
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Radio Interview about Eva

A Canadian station interviews one of the filmmakers of Eva's documentary, "65_RedRoses". A great insight into Eva's passion for CF and Organ Donation awareness.

The documentary is not currently available on DVD, but hopefully it will be very soon. I've seen an edited (shorter) version of the film, and it's amazing!



  1. Nate, do you know where to find even the short version on the internet? I've been trying to see it through the CBC website, but am blocked because I'm outside of the U.S. When it comes out on DVD I'll definitely buy it! This was a wonderful interview!

  2. Love the CBC! I actually go to UVic too, but I found out about this on your blog first - what a small world.. such a shame.

    To the commenter above, iTunes has a lot of CBC stuff (podcasts, etc), you might try looking for the program there?

  3. This link gives details about who to contact about requesting a copy on DVD

    The directors are keeping a list of everyone who is interested in receiving a copy.

  4. Eva was a beautiful, gentle spirit who was also inspiring in every sense of the word. Thank you for introducing her to me, it has been life changing! I feel as though I lost a good friend:( Prayers of comfort for all of us who loved her:)

  5. I've been reading up on Eva's blog and am sad to hear that she passed this last week. After looking up the 65redroses website, they have posted that the documentary will be re-showed this Friday, April 2nd on the CBC network. Check out the website to see what times play where for those interested in watching her documentary, I know i'll be watching it!

  6. I watched the full doc on the CBC website a month back...

  7. 65 Red Roses - coined by Richard Weiss at age 6.

  8. Just happened across this on -- LOVE how Eva's life is being celebrated and American media is taking note!


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