
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cake (Episode 2010)

We had our local family over for cake and ice cream last night. Here's a fast-forward look at Gwyneth's 14+ minute cake eating. Watch closely as she communicates to us a few times using sign language. Yes, she's a very dainty eater sometimes, for a 2 year old, especially compared to Last Year...

("Mess Of Me" by Switchfoot)



  1. emalee wants to watch it again. she was fascinated

  2. What a crack up!! Happy 2nd birthday sweet girl :)

  3. this is my favorite video of all. Watching her fine motor skills and her signing thank you is priceless. Her head movement that matched the music at the end was great. Good Luck with the New Year and many to come. She is such a big girl now.

  4. Sorry I meant the sign for please not thank you

  5. Oh that was just so darn cute! Love how you did the whole thing on fast forward, loved how she cleaned each finger too! How fun! Oh yeah, also loved the toes peeking out under the feet and toes are my favorite!! Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!

  6. so cute!! I am going to go out on a limb and say that she is definately right handed!! i don't think she used that left hand to eat once!!! And I love how her little feet are pushed out and hooked on the lip of the chair. my 2 yr. old Lily does the same thing!!

  7. Adorable! She really likes the frosting - wants to make sure she gets every last bit of it off her fingers! Loved watching her move her head with the music (at least that is how it seemed) at the end. Very cute!

  8. I wonder what she'll do when she realises her mouth is dirty!

    I didn't pick up the sign. American sign is different to my countries signing.

  9. We loved the finger licking! Too funny! Wish we could have been there!

    Uncle Terry and Aunt Sarah

  10. Gwyneth you are soooo adorable! i have thought so much these past few days about how much time i spent in prayer the days leading up to and after your birth....pleading with God to answer our prayers for you and your mama to be healthy and happy. two years later and you are more beautiful than i could have imagined. so this week my prayers are of thanksgiving for how God has answered our prayers.

  11. Well that's the cutest post ever...where did her "neat" gene come from??

  12. This was so funny!!! I was laughing so hard at minute 3 when she slows down (or the video slowed). hahaha! TOO CUTE!

  13. I loved how her head moved back and forth near the end...and was it just me or did that slice of cake never seem to get any smaller no matter how much she ate???

    And yes, what a dainty little eater!!

  14. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the personal sadnesses of the last year of my life-I know where to find some sunshine. Thanks. Now where is my cake? I think I had a birthday right before Christmas. And slept thru it.

    PS Like the song too.

  15. Oh my gracious......adorable! Happy Birthday!!!

  16. love love love it. i love how she licks each of her fingers before getting another bite. so adorable!!

    happy birthday sweet baby girl!!!

  17. The teacher in me says: What an impressive attention span! I bet she will love learning and reading!

  18. Hysterical! Is she still eating it?

  19. that was so adorable! i loved it!!! I'm so happy for you and your beautiful family!!! God bless!

  20. Praise the Lord for second birthdays! I've been primarily a lurker on your blog but had to post a note here; she's so precious and I'm so thankful to God for letting her grow up to be 2!!

  21. Bet you had plenty of cake left to eat,Gwyneth was so dainty eating and cleaning her fingers, so cute, was A awesome video from last year to see how she has grew this past year. Praying that she has many, many more to come, Nate Tricia AND Gwyneth are all a shinning example of what God can do for us, DON 'T IT FEEL MORE THAN WONDERFUL TO KNOW THAT GOD LOVES US SO MUCH AND ALWAYS HAS A PLAN FOR US, I FEEL WELL WITH MY SOUL WITH JESUS IN MY GOLDEN YEARS.

  22. Adorable! I loved watching the whole thing....that right hand dominance (until you added the fork to the mix, then it was all left handed!)....those sweet baby toes rocking her chair.....the sign for please....and I loved seeing her rock her head back & forth at the end. So cute!

  23. That is so hilarious! She is such a big girl now, it's awesome. Happy 2nd birthday, cute girl!!!

  24. Awww...Happy Birthday, Gwyneth! I LOVED her little toes hanging on to the inside of her tray.

  25. That is HILARIOUS! Made my day.

  26. What a cute finger-licking foot-kicking 2 year-old.

    A great video!

    Love to all

  27. Sweet lil girl.. fun have cake for herself..

    Thank for sharing the video!!

    happy birthday, girl!

  28. That was so hilarious! What a character! And... is she a lefty, too? I love her even more!

  29. That was too cute! She certainly made sure she got all the good icing first!!!

    I did pick up her signing for please! Such a smart little girl! She looked like she was really enjoying her cake....savoring it too!

  30. Oh! And I especially loved how she licked all her fingers after eating the icing in the beginning. That was precious!

  31. That was awesome! I love the signs. My daughter had two (vocal) words at the age of 2, "What's that?" BUT she had 80 signs! When she finally did start talking, it was in full sentences. The pediatrician kept asking me how many words she was using and I had to make sure they understood that she was communicating with us. She was just using her signs instead of her voice.

    I hope all goes well with G's hearing test today.

  32. Can you say adorable? She is doing fantastic!

  33. That's very clever. LOVE the video sped up.

  34. Your daughters is SO CUTE!!! Happy Birthday!!!

  35. Happy Belated Birthday!!! Hope she had a great day! God Bless your family!


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