
Sunday, December 20, 2009


Tricia and I have been stranded in NJ for the past few days with some friends during this blizzard...seriously, the most snow fall I've ever seen!



  1. Way too cool! Makin' memories...Loved the video!

  2. Loved the video.. We only had about 2 inches of snow in 2 days.
    Hoping you guys will get home soon. Looks like you are all having a really good time.
    Helpful hint when you have no mittens...
    Ziploc bag with socks.. or socks then the ziploc bag.. I perfer to start with the bag and stick the sock over.. or even just slide a couple of pairs of socks on her hands to keep them warm while you are out.. Although Gwyneth didn't seem to mind.. she looked like she is loving all of that snow.. so much fun for her.

  3. That sounds like fun for you guys! It won't be too often that Gwyneth will get to see the white stuff...esp at Christmas!

  4. That is so cool, I have not seen real snow in years and I miss it. Thanks for sharing.

  5. We are in NJ also...I suspect quite close to where you and Tricia are since I remember you mentioning family and friends living in Camden County. We haven't seen this much snow since 1996!! Glad you are making a memory and are safe.

  6. Holy cow!! I live in Cleveland and have seen my fair share of blizzards and snow falls, but I don't think we've ever seen *that* much snow. Wow...great video...hope you guys aren't snowed in too much longer!!


  7. We're in south/central nj and we got about 18 inches. My kiddos LOVED it. The hubby is taking my oldest sledding while our youngest naps. Enjoy it while you up here!

  8. We are in NJ too (Burlington County) and it is crazy!! My brother actually got married yesterday and we will definately never forget the Blizzard of 09!! Enjoy the time together! Stay warm!

  9. WOW! Can you send some of that snow our way? Right now all we are dreaming about is a RAINY Christmas :-P

    Great video, thanks for sharing!


  10. oh my goodness... i will not complain about our overcast day here in California!! that is unbelievable!
    Thanks for such a fun video. Merry Christmas beautiful family.

  11. That poor man!!! I feel so bad for him!! We here in Utah have only had one bad day or two of snow. And it only got up to about 6 or 7 inches where I am.

    And poor Gwyneth!! I loved how she reached for you after Tricia stuck her in the snow! Have fun!

  12. That looks like so much fun! I live in the Chicago area, and we are known for our blizzards like that. Usually we have at least a couple every year.

    Our church has a saying, that they only cancel services if it is "20 below or 20 inches of snow." So we still would have held church in that blizzard!

    Did you ever get to hand Gwyneth a snowball? If so, what did she do? Also I'd love to see how she would react to a snowman.

  13. WOW! I remember one year seeing snow like that when I lived in Aberdeen - me and my friend tried to shovel my car out the snow using the only thing we had - breakfast trays! But my car was stuck for several days in the car park. Oh dear. But it's cool. Please make a snow angel on my behalf? We have had snow showers for days now, but it's just going slushy or icy. It's pretty rubbish snow.

  14. Wow, thanks for the video, love seeing your little one looking at the snow, would like to see some FALL here on the coast(NC) but prefer not to see it lay around but does make for some wonderful Christmas memories like the Christmas we had 20 years ago here.

  15. I love the video! It makes me wish I lived in back East.

    My favorite part was baby sitting in the snow. Baby G is so cute!

    I torture my babies like that too and love it when I get it on video. It's what parents do right?!?!

  16. Haha! That was great! Love the video Nate! Enjoy the snow, each other and the wonderful memories! :)

    Merry Christmas!

  17. Wow!! I love seeing this! For a girl from East Texas who went to her mom's house in short sleeves today & will NEVER see that around here, that was way cool!!

  18. Oh I like the idea of keeping the yard stick set up. We (the kids) always take a yard stick out to measure, but we have never thought of keeping it set up to measure the snow as it falls. Neat idea, I am going to do that during our next snow storm.

  19. What a great video! Being from WI, we're used to lots of snow. But seeing this vid helped me see it through the eyes of someone who doesn't see a lot of snow--gave me a fresh and new persepective. And what fun for G, even if she didn't like it much. Every kid does that their first experience. Be safe!

  20. have you all heard of this guy- made me think of Tricia...

  21. I loved the video. We might get some snow here in OK on Thursday. My oldest would be so jealous of the snow you all got to play in. She has been asking for snow for 2 years now.

  22. I cracked up when G reached for you to "save" her after Tricia sat her in the snow. So cute!!

    Glad you all made it home safely!

  23. How awesome!! We don't EVER see anything like that here in TX, so it's fun to watch videos and see pictures from places that do get real snow! :)

  24. I'm jealous...not that you were stranded but because you were able to enjoy the snow. I'm hoping you all get home safely!

  25. man, I enjoyed that...there will be no snow in memphis, so I enjoyed ya'lls.

  26. Wow, that's a lot of snow! Im from Wisconsin, and we got 16 inches last week. But, we are in line for ANOTHER blizzard starting tomorrow. I don't think we have room for anymore snow! :)

  27. Loved the video....but ya need to come on back to the beach! Gwyneth says " I like the warm sand more" tee hee.
    Merry Christmas.


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