
Monday, March 29, 2010

Angry Face

This is Gwyneth's angry face...

You've been warned...



  1. Now that's a 2 year old angry face! How are you not laughing? I work with 2 year olds for about an hour every morning and we have a girl that has that same angry face. Sometimes I have to turn around .. chuckle under my breath before I can face her. So cute.

  2. That is quite the adorable angry face!! ;)

  3. Don't make her angry - you wouldn't like Gwyneth when she's angry.

    Okay, you definitely CAN like her, I just couldn't resist the "Hulk" reference.

    Little kids make the best faces ever.

  4. Too cute! But that would just make her angrier, I'm sure, if you told her that. Although, it does look like she's getting a good start on the "look" that apparently all mothers/wives have perfected.


  5. She looks JUST like her momma! Love it!

  6. Ha! We call it "the look" in our family LOL!

  7. gosh, she's still too cute even when angry!! :-D

  8. I'm a first year pharmacy student moping about finals coming up, but Gwyneth's adorable face never fails to cheer me up!

  9. I have been a reading your blog for well over a year... maybe 2.. and have never commented.. but, I have put tricia on our prayer list at church several times.. and shared her story.. but, I just have to comment.. Gwyneth is just too cute! How do you not just squeeze her to death! her little glasses are just adorable.. and she is just looking and doing so great! Praise God for miracles! She (AND Tricia) are both one..Keep posting :)

  10. Nathan: Just wait until she gives YOU that face when she's 16. And she will!!!!

  11. Oh my goodness......add another 10 years to her age and you'll see exactly what she'll look like as a near teenager!! SO precious, how can you not smile?!

  12. I would not be able to take that angry face seriously! Thanks for making me smile!!

  13. GREAT capture! (do you have to hide your smile when she does this?)

  14. You have just been "slapped with those eyeballs"...Nathan!! judith

  15. Love it!!! A classic look! Wish I looked so adorable when I'm angry!


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