
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cousins in Green Flowers

We went over to hang with my sister and her family last night...the cousins apparently spoke with each other earlier and decided to coordinate clothes. In between puzzles, books and a pancake dinner, Gwyneth and Evaine had a standing contest on the kitchen floor. Quite entertaining.



  1. What super cuties! Now you'll have to take pictures throughout the years of them coordinated.

    Speaking of pictures, I'd love to see one of Gwyneth with her pug :) Please?!?!

  2. I love their green flowered outfits. So cute!


  3. Stuff like that just makes your mom want to scrap the rest of the trip and get home.

  4. Aw, too cute! Hey thought I'd drop a tiny tid bit of info, a friend of ours had his double lung transplant on Saturday and is doing great!! Yeah!

    Hope everyone at your house is feeling good!!!!!!!!!

  5. Darling!! Thank you for sharing the sweet pictures.

  6. Nate,
    I have been so behind on reading all the blogs that when I started back to reading blogs and keeping up with our blog and could not believe how big Gwyneth is and I love her glasses.


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