
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Stroll to the Beach in her PJ's

While on vacation this week, Gwyneth and I (and a baby doll) were up early one morning, so we decided to take a stroll down the street to the beach in our PJ's.



  1. i am very impressed that you put a barrette in her hair before taking her out :) that's the sign of a GOOD daddy!!! beautiful pics as usual!

  2. Pretty baby, pretty day, pretty pictures. You've done a wonderful job!

  3. Wow! Can she get any cuter?

  4. That outfit is too cute to be PJs.

  5. God has blessed your family with a beautiful baby girl. Enjoy her every day!

  6. Oh my gosh that's just priceless - she ets cuter every day. And did anyone tell you her daddy takes the most beautiful pics too? I love your photography!

  7. After reading your comment on Twitter, I so wanted to post a comment that started with "OMG, I can't believe you let your daughter walk down the street in her pjs and crocs without a safety helmet and harness. Where are her knee and elbow pads for heavens sake!" But then I got overwhelmed by the cuteness! She is amazingly cute. Love from Kaje in England. xx

  8. So cute! She looks so grown up too!

  9. she looks like her daddy!!! what a sweet, sweet girl!

  10. So Cute! The picture of her on the street reminded of the Beatles Cover for Abby Road. Love the pics.

    Ashlee White

  11. Thanks for sharing the pics. Always brings a smile to my day. I absolutely love watching this miracle baby grow up. She is so precious!!! And lucky to have the parents she has.

  12. I haven't commented in a long time. I just have been out of it. But I have been so happy for you guys. Your family has come so far.
    But what I really wanted to say was WOW! Gwenyth's hair looks beautiful. When did that happen? She is going to have long great wavy hair, it looks like. She is cuter and cuter every time I check your blog.

  13. Adorable! I love the curls (and the barrette that matches her outfit)! It is so sweet to see her strutting around like such a big girl!

  14. What a sweetie! Our daughter has the same baby and stroller :)

  15. Oh my gosh! She is getting so big and just more adorable everyday! Enjoy your vacation!

  16. So super cute! That would make an adorable story book. :-)

  17. my daughter has the same Crocs! :)

  18. Looks like a very lovely walk on a glorious morning! Gwyn is as cute as ever and I love her curly locks! :-) Thanks for sharing! I hope you all are continuing to have a fun and relaxing vacation. :-)

  19. look at that precious little momma, strolling her baby. she's just gorgeous. enjoy your vacay!

  20. Wow, so is so cute. She grow so fast. I love the different angle of pictures. You can sell you pictures. Enjoy your vac

  21. She's getting so big :)

    Saw this article today and thought of your family:

    An article about a teen with CF who is getting ready to graduate with honors :)

  22. She looks like she's having a great time. How is her speech coming?

  23. Sounds like a great idea!
    Who is that big girl?!? She is so grown up!

  24. ok she's too cute...and one of those pictures make her look so TINY!!
    random question- how's her development coming along? I've seen her "walk" when holding hands, her baby stroller, and walker...any ideas how long she'll need them to walk, etc? just curious! thanks!

  25. How absolutely adorable! Your photography is great too.

  26. She truly is a miracle and God Bless her. She gets cuter and cuter everyday!!!!!!

  27. She's getting so big. I love watching her grow. Such beauty in such a little body, <3

  28. sorry nate, but she's really really starting to look like mom! especially in the first photo!!!

  29. Gwenyth's baby sure looked happy!

  30. She has really grown!! She looks like a little girl, no more baby look.

  31. These pictures are so cute that I cannot decide which is my favorite.

  32. Absolutely adorable! Gwyneth looks like she and her baby are having the best stroll, and the pictures are priceless. :)

    Glad you were able to get away and are having such a great time.

  33. absolutely precious.

  34. Just LOOK at those curls! What a sweetie! She looks so grown up!

  35. Oh my goodness, such a big girl! I too, thought of Abbey Road. She looks pretty independent, you guys better be ready for the teen years! I used to think she looked like Daddy, but now she looks just like her Mama!

  36. Big girl!
    Big hair!
    Big Steps!

  37. My favorites:


    and the b & w of her crossing the street.


  38. I loved these pictures. Besides the fact that your daughter is adorable, this post brought back so many memories. My family vacationed in OC, NJ for years, and I could have told from the pictures where you were even if you hadn't mentioned before that Tricia's family goes there. It's so unique, a place like no other. . ..and so quiet that strolling to the beach in PJ's seems just like something we would have done. We also called it "the shore" instead of "the beach" as you once mentioned Tricia's family does. So many wonderful memories, I'm glad your family is enjoying it also!

  39. That stroller looks like a great way to get G out practicing her walking. I bet she improves daily!!


  40. What a beautigful girl! Aren't you glad FP made that great dolly stroller. My daughter is motor delayed too and she has the same stroller. It works better for her than any walker we tried at PT:) and so much cuter!

  41. Love these pictures!! I still can't get over her walking!!! Glad you guys have had a great vacation!

  42. It has been a LONG time since dropping by to visit you... I happen to cross your blog again - I think the last time I visited that your daughter had just been born and I was waiting for an adoption to go through... oh my... I can't believe how time has moved and how much your daughter has grown and things seem to be going so well... congrats on everything...

  43. You know I pop over every once inawhile to see how you all are doing. And I must say that everytime I pop over Gweneth gets bigger and bigger and cuter and cuter! And it makes me smile! :)

  44. Very cute and sweet photos. :) That doll is lucky to have a "mommy" like Gwyneth! ;) BTW, I agree with one of the Anonymous commentors who said that Gwyneth looks like you, Nate. Or rather... a feminine version of you! heh

    Hugs and good thoughts, as always, from your faithful blog lurker,
    Shari K. in San Jose

  45. What beautiful morning to start the day with fresh air to be outside for walking..

    So cute lil girl in her pj's!!

  46. She is getting soo big!!!! LOVE THE PICTURES THANKS!

  47. Sharon (Louisville, KY)June 14, 2010 at 6:55 PM

    How sweet!

  48. Oh My Gosh, these are the best pics ever....Gwenyth is so very Adorable. What a little Blessing!

  49. What a sweet little girl! She's such a doll! I hope y'all had a nice vacation!

  50. i haven't been to your blog in a couple of years, but just popped in and can't believe how old your sweet girl is! she is absolutely beautiful,and looks to be thriving!

  51. Look at her go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So cute!!!

  52. Gwyneth looks just like her Dad.


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