
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pink & Brown Day Photos

Thanks to everyone who celebrated Gwyneth's 2nd birthday by dressing in Pink & Brown!

Although we're throwing Gwyneth a birthday party in a few weeks, we did have some of our family over on January 8 to enjoy some cake and ice cream with us.



  1. Lovely pics and Nathan I'm liking the long hair!

    Alison, London, England

  2. Lovely, lovely people in all the pictures!

    Love to all.

  3. I LOVE the last picture of you, Tricia and Gwyneth...

  4. Hi! My name is Sarah and I'm a long-time follower of your blog but a first-time commenter. I'm a college student who works with special needs kids. I also follow more than 200 blogs, and I'm sending a very special message to all the blogs I follow: YOU have the chance to be part of a miracle!

    This comment is NOT spam... I'm hoping that you will let your readers know that simply by being Facebook members, they have the opportunity to change lives!

    Chase Community Giving is awarding $1 million to 5 charities! The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation is working to find a cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy - and they could use the money!

    Fast Facts:
    - SMA is the #1 genetic killer of infants under the age of 2
    - 50% of those diagnosed will not live to see their 2nd birthday
    - kids with SMA lose the ability to sit, stand, walk, talk, eat, swallow, and breathe
    - 1 in 40 people is a carrier
    - the National Institute of Health says that SMA is the #1 CURABLE disease if given research funding
    - right now there is NO cure and NO treatment

    Want to change that? Vote for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation on the Chase Community Giving app on Facebook! You have five votes to tell the world that you want a CURE for SMA!

    Tell your friends and blog contacts - let them know they could be part of a MIRACLE - be part of a CURE - and give kids a FUTURE!

    Thank you!

  5. Hey Nathan! Thanks for posting the pict of our family miracle, the Tagenator! He has come so far from his
    birth; he continues to amaze us all! He and his sis Huntlie just had their second and first birthdays, God is good!

  6. The pictures are fantastic! Happy Belated Birthday to Ms. Gwyneth.

    Hugs from Mary in Florida

  7. Great photos, every one. Gwyneth's personality is blooming like crazy in her pictures:) Love that girl. Love you guys.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  8. the pics are super fun as always -- love the last one of gwyneth and tricia...that is sooooo beautiful!!

  9. Love Momma & daughter matching piggys. :)

  10. Hey Nate!

    We so ENJOYED looking at all of the "pink and brown" photos that you posted on the blog! My 3-year old saw her picture (pink/brown coat & hat w/ pink balloon) and said, "hey mommy .... I'm on the blog!" Gotta love it! What a GREAT idea, and I'm so glad that so many decided to outwardly celebrate your little miracle by wearing Pink & Brown on Gwyneth's SPECIAL DAY!

    Va Beach, VA

  11. Glad Gwenyth had a great Birthday! We were glad to celebrate it with ya'll all the way from Texas!

  12. aww, Gywneth has a lot of fans! and wow, she's starting to look like a little kid instead of a baby. Her face is so expressive in those pics.

  13. That was very cool! thank you for sharing!

  14. Thats totally cool, loving the pics at the end of Gwyneth and her grandparents and her Mommy and Daddy!

    Hope that you have a great birthday party in a couple of weeks time. :-)

  15. love this! amazing! God is good. I got all choked up seeing the pictures of your family. I can't believe I have followed your blog 2 years....where does time go?!

  16. Happy birthday Gwyneth, from Canada!

  17. I sent a picture for pink and brown day, but don't see it on here. Did you not post all of them? Maybe you got so many you just had to pick a few.

    Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

    Anna & Laurie Boyd

  18. Wonderful pics but hasa daddy fallen out with his barber? ;-)

  19. Thanks for adding our picture!

  20. Every time I see a picture of Gwyneth I just want to HOLD HER! Then I find it hard to wipe the smile off my face for quite sometime. I've only been following your blog for a short time, but I've already fallen HOPELESSLY IN LOVE with your little angel.


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