
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Winter Is Coming!

Gwyneth is ready! Are you?


  1. Winter's already here in CO!

    Gwyneth's jacket is totally adorable!

  2. She is soooo adorable! It snowed here the other day in TX, CRAZY!

  3. Awww she is so adorable, we already have a dusting of snow here in MN which surprises me, we usually have a least of couple of inches.

  4. We'll probably have a foot by the end of today here in Northern Michigan. I am SO not ready for this!

  5. I sure love this little girl. She gets cuter by the day you guys. Hope you are all healthy and enjoying the holiday season. Love you.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  6. This is the cutest photo EVER! She just makes me smile!

  7. Unfortunately we don't have Winter here in FL. Gwyneth is adorable as ever though, such a little miracle baby.

  8. Shawna - Round Rock, TexasDecember 6, 2009 at 3:11 PM

    What a sweet picture! Here little hat looks like a heart around her face. :o)

  9. What a cute picture! The little girl is precious too :) Winter has arrived here in TN....we had snow over the weekend in East TN :)

  10. I am ready here in Minnesota, it has been in the teens. We are expecting snow Tuesday and Wednesday. On the other hand I am ready for spring too!!!!
    What a cute picture!!

  11. What an adorable picture! She would sure need that here in Saskatchewan this morning it was -38C (-36.4F) this morning.. I guess winter is finally here!

  12. Adorable!

    Tell Gwyneth to send some of that cold air our way!


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