
Monday, December 21, 2009

More SNOW!

We spent several days last week with our great friends, Mike & Lisa in NJ. We had intended to do the Kirschner Family Christmas in PA on Saturday, but the two feet of snow kept us in NJ for an extra day. Gwyneth loved looking at the snow, but, as you can see below, wasn't too crazy about being in the snow.

Mike decided to build an igloo on Sunday morning...Gwyneth (and the rest of us) were highly entertained.

Thanks so much, Mike & Lisa, for housing us for an extra day/night and helping entertain Gwyneth! You guys ROCK!



  1. did you chase Mike out of his own home and force him to build an igloo?? lol!

  2. The picture of you copying Gwyneth's face is too cute!!

  3. Ditto Julia's comment :)

    We just had snow here too - very rare for us. Actually I hadn't seen snow for 13 years until this year! I'd love to see it every year, though its not much fun getting to work in it LOL.

  4. very jealous of all of your snow . . . here in London we get flurries, but it never accumulates to much!

  5. Love the outfit Gwyneth wore inside! Someone has good taste!

  6. I can't tell you how jealous I am of that rockin' snow hat Gwyneth has.

  7. I wish we got that snow here in Upstate NY!!! So far this year all we've gotten is about 4 inches total which is very off for us! I'm so jealous....Mike looked like he was having kids and I would have definitely been out there helping him with the igloo!!

    Have a very wonderful Christmas. Be safe!

  8. Wow, she is standing really well. It looks like she is really close to walking.

  9. I am so entertain by Gwyneth- seeing her crawling and being such a miracle kid! Thanks for sharing!


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