
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Goodbye Sweet Eva

Our beautiful friend, Eva Markvoort passed away this morning.

I first came to know of Eva just a little over 2 years ago and have since blogged several times about her. She received her double lung transplant not too long before Tricia received hers. Tricia and I have been able to spend the past few years, thanks to the internet, getting to know Eva as a friend. It has been amazing to watch her truly take advantage of her second chance at life...I've never known anyone as uniquely open about her joy for life as Eva.

It's also been an honor to be able to encourage and pray for Eva and her family over the past several months as she has continued to live as joyfully as possible while dealing with chronic rejection and hoping for another transplant. I can't imagine the journey they've had the past few months, and am full of mixed emotions right now, hurting for her family and very thankful that Eva is no longer suffering. Although she did not received her transplant, she does have new lungs today.

Goodbye, sweet, Eva! We will miss your gritty poems and your crazy photos and your silly videos. You were so kind to us, and we are very thankful to have called you friend. We love you!

Nate, Tricia & Gwyneth Rose


  1. I was so sad to read the news on her blog. Eyes full of tears, but heart full of peace.

  2. love,love,love!

    RIP sweet Eva.

  3. so sorry, RIP sweet Eva xx

  4. Such sad news. Thank you Nate for introducing us to such a wonderfully unique woman. She will be so missed!

  5. How can I feel so much love for someone I never even met? She was just about young enough (or should I say I am just about old enough) that I could be her mother, yet she has taught me so much. She was such a positive person, even though she had much pain in her life. I think of all the times I curse to myself when something so minor happens in my life. I can only hope to love life as much as she has...

  6. I didn't get to know her long, only since the video post of her life coming to an end. I was captivated by her beauty and optimism. Her words will forever echo through the ears and hearts of those that loved her, and I am glad she found her peace and is finally pain free. Bless her soul and her family.

  7. Nate, thank you for introducing her to us. It is so weird how empty I feel right now about someone I never even met...

  8. oh that is so sad. I can't imagine how you and trish must be feeling. what an immense loss. I have checked Eva's blog daily, scared of what I might read. saying a prayer

  9. You are the 1st person I thought of when I saw the RSS Feed alert on 65 roses this morning. I am so sorry for the loss of your amazing friend. She was such an glorious light in this world!

    love, love, love..just LOVE!

  10. I'm so sorry . . . She was a light!

    Thank you for sharing.. Prayers for everyone.

  11. Love, love, love.

    Thank you, Eva.

  12. I cried when I read her blog this morning ~
    She fought the good fight ~

  13. OMG! I prayed so hard for her to make it!!! I don't know her either, but I too am crying! She was such an incredible person and she will be sorely missed! The world really needed people like her in it! I check her blog all the time to see how she is, but haven't been on there yet! Thank you Nate for introducing us to Eva, as she is truley remarkable!
    Love Love Love

  14. Oh how sad. :( So sorry to hear about this loss.

  15. omgoodness. I am so sorry.
    Saying prayers for peace for her family...

  16. Very well said Nate. I just popped over there before popping in here and read the terrible news. It brings it all home so much more when it's one of our own. She was such a beautiful and inspirational young woman who will be terribly missed.

    Selina, fellow cfer.

  17. I just checked her blog and found the sad sad message. And then I knew you would have posted too. I am so sorry for her family and friend's loss but I am sure they are glad she is no longer having to struggle so. I am sure in moments like these you have many prayers to offer. Thank you for leading your blog readers to her.

  18. I have been reading her blog for the past few weeks and I know she was having a hard time these past few weeks. I'm glad that she is no longer struggling or hurting and she is at peace.
    She will be missed by a lot of people. Nate, you were right when you said her poems were great. She had such a way with words and her writing that was no unique.
    Thank you for introducing her to us!
    RIP Eva

  19. I am so sorry BUT we all know now that she bearthes so much easier now!

  20. She really was a fighter. She wore her heart on her sleeve and generously allowed us to follow her journey.
    I hope her impact is felt far beyond our province and that many more sign up to be organ donors.

  21. My heart broke when I read that post on her journal this morning and it continues to break for everyone who knew her. I wish I could find the joy in my life that she found in hers. She was such an amazing woman.

    Past-tense sucks. :(

  22. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend! So Eva was a Christian then?....I'd been trying to figure that out. Praise the Lord!

  23. She had such an amazing spirit, and she truly defined the word living. She will live on in my mind and I will never forget her story.

  24. I followed Eva after reading about her on your blog... Eva was a very special loving young woman who I learned a few things from...Peace is her's now... My prayers go out to her family and loved ones.

  25. Nate, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for introducing me to Eva, through her blog. The first that I heard of her was through her good-bye video, that you posted on your blog. I have been reading her blog since, and in these short weeks, I have learned so much! She had wisdom that some people who live a long life, never obtain. Eva was incredibly courageous, and just for having known her, I am a better person. Her message of LOVE will stay with me forever, and I trust that our Earth Angel is up in Heaven now, singing at the top of her lungs, dancing, and with her red hair shining in glorious light! :) And I pray hard for your family too, Nate. Your family inspires me too, to never take anything for granted, and to live as Jesus would want for us to live. God bless you! Thank you, always. Love, Michelle

  26. I just left a comment on her blog. I am praying for a cure for CF. She really was an inspiration. This sucks. I will be praying for her family and friends.

  27. I couldn't believe it when I saw the post come up on Feedly at 7 p.m. (GMT).

    Eva - you were an inspiration. You will be sorely sorely missed, but what a legacy you have left.

