
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tricia's Story Podcast

Tricia was asked to share part of her story on Sunday morning at Nags Head Church, in part to acknowledge Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, and also to help illustrate the message of the day. Considering Tricia has a fear of speaking (or doing anything) in public, I was incredibly proud of how well she was able to communicate.

You can listen to/download the podcast from this past Sunday by clicking Here (listen to "Father Knows Best" from January 24, 2010). Tricia begins at around 8:30, but I'd recommend you listen to the entire podcast to understand why her story was so important to share on this particular Sunday. You'll also be able to find it on iTunes in the next 24 hours Here.

I'm sure Tricia would be encouraged to hear your feedback. Thanks!



  1. Wow. It is so lovely to hear your voice, and the very calm way in which you told your story - and how inspiring it is!

    Well done Tricia - you are one courageous woman & mother.


  2. I needed this today. You bring me encouragement to put my trust TOTALLY in God's hands. Thank you for putting your story out there.

  3. A blessing to my heart and I know to our are an inspiration Tricia! Thank you for choosing the right path even though it was not the easiest one...

  4. Thank you Tricia. I hope you continue to share your journey of faith, hope, and love with others.

  5. tricia, you sounded wonderful. calm. sure of yourself. and what a story you have to share. great job!

  6. I've know your story since before Gwyneth was born. And Nathan has a way with words.........but

    Hearing your side of the story....hearing you speak about your trust in the Lord and about your miracle baby etc. It moved me to tears. It was very powerful.

  7. Tricia,

    Thanks for sharing your journey and speaking for sanctitiy of life. Your life is a testimony to God's love and His blessings.

    (Faithful reader for over 2 years and a teacher for infants with hearing loss)

  8. LOVED it. Your Dad's message was awesome, as was hearing Tricia's sweet voice tell your story. Keep that strong faith that you both have. You're blessing others and spreading God's word on a daily basis...and that my brother and sister is something that will come back to you 100 fold.

    God Bless you.
    Mary in FLorida

  9. Sharon (Louisville, KY)January 26, 2010 at 9:56 PM


    I'm not a public speaker either and the mere thought of it turns my mouth into cotton, but I want to tell you that you did a beautiful job. If you were nervous, your voice inflection never gave that away. You have a sweet voice and I just want you to know that following your story has been a huge blessing in my life. I look forward to seeing how God will continue to work in your life.

  10. Mrs L,
    That was amazing thank you SOOOO much for sharing it with us. It was VERY encouraging. IT made me and Mom cry! Mr Lawrenson is good with words but you have a way of making me cry/laugh!!!
    with LOOOOOOTS of love from TN,
    Amy Anderson and family

  11. Wonderful sharing of your story and your deep faith! Great job!!

  12. WOW. in tears. thank you so much for sharing this.


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