
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hearing Aids

Gwyneth was fitted for hearing aids about a month ago, and they've finally arrived at Duke. We're headed there right now! We have high hopes that they will make a difference for her.

Since we're already there, Tricia has schedule an appointment with her TX team...she's had some sinus pain, ear pain, and a dry cough for a few weeks.



  1. Praying for a safe trip, good reports for all, and for great results with G's hearing aids. Love your updates!!!

  2. Oh I hope all things are good for Tricia and I am sure the hearing aids will open a whole new world for Gwyneth!

  3. Thinking and praying that all goes well.

    Love to all.

  4. My almost 2 year old niece wears hearing aids. She took them off the other day and ate the batteries.

    Good luck with the new adventures in you life.

  5. My 8yo son is Hard of Hearing (aided at age 4yrs) and I can almost guarantee these hearing aids will be wonderful for her. It will probably take about 2 wks for her brain to adjust to all the new sounds. And thankfully, she will have you and Tricia there to say "That's a..."

    If you want to buy 'hearing aids' for her stuffed animals or dolls, here are some sites:
    Hope Tricia feels better soon!

  6. YAY for hearing aids. Hope Gwyneth accepts them easily and the benefits are soon seen!! Also hope Tricia's checkup goes great.

  7. I hope she does well with the hearing aids. From the videos and pictures, it looks like she has adjusted very well to the glasses. I hope the same goes for the hearing aids and they are very helpful to her. She is just precious!

  8. looking forward to seeing pixs of gwyn with her hearing aids and how she reacts to more sounds (esp with amplification). Hope tricia feels better quick!

  9. Hooray for the aids being here! Argh for all that sinus mess.

  10. How exciting for Gwyneth! Have you thought about using an FM system in conjunction with her hearing aids? Your audiologist may have already talked to you about this. Many of the children I see use Oticon or Phonak FM systems with success.

    Faithful reader,
    Teacher for infants and children with hearing loss.

  11. Have a safe trip. I hope Tricia starts feeling better. Also, can't wait to hear about the hearing aids and see a picture of her with them. Let the fun begin (again)!!

  12. she is super cute!!! When my son got his hearing aids they also set them conservatively at first. As he became older and was able to do more of the dropping blocks in bucket...they were able to adjust them accordingly. We now notice the difference with speech. He reads lips really well, and we think that is how he always presented as having less of a loss then we thought. It is amazing how children learn to his teachers say he is able to pick up cues in so many ways. It makes me feel good to know he can adjust. Good luck...and I love the sparkles and pink too cute!!

    Kathi Clapham


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