few short months, it will feel like being in a beehive when these guys are together. Enjoy every moment Nate and Tricia:) It goes way too fast. Love you and Happy New Year to you all.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  3. how precious!! these are the times I get *jealous* and want to move back to the states for my kiddos to live near their cousins :( ENJOY your time with your family!!

  4. They are going to be "trouble" in a few years :-)

  5. Cousins are the best, how fun for you! They are like like long, built in buddies :-)

  6. That's so adorable! Time spent growing up with my cousins are some of my favorite memories.

  7. How adorable!!!!!!! They will have such great memories of growing up together!

  8. In my husbands family there were 4 babies born within just over 9 months of each other! A girl in June 08, a girl in September 08, our little girl in December 08, and a boy in March 09! Our pictures look similar to yours. :) What fun these cousins will have growing up together.

  9. Make me think, " From every Kingdom and every tongue" ; What a great heritage;and pretty cute as well!

  10. I have to say, your family is now poster-status for color blind love - what a great witness and a great testimony!!!!!

  11. I am one of a group of cousins close in age. We all grew up close and have stayed close as adults. It is the best thing ever! What's even better is now raising our kids together! How special!

  12. That is so cute!!!

    (Sorry, way behind on my Google reader and just saw this.)

    I had a cousin 3 months younger than me and it was great growing up with him. :)


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