
Friday, January 15, 2010

It's Not Too Late!

It's not too late to get in on our celebration of Gwyneth's birthday by helping us donate preemie clothes via "reverse-gifting". We've already received well over $100 in gifts and gifts cards. On Wednesday, we gave clothes to 5 girls and 5 boys at the Duke NICU, thanks, in large part, to your help! In fact, one of the mothers left the following comment on my blog today...

"I just wanted to say Thank You! I arrived at the duke NICU today and received our onesie and your letter!! My son was born 3 wks ago @ 24 wks and weighing 1 lb 8 oz. Your gift really touched my heart. With everything going on, I haven't even thought about clothes. At times I feel so alone, to know their are people that care is truly a blessing!!"

Again, if you want to get in on this opportunity to invest in the lives of preemie families, Please Read This/Click Here! We still have a delivery to make to CHKD in a few weeks!

And, this is your last chance to send photos of you and yours celebrating Pink and Brown Day last week! I'll be posting the photos we've received this weekend! Click Here to learn more!




  1. I sent my package to you on Wednesday :)

  2. has been a while since I "stopped by" your blog to check in, and a lot has happened! Although you don't know me at all, I have followed your blog for two years. I just wanted to encourage you in both of the new adventures ahead -- exploring the possibilities and adjustments with Gwyneth's hearing, and with doing photography professionally. May God's grace be with you as you tackle the challenges and experience all of the joys ahead.


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

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