
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gwyneth's Puppy & Kitty Cat Birthday Party!

We kept Gwyneth's birthday party very simple last year, so this year, we thought we'd have a lot more fun with it. Gwyneth is in love with puppies and kitty cats [her one and only word that she consistently will say is "kitty cat" (although, it sounds more like a very sloppy, wet-tongued "kiddy ca"), and she loves to "woof" whenever she sees a puppy]. Tricia gave me permission to plan the party...tons of fun!

I found some great graphics up a pug and a cat online, edited them to make them look more like Gwyneth's favorite puppy and kitty cat, designed and printed the invitations, made some envelopes out of construction paper, Tricia addressed each envelope with crayon, and hand delivered the invites (we actually got sidetracked by all of the medical appointments and ended up having to email a few invites instead).

Gwyneth's uncle Ramon and cousin Evaine, and several other guests, showed up dressed for the theme.

We served puppy chow (recipe here) and kitty food (goldfish).

The older kids had lots of fun coloring, including cousin Josh.

Everyone went home with a "doggy bag".

My mom and I decorated cupcakes...

...which Gwyneth greatly enjoyed.

Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us! I'm already making plans for next year!



  1. All the kids had a great time! It was fun to watch.

  2. WOW! How absolutely adorable! I am impressed with the amount of thought you put into the party! My hubby has NO INTEREST at all in helping me to plan my girls bday parties. I am glad about that because I LOVE BIRTHDAY PARTIES!! Another year to celebrate having our little ones with us makes it all the better!! I give you 2 paws up! ;)

  3. So stinkin' cute!!!!! Oh, my gosh....just too adorable!

  4. What a fun party...but I have to say, the Meka cupcake is absolutely AMAZING! Can you come to Hawaii and design the cupcakes at the next party I have? :-)

  5. she is precious I can't believe you little miracle is 2!!! Congrats:)

  6. Oh I love the last picture so much!

  7. Aww...could she be any cuter?!

  8. Wow! What a neat party idea. She definitely looked like she enjoyed that cupcake :) You did a great job on the cupcakes. Can't wait to see what you have in store for next year.

  9. So lovely Nate, you did a great job there.

    Love to all

  10. You did a great job! Love the puppy cakes. =)

  11. What great fun you all had!!

    Love to all.

  12. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing these photos!! ADORABLE! great theme idea also!

  13. Long time reader first time commenter. The cupcakes looked awesome. Love the pictures of Gwenyth. Everything looked wonderful.

  14. I love that last picture of Gwyneth - Adorable! Looks like it was a great party. The cupcakes look great - very creative!

  15. What a great party planner you are! Gwyneth is just too darn cute! Looks like it was a great time.

  16. What an awesome party!! simple is often the awesomest!! The theme was so cool! =]

  17. What a cool party, Gwyneth was loving that cupcake , good job on planning the party ,

  18. What a cute idea!! Great - my youngest is turning 3 in a couple of weeks. Now I feel like I have to plan something. LOL

  19. What!?!? You let your daughter have a sugar-loaded cupcake at her birthday pary?!?!? You should be ashamed!!!!!!

    Just kidding! Loved the theme! Looks like everyone had a blast!


  20. You did a great job decorating those cupcakes. They were really cute.

  21. I LOVE planning my kids birthday parties and I must say, your party was soooo adorable! I really admire your talent on those cupcakes. Love them.

  22. AWESOME! The HAND picture...the cupcakes...the invites...OH MY!

    Those cupcakes belong on Bakerella.

  23. Wow...pretty impressive, Daddy. Any chance I could talk you into planning our next party...and then decorating the cupcakes, too?

  24. Adorable! Gwyn's party looks so fun! I love the design on the cupcakes... puppies and kitty cats, so cute! :-) Now you have me wondering what next year's theme will be!

  25. Such a cute theme!!! I might have to steal this one.

  26. That's alot of sugar:)
    Amy Anderson

  27. The cutest thing I have ever seen! I am talking about the profile picture with the palm of her hand showing and the frosting on the nose. Just darling!!!

  28. What a great party idea! Looks like Gwyneth approved as well! Glad she had such a happy birthday!

  29. Those cupcakes were terrific!!! You and your mom did a wonderful job!

    Sounds like the party was a complete success, congrats.

  30. Looks like a hot dogity time.

    I LOVE the photo of Gwyneth's profile with her thumb in her mouth. It reminds me of an ultrasound picture.

  31. I'm a bit of a party planner. That's a clever theme. I started off simple when my kids were small but last year my oldest turned 8 and we threw a Harry Potter party that got a little out of control. All I can say is look out, or one day you might be doing the same thing.

  32. haaa! I LOOOVE the pug cupcakes!! Gwen is looking like such a little lady!

  33. I loved these pictures! What a great idea for a theme too. Wish my little boy was a "little" boy again so I could have such a cute party! haha

  34. I love that you did something that was simple and beautiful - and incorporated something she loves. She is gorgeous! Happy Birthday sweet girl!

  35. PS How long did it take her to eat that cupcake? heehee!


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