
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bless Haiti

In my opinion, living life the way it was meant to be lived is about two things...knowing your purpose and discovering your passion(s). Without a doubt, I know that my purpose in this life is to love God and love people. And, again without a doubt, I know that my passions include my God, my family, my friends, music and photography, among other things. The greatest blessing in this life for me is when I'm able to do something that fulfills my purpose via my passions.

It's probably no secret by now that I've had a passion for photography for a very long time. In fact, if I hadn't found my niche in the world as a musician/worship leader, there's a very high probability I would have pursued photography as a lifelong career. But, up until very recently, photography has been just a passion.

But, over the past few years, I've begun to see photography as a means for me to realize my purpose in new ways. Despite my best efforts to avoid it (literally, I said, "No way!" when a photographer friend asked me in June of this past year if I'd seriously thought of doing some professional shooting), the opportunity to begin a photography business has hunted me down, and I am finally giving in. By the end of this past year, without any advertising of my own, several of you (my blog readers) emailed me about shooting some photos during family vacations here on the Outer Banks. I found the time to do a few of those shoots this in 2009 and am already booking several shoots for 2010. Through this recent experience, it's been confirmed in my heart and mind that professional photography is something I can do.

As I've been praying and thinking about this, my biggest desire has been to use this new endeavor to continue living out my purpose to love God and love others. Although I'll only be doing this part-time, I will be looking for ways to use the majority of the profits to bless others. Honestly, if I end this coming year with a few new pieces of equipment that will help me become better at this art, I'll be very happy for myself.

So, having said all of that, I'm very pleased to tell you about my brand new photography website, I'll be specializing in candid, beach photography/family portraits. To celebrate my new business adventure and to set the precedent that I will be using this as a means to bless others, I'm going to be doing two things:

1) For every 2010 photo shoot that I book from today until midnight, January 31, I'll donate $50 of my paycheck to go directly to the relief work in Haiti via Samaritan's Purse.

2) For every unique visitor that receives from today until midnight, January 31, I'll donate an additional 5c of my own money to the relief work in Haiti via Samaritan's Purse.

I'm sure, by now, everyone reading this has heard, read or seen the news about the incredibly devastating earthquake in Haiti. This massive quake, which has possibly left well over one-hundred thousand dead, is only the most recent in a long series of natural disasters which have, in part, given Haiti the recognition as the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Reports are saying that thousands of people are, right now, still alive, trapped in the rubble of fallen buildings. And, with the absence of electricity, clean water and medical supplies, the death toll could rise dramatically in the next several days unless dramatic action is taken.

To join with me to support the relief efforts in Haiti, you can do three things:

1) Visit

2) Tell everyone you know to visit

3) Book a photo session with NathanLawrensonPhotography by the end of January.

It's that easy for you to help me support the relief efforts in Haiti.

I have personally been supporting Samaritan's Purse for several years...the video below explains the work they are currently doing in Haiti to help those affected by the earthquake.



A special "Thank you!" for the encouragement from my family, friends and blog readers over the past few years concerning my photography skills. Your words of encouragement and guidance have given me the motivation to get this project up and running.


  1. Congrats on the photography business. When God has his hand in things, it is awfully hard to say no! :) Thanks for continally being a source of encouragement to me by living out your faith. Blessings,

  2. I just went to your new site at What a wonderful way to assist those in need in Haiti. What a horrific and devastating situation going on there. I pray the world truly comes together to assist the earthquake victims.

    Also, as a somewhat unrelated topic... I've always thought your photos were excellent, especially those of Gwyneth and children. What you said regarding the greatest blessing for you being able to use your passion (photography) to fulfill your purpose (to love God and people) if you're not already familiar with it you should check out Flashes of Hope at ~ Bethany

  3. In case it hasn't been reported to you yet it appears that your site is currently down.

  4. What a fantastic idea! If our family were to ever come to the OBX, I'd definitely want to try to get a photo shoot. From what I've seen, you do a great job.

    Hope you get to send Samaritan's purse a great big check!!

  5. Another mission organization is Lifeline Christian Mission ( who is now in their 30th year of serving the children/people of Haiti. Their school was devastated by the quake. They do an incredible work in God's name for the Haitians.

  6. i plan to visit again in April...but will be alone, so i really don't think i will be booking a photo shoot of just me.... know that we are making a donation to Samaritan's purse via our church this weekend. praying!!

  7. What a great way to give back to God and his works. Your photography is great and I am so glad you answered his call -- because that's really what it must have been!

  8. I don't know if there is a chapter near you, or if you're interested in working with them, but the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep organiztion is amazing. Volunteer photographers work with families whose children are stillborn or will die shortly after birth due to birth defects, photographing the children and their families, capturing moments that are all too l brief. NPR just did a piece on NILMDTS recently, I'm sure the transcript or audio are online, and 2 photobloggers I know work with them. Nicole Raine Terhune in Seattle and Heather Armstrong (her sites are &, she is not the Heather Armstrong of in Vancouver Canada.

  9. Hey Nate, my daughter Gwenn Goodale Mangine who used to live in Manteo is a full time missionary in Jacmel,Haiti.
    I have been twice this past year and long with all my heart to be back there. To follow daily updates at the Haitian Children's Home and you can go to her blog at
    Today they are going out and looking for people who have not been heard from. They will also be feeding and generally caring for those in need in the community.
    God is still faithful and he will be glorified.
    ( went to school with my other daughter Melody and my daughter Gretchen taught your sister. )
    thank you for your efforts to the people of Haiti

  10. blessings to you, Nate! and best of luck to you in your photography adventure! Life seems to go a little slower thru a camera lens!

  11. May God bless you richly, Nate, for what you're doing. :) I love seeing someone whose passion for people (and for the Lord) is so evident in so many ways.

    Loretta in GA

  12. You are a true inspiration! Best of luck on the photography and bless you for helping out God's children!


  13. Congrats...I'm can't wait to visit the site. Visit my friend's site: She a great photographer who started much like you and a totally cool and unique person.

  14. Way to go Nate!! I am getting ready to go visit your new site right now!!
    I think it is AWESOME that you are starting your own photography business.
    Take care

  15. THANK YOU for doing this!! Our youngest son was adopted from Haiti and it's such a blessing to know that you're taking part in the relief effort! Samaritan's purse is a great organization. You do take such lovely photographs; I hope the Lord blesses your endeavors!! :o)


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