
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hearing Test

We're leaving home at 6am Monday morning to drive to VA to be at the hospital by 7:30. Gwyneth will be sedated and given an ABR (Auditory Brainstem Response) Hearing Test. Although we're not sure if we'll learn of the results tomorrow or at a later date, this test should help determine if Gwyneth has hearing loss and if she needs further testing. The test is relatively simple, and we should be home by mid-afternoon.

As I've mentioned earlier, although her doctors believe that Gwyneth has mild to moderate hearing loss, we're not so sure, simply based on our experience with her. We're not in denial, and we're certainly praying that she does not have hearing loss, but, either way, we'll gladly continue to accept our little girl just as God made her and move foward with helping her to live as normally as possible.

We'd appreciate your prayers that Gwyneth will not be grumpy from the sedation, and that, either way, we'll have more information so that we can move foward with the best care for her. I'll update when I can.




  1. Best parents ever. I know I keep saying it, but you keep on being awesome. LOL I will remember you all tomorrow, the precious, and her docs.

  2. Praying that Gwyneth passes her test and wakes up with a smile on her face tomorrow!

  3. As a completely deaf, bionic-ear adult, I can really relate to what you must be feeling at this time. Praying that Gwyneth's hearing test turns out just fine...but if she does have a hearing loss, she can have the same incredible life as anyone else...I am a mother of five with a job, friends, and a great spiritual life. Deafness is just a part of who I will never define me :) Will be anxiously waiting for an update!

  4. Lots of prays for Gwyneth!

    Have a safe trip.

  5. We'll be praying for you three tomorrow!

  6. We rec'd our results right away..hope your family does too as waiting is not fun!
    As a family shocked by the results of our son's 1st ABR,(coincidentally, done at same age as Gwyneth is also) please know there is SO MUCH support for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children, should your Gwyneth be in need of it.
    Best wishes to your family!

  7. I'll be praying for you all to have a safe trip, for Gwyneth to handle the medication and procedure well and for you and Tricia to get the information needed to make the best choices for her. You seem to be such amazing parents. I truly don't think God could have found 2 better people to be Gwyneth's parents as you both. I'll be praying for great results for her hearing and for you all to be at peace over the results as well. ~Bethany

  8. In all three of my sons ABR's we received the results right away. Praying that you all have peace tomorrow no matter what the answers are.

    My son is severely hearing impaired and got his first set of hearing aids right after his first birthday.

  9. Hoping all goes well! If Gwyn does have some degree of hearing loss, hearing aids can benefit her (especially in the mild to moderate stage). Also, I'm very glad you guys are using sign language with her. Early communication is the key, whether it be sign language or speaking, and many babies are able to sign before they can speak.

    You may remember I mentioned a long time ago that I became deaf due to Gentamicin received within the first few weeks of my life after being born 11 weeks early. Anyway, my parents learned how to sign and taught me ASL. Plus, I wore two hearing aids until I was 20 when I decided to get a cochlear implant. I've been very happy with my CI as it has really helped me improve my speech skills and somewhat with listening skills. So maybe if Gwyn is not talking as much because she can't hear good, hearing aids could really help bring on a talking spurt from Gwyn. :-)

    Be thinking and praying as Gwyn goes under sedation and that her ABR turns out well.

  10. Hope your drive will be a safe one. Praying for good results from the tests, so that no further tests will be required. I love Jennifer's comment. Gwyneth is a beautiful child of God.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  11. We'll be praying for a safe trip, good results and a happy Gwyneth! I also have a hard time believing that she has moderate hearing loss, she just seems so alert to what you guys say and ask.

  12. Prayers all around!


  13. Good luck's so hard when little ones wake up from anesthesia.

    Thinking good thoughts!

  14. Wishing you all well today and praying that Gwyn isn't grumpy when she wakes up from the sedation.

  15. Praying for you and your family as Gwyneth has her ABR. We have walked the hearing test road 2 years ago with our adopted daughter. Praying for positive results!!!

  16. Praying for sure! :) God has certainly moved mountains when it has come to things that Gwenyth has overcome. What an amazing God we serve! :)

  17. My 8yo son has a mild-mod hearing loss that was diagnosed at 23 months imediately after ABR. He was taught sign language first and then he started speaking.

    He currently attends a Deaf/Hard of Hearing Program at a nearby school district (due to a combination of the hearing loss and a moderate receptive-expressive language disorder) which has worked out great for him. School districts are usually very accomodating to the needs of Deaf/HOH, once they are told by the parents what the child needs.

    Gwyneth is very lucky to have you both as parents. No matter what the ABR results, you recognized the need for her to express herself and gave her the tools (sign language) to do it. And she is thriving becuse of it.

  18. Praying for Gwyneth! Happy Birthday (a little late) sweetie. We love following the blog!

  19. Hope all goes well with the test for Gwyneth! We too are on our way for a hearing test today for our wee man who is 30 months old.


  20. I've read your blog for a long time, but haven't really commented. I've prayed for both of your girls over the last two years.

    My son was born with hearing loss, so I can relate in some way to the testing you are going through with Gwyneth. I certainly pray that she does not have hearing loss, but if she does there are amazing technologies out there that will help her hear!

    If you would like to talk with a parent that has "been there", please don't hesitate to email me. I'd gladly help answer questions you and Trisha my have during this time.

  21. Nate and Trisha, I have never posted a comment before. I am a sign language interpreter and have interpreted for deaf parents whose children have had this test. It is easy and at least here, the parents are told the results at the end of the test! Best wishes and prayers for you all.

  22. I'll be thinking of Gwyneth during her test. Also, I looked back over your recent blogs and cannot believe how fast time has gone by since I started reading your blog. It was right before she was born! Wow, what a cutie pie she is and what a gift!

  23. good thoughts for you. hope the sedation goes well!

  24. My daughter has a tracheostomy and is non-verbal because of it (and other factors). She was showing signs of not being able to hear and even her receptive language was non-existant. I was starting to feel sure she also had hearing loss. When we took her in for the ABR I was surprised when it came back in the normal range. (Got results from the audiologist the same day, BTW.) A few months later her receptive language started to increase. I hope you get good results and that whatever is causing the doubts about her hearing resolves itself.

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