
Friday, April 2, 2010

Hearing Loss

Gwyneth's ABR went very well. The audiologist was able to get all of the info we needed. We found nothing contrary to her other tests, just more concrete data.

As I've explained before, Gwyneth has severe hearing loss in her right ear and mild to moderate hearing loss in her left ear. With the new information, the audiologist was able to adjust her hearing aids to a more accurate setting. Her left hearing aid was adjusted only slightly, while the gain (volume) in her right hearing aid was turned up significantly.

We're hoping with this new information and the adjustments to her hearing aids that her voice recognition will begin to improve, which will hopefully help her to develop her language skills.

It was also determined that her hearing loss is sensory neural, which is permanent. Again, not a surprise. For those who might ask, Gwyneth is not a candidate for cochlear implants at this point because the hearing loss in her left ear is not severe enough.

Gwyneth came out of her sedation very quickly, and although she was a bit grumpy, she did very well. She slept most of the way home.

Thanks for your prayer and encouragement. It's great to have some concrete information and to know that her hearing aids are now working properly.



  1. I'm so glad you finally have the information you need to appropriately set Gwyneth's aids anso that she get moving with language. I bet it explodes now!

  2. I bet you will see a tremendous difference in Gwyneth's language and everyday experiences! Glad to hear that things went well.

  3. Glad to hear the ABR went well. Hopefully now this will help in Gwyneth's development, which will be exciting.

  4. I'm sure it's a big relief for you to know a little more info about her hearing loss. Praying that the new adjustments to her hearing aids will produce some pleasing results!

  5. Hi Nathan,

    I have been reading your blog off and on for a couple of years, recommended to me by a couple of Christian friends, and just wanted to let you know that I have been praying for you guys. I am a Christian, who has CF. I am also a Doctor of Audiology. If you every have any questions about your daughter's hearing loss and/or hearing aids feel free to email me. God Bless!


  6. I'm glad you got some answers. It's good, that a cochlear implant isn't needed. Have I already told you about this book:
    A friend recommended it. I found it hugely helpful for explaining the development of language in children and what I can to do help my child at home. My child doesn't have apraxia either but is language delayed for other reasons. If you get it and find it helpful I'd love to hear.

  7. i to have sensory neural hearing loss to i know i dotn comment much but i do read and this coaught my eye my hearing is 90db to 120 dbs in each hear i have aone conduction aid wich helps alot sometiems there is thought of me getting an implant coclear or baha but ive had to many surgeries you and trica would know what THATS LIKE that my drs dotn want to do it unless my eharing ever decresses much more than it has i also have charge syndrome. i am tube fed have lots of tummy probs and have had mamy central lines another thing trica def knows about all those infections but now i dotn need those so much anymore but that is why ive so man ops hugs

  8. Glad you are getting answers! Gwyneth is such a fighter~I know that she will battle through hearing loss too. She'll probably surprise everyone & turn out to be an opera singer w/perfect pitch that no one would ever know has hearing loss!!

  9. What a blessing to have such great professionals on G's team. And great parents too!!

  10. Nate and Tricia,

    I am glad to hear you finally got some more concrete information about Gwenyth's hearing issues. As permanent as it is, if worse comes to worse you can all learn ASL. I speak ASL fluently and find it a beautiful language even if you DON'T have any hearing loss issues. While it may be a bummer to you guys that her hearing loss isn't significant enough to require cochlear implants, that's also good news. That also means that she has some residual hearing which is always a positive. While I am saddened to hear of her hearing loss, it could always be worse. For every door that he closes he opens a window, or is it another door? :) Anyway, well after all my nonesenseical rambling I guess I hope things continue to go well for you all. You are all so very blessed, and such an inspiration to others. God Bless each and every one of you ;)

  11. Just wondering, are you guys planning on teaching her ASL?

  12. Nate, one of my daughters (25 week twin born at Duke) also has SN hearing loss with moderate in her right and severe to profound in her left. We have been told several times that even babies that have hearing loss due to medications and such during their stay in the NICU that it is very odd to have the loss differing in the two ears...have they ever mentioned that to you? Sorry...I just haven't found another preemie kid that has a similar hearing diagnosis. Glad that the aids are working at their potential!


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