
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gngle Bells



  1. Oh, the joys of childhood and Christmas.

    She looks so focused in these pictures and so cute.

  2. What fun.. She is going to love Christmas this year. All The lights, the fun paper, the bells.. Enjoy!

  3. Nate..

    I haven't posted in so long but I read your blog religiously. Sweet Gwyneth is so cute and growing up so fast! I remember crying everything I read your posts when she was so tiny and fragile and worrying about her and your precious wife. I still continue to pray for both of them. May you have a blessed Christmas!

    Linda from Texas

  4. seeing these recent pictures of Gwyneth enjoying Christmas as she is just blesses me more than you know! I have so enjoyed your posting them.
    Merry Christmas to you all!

  5. Gweyneth is so adorable. Ihave not been on your blog in awhile, and am so glad that I came by today. She is precious.

  6. Great pics! She is getting so big!! :) Loved the family pictures also!

  7. Such wonder!! Those are gorgeous bells!

  8. Oh Nate and Tricia,

    May His joy keep running over as you enjoy this most precious of seasons. How sweet to have your two girls home with you in your new home. I hope this season is more relaxing than the last, and the moments are shared in Love.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  9. That would make a beautiful Christmas Card!


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