
Thursday, January 14, 2010

And Back Again...

I wish we could earn frequent driving miles this Friday evening we'll have racked up over 500 miles between three different hospital trips. Fortunately, we've been able to spend some quality time with several great friends.

Friday morning at 6am, we'll be heading out to Duke again. Tricia was on the phone all morning on Tuesday, finally able to set up an appointment with a highly touted ENT doctor at Duke who specializes in hearing loss. We're hoping to have some more answers and have a better idea of what the next steps will be for Gwyneth.

Hopefully by the weekend I'll be able to give you a good update on what's now and what's next. Thanks for all of the encouraging comments about this new development.



  1. I'm guessing you already know you can track those miles for taxes to write off, but thought I'd mention it anyway just in case.

  2. My husband was born with a hearing loss. He benefited from hearing aids for many years until he finally had a cochlear implant at the age of 32. Just wondered if that was an option for Gwyneth? I have heard of many babies that this has been successful with!!!

    By the way, my husband's loss is severely profound in both ears. We met at Rochester Institute of Technology where I was getting a degree in Interpreting for the Deaf. We have been married for 15 years and have 2 beautiful kids....he works for Penn State. Life is good!

  3. It's really great you've found a good ENT. I'm amazed you were able to get in so quickly since they are usually booked out months. That is great! Because the sooner you know your course the easier it will be. And nothing is worse that biding time until to can get in to see a doctor at some date way off in the future. I hope it goes well and you have a safe journey.

  4. I'll be praying for you all today while you're at Duke. I'm thankful you were able to get Gwyneth in with such a well respected ENT specialist so quickly.

    I'm praying you get the answers you need and can come away from the appointment with some positive direction as to next steps. I know you'd mentioned you'd received some conflicting results on her prior hearing tests. I'm also praying that the new information you receive at today's appointment may show she has less hearing loss than previously believed.

    Regardless I know you both as parents will do the best to provide for your little girl. She's blessed to have you as parents and she's such a blessing as well. May you have a safe trip back home and a relaxing weekend. ~ Bethany

  5. Praying for restorative hearing for Gwyneth and for you guys to continue adjusting to this new chapter in your lives.

    Also, I can't tell you how thrilled I was to have a few moments to chat with Tricia while at Duke on Wednesday. There was so much more I had hoped to tell her, but appointments took precedence and it was so great to put a living, breathing face (as opposed to a photo face) with the prayers we have been offering up.

    I must say, in the few moments I had with Tricia, it was so completely evident that she is as wonderful in real life as she is in your description of her.

    What a cool thing for God to work out us both being at the same clinic on the same day at the same time.

  6. God bless you in your continuing voyage of discovery. You family is a joy to read about and I wish you love, happiness and health for your journey together.


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