
Monday, February 22, 2010

Do You Know What Time It Is?

Gwyneth loves water...the pool and the bathtub especially. The video below shows what has become our nightly ritual...nothing gets her more excited...


  1. Such a cute video! I started laughing when Gwyneth's face lit up after you asked what time it was :)

  2. That is the cutest video! She must have you smiling all day long!

  3. Oh, that big bright smile made my day!!

  4. CUTE AS CUTE CAN BE!!!! Her hair is getting so long and must be even longer when it's wet!! Gorgeous smile too! :D
    Take care
    Liz from the land Down Under :) xoxox

  5. Too cute!! I'm at work, so I couldn't watch it with sound, but can't wait to see it with sound! She is one fast crawler!!!

  6. She sure knows what bathtime is all about... what girl doesn't like a relaxing bubble bath. Ü
    Seeing her smile... made me smile too.


  7. ok first of all, I don't think I've smiled that big in a while. She is just so adorable.
    second of all, I love your bathtub!

  8. Thanks for sharing that! It cheered me up no end!

  9. That is the cutest thing I have seen lately. She is growing up so much. What a blessing!!!

  10. So so cute!!! She is such a sweet and precious little girl!!

    (and BTW....loved the soundtrack!!)

  11. This is the cutest thing you have ever posted and you have posted some cute stuff. I think she crawls faster than any baby I have ever seen. Did you speed this up? Smart girl!

  12. What a lovely way for me to start my day here in favourite Gwyneth video so far

    Alion, London, England

  13. :D I love this video! That is one happy excited girl!! And wow can Gwyneth CRAWL!!!

    I love doing the 'what does the....say' with my godson too.

    My fave his Daddy taught him is 'What does the walrus say?' and he replies 'Goo goo choo goo'.

    if you're a beatles fan you'll get it ;)

  14. She is precious! And fast!!!
    And I love that her smile looks so much like Tricia's.

    That was great for a laugh this morning. Thanks!!!

  15. TOO CUTE!!!

    She crawls so fast!!! Just wait til she starts walking!!!!!

  16. Too cute! My little one has become very brave in the tub - he's a day older than Gwyneth. I was going to put off swimming lessons for another year mainly b/c I'm having another baby in about 8 weeks so out summer will be busy enough. Every night at bath I move closer to the decision of doing them now. He loves the water!

    Good luck with the hearing aids. Have a safe trip!


  17. Holy cow, that was freaking adorable. The best part was when you said, "Do you know what time it is?" and her face broke out into that gigantic grin. So cute.

  18. That's awesome!! She's getting so big and so expressive and so "big girl!" Thanks for sharing the video!!

  19. That just made my day! How cute is she?! :) Thanks for sharing!

  20. She really looks like she's doing great! Can't wait to see how her world opens up even more with her new hearing aids!

  21. She is such a cutey! Such a testament to choosing life!

  22. Oh my goodness!!! She really MOVES!!!

  23. She is such a doll. We like our BAFF time too!

  24. What a lovable child.....

  25. She has Tricia's smile.

    Gwyneth is also getting really fast with her crawling...its not long now and she'll be walking :)

  26. Talking wow, and she can crawl faster than I can walk, Gwyneth is just precious, praying the hearing aids help her,

  27. How precious! She's really growing up!

  28. gwyn is soooo cute and looking very grown up! love her smiles and laughs! :-) gosh, she's a quick crawler! Def be walking in no time! As for the bath time, maybe she'll be reading books in the tub when she's older (I love to do that!). ;-)

  29. Soooo cute...usually mine did not want to get IN the tub, then did not want to get OUT!!!!

  30. This could be my favorite one yet! She is so stinking precious! I love her talking too! She is awesome!

  31. That is so cute! She is so sweet!

  32. Oh my gosh she is doing fantastic. I am so happy to see her progress. She is amazing.

  33. So, so, SO cute!

    She crawls fast!

  34. Wow! She she is a fast one :) Very cute!


  35. gwyneth has the cutest smile! love the song. also, we have the same couch!!

  36. What a little speedster! I wonder if she'll come flying in as soon as she hears the water once the hearing aids are working? One of my friend's son was amazed to hear the noise when he went to the bathroom once he got his implants...funny that things that tickle our hearts!

  37. Oh my! Enormously, seriously cute! I can't get over how she's growing! Love the long, curly hair! So cute!

  38. That was too sweet!

  39. Tricia and Nate,

    This has to be the most adorable video ever! I giggled out loud at how excited Gwyneth was and boy can that girl move!!!! Thanks so much for sharing your little beauty!

  40. You absolutely cannot watch this video and not smile or even LOL!! Absolutely precious!!!!

  41. Wow, that girl can crawl FAST! So cute and smart.


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