
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Eva's Legacy


  1. thank you for sharing this touching video of Eva.

  2. With tears streaming down my face...I say thank you for sharing this ever priceless moment. She was truly special and her legacy will forever live.

  3. Crying yet again today ~ Eva leaves so much more than this as her legacy ~
    I hope her new spirit knows this ~~~

  4. Wow. What a truly amazing young lady!

  5. Thank you for sharing Eva with us! I fell in love with her instantly, and was deeply saddened to hear the news yesterday. I will be an advocate for organ donation on her behalf. She was amazing and I will always remember LOVE LOVE LOVE. ((HUGS)) to you and your family, Nate, as you grieve the loss of an amazing woman and friend. Thank you for posting the video. She leaves such a legacy.

  6. Thank you for sharing that video. She was so beautiful, in every way.

  7. Thank you for sharing this...for those of us who have a family member with CF, just like the lady said, we want it to stand for "Cure Found"....

  8. What a beautiful and wonderful woman.
    Thank you for sharing.

  9. Shawna - Round Rock, TexasMarch 28, 2010 at 12:34 PM

    My heart just broke when I saw your post yesterday saying that Eva had died. She was such an amazing young lady and her strength and love of life is contagious. Thank you for sharing her with us. I would never had "known" her, had it not been for you. Prayers for her family and all of the people and their families who have CF.

  10. Shawna - Round Rock, TexasMarch 28, 2010 at 12:34 PM

    My heart just broke when I saw your post yesterday saying that Eva had died. She was such an amazing young lady and her strength and love of life is contagious. Thank you for sharing her with us. I would never had "known" her, had it not been for you. Prayers for her family and all of the people and their families who have CF.

  11. What a beautiful woman, what a touching story. Keeping Eva and her family in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Can you tell us how we can see the documentary, "65 Red Roses"? I checked and Youtube, but haven't come up with it.

    Thank you!

  13. I thank you. This wonderful child, this intelligent, marvelous young woman has helped me grow in ways I had never before dreamed. God grant her Peace, and her family Peace wrapped with hope, and joy, and understanding.

  14. What an amazing legacy Eva has left for all of us, and especially the CF community. Thank you, Nate, for posting this and her family for sharing it. They will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. What a beautiful person!

  16. Thank you so much for posting this video. So so touching! She has created a Legacy and it won't be forgotten. Also thank you for what you all do for CF. May Eva R.I.P. now. Tracy Edwards/Chesapeake, VA

  17. @anonymous if you go to the documenary website you can find an e-mail address to request a dvd. if enough people say they'd want a copy, it should get dvd distribution.

  18. Thank You for sharing I agree Eva was truly very special and we also have a CF member in our family,she is 2 months old and we hope and pray some day CF will stand for "Cure Found"...Nate I met some one who went to college with your dad...she is from Loogootee IN.. Your blog has be very inspiring to me the last couple months thanks for sharing...


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