
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vacation Begins NOW!

Woo Hoo!

Where do people who live at the beach go on vacation, you might ask? Well, another beach, of course! We're stoked to be spending an entire week (I think this is our first, really truly week-long vacation since our honeymoon) on the Jersey Shore...yes, even I am stoked to be going to Jersey. And, no, I promise my vacation will not look, sound, smell or in any other way resemble the show by that same name (yuck).

I promise to update the blog at some point with some photos and stories of our adventures on the boardwalk!


BTW, this is probably a good time (because I've received more than a few recently) to remind everyone that I neither read nor respond to anonymous and critical emails. If you really believe that I'm messing my life up (or, more likely, messing your life up) in some way that merits a private email, but you're not also brave enough to give me your real email address and real name, let me save you the trouble by informing you that I "delete" those emails as soon as I realize it's from you. Thanks!


  1. Have a wonderful time! You deserve it! :)

  2. I live at the beach too and we go to the beach for vacation too! We actually go down near your beach frequently ( the part of Hatteras that is just called Hatteras).
    I think that it is just the changing state of mind and going somewhere different. Just because you live at the beach doesn't mean you can sit and do nothing and visit it ALL the time. You still have to go away on vacation to do that! Have a good vacation!

  3. Have fun at the beach. We are too far away to go to one right now.

  4. Love the pics. Have fun on your vaca!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hope you guys have an awesome time!!

  6. Have a wonderful time you guys. I am with you, either another beach or the Redwoods up in Northern California. Love you guys.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  7. hi i have been following your blog ever since gwyneth was born and have been praying for you ever since. so glad you guys could go on vacation! i hope you guys have fun!

  8. Are we ever, ever going to meet in person? :) I will only be an hour away in Haddonfield, NJ this weekend!

  9. Honestly I'm just fascinated that someone would a) think they know if you are messing up your life or not and b) have the nerve to email and tell you. Wow.

    have a great trip! Gwyneth is beautiful!

  10. Have a fantastic relaxing time on the Jersey Shore... didn't even imagine it would be like the TV show I don't watch but have heard about.


  11. Jersey Shore ROCKS, and so do you!!! I mean the real Jersey Shore, not the show. :)

  12. everyones a critic! You guys have a beautiful life...enjoy it!

  13. Great pictures! Enjoy your vacation.

  14. Enjoy the Jersey Shore. I racked my brain on trying to figure out how to get there for you to photograph my family while you were there, but there just isn't anytime. Maybe next year!

  15. I love the Jersey Shore.. Have a wonderful time.. can't wait to see photos of Miss Gwyneth enjoying herself.. Have fun!!!

  16. Have a wonderful Vacation with your beautiful family. Safe travels!

  17. Rock on, Nathan. I'm utterly disgusted to think someone would go after you and your family with ugly words. Your blog does not warrant it at all and I've been a proud reader since G was a tiny baby! I love following your family and was honored to have been "introduced" to Eva by your site. I followed her and wept when she passed. It's so special to "meet" such amazing people because of the blogs! Enjoy the vacation. If you ever head to CT, let your readers know! I'm a "photographer" too and would want to meet you all!

  18. Have a great vacation. A beach anywhere would be great!!! There's nothing more relaxing than the sounds of the ocean waves. Love the photos!

  19. I can't believe there are people who have one nasty word to say about you or your inspirational family! You guys are wonderful and I hope you all have a really great and relaxing time because you three totally deserve it. Fist pump on the Jersey Shore for me! Sorry, I just couldn't resist

  20. Have fun!! :) I'm hoping to make it down to "your" beach sometime this summer (not in a stalking way, I promise- I just visited the Outer Banks for the first time in October and can't wait to go back- though of course if I ran into you guys I would say hi!)

    I also can't believe anyone has anything bad to say about your blog. Your family is so beautiful, humble, loving, and non-judgmental. I'm glad you don't read the mean emails.

  21. Enjoy time away!!

    With your dear family!

  22. Have a great vacation. Can't wait to see the pictures.

  23. Have a great vacation! Sea Isle City is one of our families favorite places to enjoy the beach..someday we will get back there!

  24. Hope you all have a beachy good time!! Enjoy your week.....

  25. Have a great vacation!! We had hoped to go down to Edisto this year, but that seems to be on hold for next year :-( I'm sad. Enjoy the time.

  26. It always bugs me when I read that people write anonymous and unkind things. I think those people are just unhappy with themselves in someway and want to drag others down with them. By-all-means I feel people should say what they wish, Just Own It.

    On a happy note, it makes me smile everytime I stop by and see pictures of you all. I started following just before Gwyneth was born and although I hoped, I was never sure I would see pictures like these years later.

    Happy Vaca!


  27. Enjoy your vacation! Sounds lovely.

    PS~Love your "PS" section! Do not understand those who choose to write critical comments rather than just moving on & not reading a blog if it doesn't suit them.

  28. Just stopping by to say:

    "Love to all."

  29. Have a wonderful vacation! If you get a chance to eat at Allstarz I highly recommend it!

  30. I can't believe that anybody would write anything negative to yur family. You have been such an inspiration for me over the past 2 years. It has been a rough road and I so enjoy hearing about your beautiful fsmily. Hope you are enjoying every min of yur vacation.

  31. So wonderful to hear you vacationing!
    Have a great time and can't wait to see some photos as always. My heart always gets to praising God when I come visit your blog, it's a reminder of HIS faithfulness and Love.
    Thank you as always for sharing.

  32. Have a fantastic time! Can't wait to see the pictures.
    Karen, Isaac's Mom

  33. I hope you have a nice vacation! :)

  34. Welcome to the Jersey Shore! We will do a role reversal this summer, it seems. As Jersey Shore natives, we head to the Outer Banks for vacation every year (20 years and counting!). We'll be down in August. Enjoy your time on our turf! :-D


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