
Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Please, please, please. Pray for our friends Eva and Emily. Both are very bad off right now.

Eva is still hanging on, as always, making the most of life.

Emily is fighting an infection and has just been placed on a ventilator, which is never a good thing for a CFer.

We love these two girls very much, want nothing but the best for them, and always have hope. CF's so hard to watch people you love so sick and so close to death. God is good all the time, but this still isn't easy.




  1. Nate, I'm very, very sorry. And I will pray.

  2. Praying for Eva and Emily right now.

  3. The link for Eva is not working but praying!

  4. Praying for both of them! Eva's blog hasn't been working for me for several days.

  5. Will continue to pray for both of them. Stay strong for them!

  6. For Eva's blog, you just need to remove the www. at the beginning. Then it will work! Praying for both of them, and for you and your family.


    For those having trouble viewing Eva's blog, try this link, it works for me.

  8. I've been praying for Eva and now I'm sending lots of prayers to Emily as well.

  9. All I can say is that I too am sorry! And that I'm praying for them both.

  10. Thanks for the link to Eva's blog. What a beautiful gesture on the part of her professors. Very inspiring, Nate.

  11. Shawna - Round Rock, TexasMarch 4, 2010 at 11:47 AM

    We will continue to pray for them! I have been following Eva's blog. She seems like such an amazing your lady.

  12. May God give them the comfort that only He can.

  13. Praying for them both. I stopped by Eva's blog and was just amazed at her enduring spirit through such a long, exhausting fight.

  14. I learned of your blog from a friend...I came across it the day you posted Eva's video and have visited both yours and hers daily. My heart is with you both...

  15. I always pray sooo hard for Eva!! She is such a special person! I will pray foar Emily now too!

  16. Joining with you in prayer for Eva and Emily. What courageous young women they are!!

  17. I'm so frustrated! For some reason, CarePages will not let me log in with my userame and e-mail...and it won't let me set up a new account because there already is an account with my e-mail address! I don' t know which Emily this is.

    I'm the mom of a 4 year old Emily with CF, and over the last 4 years I've followed several "Emilys" through their journey. They are ALL amazing spirits.

    If someone could just let me know at WHICH Emily this is...maybe a link to a blog not the care page if there is one. I'm praying, regardless, I just need to know which of my friends needs the prayers most right now.


    Oh, I'm praying continuously for the beautiful Eva, too!

  18. We have not met, but I followed your journey when directed to your blog through a friend. I check in on you from time to time to see your daughter's amazing progress and your smiling wife. You have been blessed with a beautiful family. My prayers have increased to include Eva and Emily. I feel so helpless. Please continue to keep us posted on them. Praying for the same miracles God granted you. Many blessings, Deborah.

  19. We have not met, but I followed your journey when directed to your blog through a friend. I check in on you from time to time to see your daughter's amazing progress and your smiling wife. You have been blessed with a beautiful family. My prayers have increased to include Eva and Emily. I feel so helpless. Please continue to keep us posted on them. Praying for the same miracles God granted you. Many blessings, Deborah. (PS - though I too have a blog, I rarely write.... so nothing exciting there, but you are welcome to check it out)

  20. Praying!! One of my best friends is at Duke right now, fighting her fight with CF. She just celebrated her 10 year transplant anniversary!!

  21. I follow Eva's blog and there hasn't been a post in several days. I hope and pray she is getting more strength, but if you should know anything, can you make a post. Thank you!

    laurie eller

  22. Eva died this morning. :(


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