
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Picnic Table on the Dock

There's a great little dock out on the water near our house...the picnic table on the dock will be perfect for some summer lunches!



  1. i think the last one is my favorite. i know you've said you guys have things to struggle with everyday, but it's so nice to see these photos that show you're able to have some sense of 'normalcy.'

  2. Lovely! She looks so cute in her glasses. How is she adjusting to her hearing aids? Have you guys noticed any differences (or have they not been adjusted yet)?

  3. That shade of green is such a pretty color on her. Glad to see you guys seem to be having nice weather.

  4. That last one is my favorite, too... :) I love hugging my little boy the same way.

  5. When my children were small, a good remedy for summertime late-in-the-day grumpies was always a supper picnic. Even if it's a bag supper, take it to the picnic table, eat an unwind. Enjoy!

  6. Do you have lipstick on that child or are her precious little lips just that beautiful color on their own? Just a wonderin... She's such a cutie-patootie!

  7. Gwyneth continues to amaze me at how beautifully she is growing up into the cutest little girl. I love her and I know she brings you and Tricia much joy. I love the miracle that is your family:) Has your weather been as beautiful as ours has been here on the West Coast? It truly is Spring!!

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  8. the one with the little bit of drool on her mouth is just precious!!! by the way, your little girl is always dressed so cute!! i love that little outfit. :)

  9. I LOVE all the new pictures! The epitome of love and spring time. But, I'm so sad about Eva at the same time. Hope the hearing issue gets figured out this time!

  10. Oh! Sweet! That last one of Tricia & Gweyneth is sooo sweet!

  11. Love these pics, Nate!! In the one of Gwyneth with a bit of drool...she looks like Tricia (NOT the drooling part of course)! It's that gorgeous winsome smile. Normally I think she's the spitting image of her Daddy...but that sweet smile has Mommy written all over it.

  12. Great capture with the drool! Wow! Praying about the hearing loss. Thanks for the updates.


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