    Feel more convicted than ever to do my best to raise awareness of organ donation.

    Praying for Eva's wonderful friends & family. Though I've never met Eva, I've followed her blog for almost 2 years now, and feeling very sad tonight though I know she is now at peace.

  28. RIP, I'm so sorry to here this, she seemed like a wonderful woman. Godspeed!

  29. Thank you for the update. I usually check her blog daily but didn't have time yet today. I am sure that Eva is breathing with ease and peace tonight while sitting with Jesus.

  30. So sad. . .Prayers for beautiful Eva's family and for you, her friend. Erika

  31. The loss of a dear friend/loved one like precious Eva is so bittersweet, isn't it?

    While we are all mourning her passing and missing her presence here on earth, we also have reason to rejoice because she is not suffering anymore, and she is with God in heaven.

    Our prayers will continue for you and your family, Nate...especially as you adjust to the loss of your dear "sister", Eva. But rejoice for her if you can, and remember--you will be reunited with her someday. I believe the Lord will be coming for us all SOON--the end times are near! Prepare, and make sure that all your friends and loved ones have heard the message of the Lord, so that not one will perish!

    In His Love,
    Cynde's Got The Write Stuff

  32. I am very sorry about your loss and am really feeling the loss myself...You see I started reading Eva's blog (thanks Nate for sharing her page)about a year ago and she has been a real inspiration to me thru all of her trials and tribulation...She was so full of life and I am sure she will continue that in GOD's heaven...Her story not only told of dealing with CF but about how each of us should live our lives...Happy, Smiling and full of LOVE....Her time on earth may have ended but her legacy will go on for years to come....Hope you and your family find the peace you need to go on knowing that she is completely free to run, jump, sing, dance and to do anything that she wants to without having to worry about being able to breathe or any of the tubes that she had grown to live with in the end....Be Blessed, keep GOD in your heart forever...Rhonda Sioux Falls SD

  33. very say day...thank you for showing me to her blog. I have prayed too...for our sweet Lord to heal her...he did today!

  34. I'm so sorry to hear of Eva's passing. I have followed her blog through yours - thank you for posting about her.

    Much love to her family - RIP Eva xxx

  35. So very sad to see that she has gone...I had all of teh students in my school write to her back in December. Now, to pass on the sad news...:( Well, her legacy WILL live on through everyone that she has touched and the numbers are HUGE!

  36. She is truly an amazing human only minutes away from me....we can all, learn so much from her...God bless her and her family!

  37. This comes just two days after the one-year anniversary of my brother-in-law's death from chronic rejection complications, following his 33-year battle with CF and double lung transplant. It's just so, so impossibly sad. Thank you for sharing.

  38. I hated to receive this news, but at the same time, I was at peace for her. My heart broke, but it rejoiced. I cried tears of sorrow, but also so many tears of joy. The mixed emotions were overwhelming.

    Eva was amazing. Such a love for life, such drive, such inspiration.

    She will be forever missed.

  39. So sad to read this today, but happy that Eva is no longer in pain and suffering so much.

    Thank you for introducing us to Eva. Thinking of you, Tricia and Gwyneth Rose xxx

  40. You've earned your wings Eva, now go and enjoy breathing without suffering any longer.
    You are now with all other cf heroes that have gone before you, looking over your loved ones from above.

    RIP dear Eva.

  41. Yes, such sad news... We live in British Columbia and her story was on the 11:00 news lastnight... RIP Eva...

  42. Thank you Nate for introducing us to Eva. She was an amazing and stong person. As I prayed for Eva, I pray for her family and friends. What an inspiration she was.
    RIP Eva.

  43. Thank you, Nate and Tricia for allowing us to know sweet, sweet Eva. News of her passing makes my heart ache.

    Love to all.

  44. A beautiful person and a beautiful spirit -- her legacy lives on... as aprilmoonflower already expressed above, love, love, love :)!

  45. A piece of my heart broke off this morning when I read your post. The world has definitely lost an incredible blessing. Thank you for introducing us to Eva, and for encouraging us to support her on her journey.

  46. RIP Eva.

    I've been dreading this post. I wanted new lungs to miraculously appear for her, but I know she's with God, and her new lungs are heavenly.

    I will miss her. I've only read her posts on and off over the last year or so, but she was such a presence.

  47. I work at a LTAC and watch lots of respatory pt. go. I think if people really knew (some do) how hard it is for these precious ones to die they would donate there organs with out question. Keep educating and fighting for the CF cure. PTL!!! Eva has been made perfect.
    M. Dovel
    N Texas

  48. RIP Eva -- but she finally has her new lungs and is able to sing her praises without hurting.

  49. I've been checking your blog for news of Eva. I am happy for her to find freedom, I am sad for her family to lose her. I am thankful for her and for you for the sharing.

  50. I am grieving with many others for this young woman I've never met...her life brought a special joy and light to this world. As Eva would say: love, love, love

  51. I am sad to hear this news.

  52. I found out about you guys through Eva...I know a lot of people it was vice versa! I was one of Eva's first journal-readers. She started cutting the personal ties as her journal became a true piece of inspirational media, but awhile back before her transplant we chatted online and skype, she was really an amazing person. I even helped her set up her AIM account! I am sad for her passing but amazed at the courage she celebrated her life, including her death. She is unmatched and everyone can learn from her legacy...her last goal.

  53. It breaks my heart that such an incredibly joy-filled woman lost her battle with CF.

    She did so much good during her time on earth. I hope she's now breathing easy.


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